Chapter 598: Visiting Tifeng Camp

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The huge eagle passed the chaotic filthy sky, and the eagle brought the messenger and the distant news. In the gaze of the soldiers and the craftsmen, the iron-gray raptor hovered twice at high altitude and then guided the light on the surface. With the aid of a steady landing on the landing platform on the side of the peak base.


The giant eagle who successfully completed the mission issued a loud and excited tweet. Although it was very shameful, the owner of the giant eagle apparently became accustomed to Sonya jumping off the broad ridge of the raptor, and his footsteps were light and graceful. Then she patted it. Shoot the feathers hanging from the partner and walk towards the camp.

On the way, she looked up and saw a tens of meters high hexagonal tower frame on the open ground not far away.

The frame is obviously not finished yet. The upper layer is still adding various structures. Under the dim skylight, she sees the steel bars and rune columns that are like branches and branches in the frame, like the bones and blood vessels of giants. The rune brilliance flows around the base of the frame, providing a stable source of magic for the entire site. Inside and outside the stable scaffolding, the dynamic mechanical devices and the weight-reducing pallets are constantly being used for a variety of building materials. And personnel are transported to the frame, cast the tower body, and embed the magic organs.

In a narrow area extending far from the site in the direction of the Black Forest, you can also see that a series of small towers have been uprooted or have begun to take shape. It is a “pressure relief point” or “ The location of the purifier.

Even in the cold winter, these projects did not delay. On the contrary, due to the full availability of machinery and personnel, several temporary front-line factories in the base started construction, and the efficiency has improved a lot.

Even the high-level messengers from the silver empire can't help but sigh: "The efficiency of the Cecils... is really high and terrible..."

A voice came from afar, interrupting Sonya’s sigh: "You have only left for two days. You don't need to sigh like this. The two-day construction change doesn't seem to be that big."

Sonya turned her head and saw Gao Wen standing in the distance with a smile. She couldn't help but smile and walked over and said: "The elf is good at accurately sensing the changes in things from the details. I can even count In the short two days, how many workers have raised those buildings..."

"How many?"

"...this is the case, I am a are not so true seven hundred years ago!"

“Occasionally a joke helps maintain a state of mind, which is very valuable in this wasteland,” Gao Wen said in a subtle way, “How about replying?”

"You should have guessed it early. Rosetta Augustus welcomes you to visit at any time. He will welcome you with the highest specifications to welcome the hero and welcome the specifications of the top aristocrats in neighboring countries," Sonya said as she walked from the side. A letter sealed with magic silk and lacquer was taken out of the exquisite hollowed wooden barrel. "This is his reply."

Gao Wen’s line of sight fell on the scroll with the Fengfeng royal emblem.

After a one-second pause, he took the reply and opened it, quickly glanced at the contents.

The ruler of the Titan empire responded to the letter sent by Gao Wen with impeccable words, without being polite and full of mightyness, and at the end of the letter, the majestic emperor accepted the visit of Gao Wen. And expressed a welcome attitude.

After a few moments, Gao Wen put away this reply, which he had expected in his early days, and sighed softly: "Good, then I will leave tomorrow."

Sonya couldn't help but be amazed: "So anxious?"

"I wanted to see the Emperor of Tifeng very early and prepared for it for a long time," Gao Wen said casually, then whispered, "Yes, your queen has sent a message to the Silver Empire officially with Cecil. The Empire establishes in-depth technical cooperation, and you and your messenger team temporarily remain as exchange ambassadors on my side, because you are not there, the Benner Magi accepts the Queen's orders on your behalf."

Sonya blinked and squinted a little.

So fast?

She was not surprised by the news itself. After learning that the Principality of Cecil intended to establish technical exchanges with the Silver Empire, she expected the Queen of Silver to promise that the Queen was never a conservative man, and she trusted the most. More than half of the court consultants are progressive reformers. She just did not expect that the news will come so early.

It is necessary to remove the necessary official documents and department coordination in the internal process of the empire. The motion itself is likely to be passed within two to three days!

The high-order messenger hangs down the eyelids slightly, and his thoughts rise in his heart.

... This is not the normal motion to determine the speed.

The Queen and the "iron fist" Prime Minister Valentionan directly promoted this matter.

It seems that... the troubles encountered by the stars are bigger than the imagination of the outsiders.


The gloomy and dense clouds obscured the sky of the waste soil, and the outline of the giant day was also blocked outside the clouds. Only the bright glow that slowly moved, rising and falling in the sky proved the existence of the sun, marked with white Alternate with the night.

At the peak of Tifeng, in a stone palace that rose from the ground, Rosetta Augustus was sitting in front of the table and bowed down to the documents that the attendant had just copied.

The contents of these documents are the most important information in the country and the matter that the emperor personally ordered. They rely on the transfer of the Master Mage Tower along the way, and transfer it to the peak base at almost no cost. The cost of each letter is enough. Earn two years of income from a civilian.

There are not many documents, and the content that needs to be directed in person is only a small part. It is more about the domestic situation and the detailed report of the aristocratic parliament and various legions. Rosetta Augustus is very soon. After processing all the documents, there was a slight smile on the cold, slightly cloudy face.

The Duke of Dindy Wendell, who was in charge of domestic supervision, did a good job, and the empire was well organized.

The emperor stood up and handed over the processed documents to the chief attendant who had been waiting for him. Then he gave a slight breath and stepped forward to the floor-to-ceiling window on the side of the room.

A third of the peak base is presented to him.

The Imperial Engineering Masters used the miracle of magic to shape the base. Before the arrival of the winter, hundreds of wizards relied on fossils for mud, fossilized stone, wall-building, rock-making and other spells to distort the decay. The land is turned into a camp, and on this basis, the city wall is drawn, and a magic shield that can protect the entire peak base is set. At this moment, the craftsmen and engineering mages in the peak base are working under the protection of the shield. Building the vital "sub tower".

He can see that on the south side of the peak base, a magical glory is shining, and several mage floating in the air are using the mage's hand to pile up the huge huge rock on the high platform, and the already piled up part has already The first and second layers of the octagonal tower can be seen.

Facts have proved that the policy of systematic registration, executive state establishment, and mandatory unified management of the extraordinary profession is effective. If it is not the "New Deal" that has been implemented since more than a decade ago, who would have imagined "engineering" The existence of the Master?

However, Rosetta looked at the scene outside the window, but the brow wrinkled slightly.

In Ansu, in the sudden rise of the Principality of Cecil, they seem to be farther and more thorough than Titus in the road of “extraordinary power for development”...

Will that road be more correct?

A rhythmic military boots slammed Rosetta's thoughts. He turned his head and saw a young female knight with a strong-eyed, tall, gray-haired shawl standing behind her.

"Your Majesty," the young wolf general, Andesa Wendell bowed his head, "Ms. Shiva Longwalker received a message from the Sonya messenger, and the visitor is coming soon."

Rosetta was slightly surprised, but she nodded in a faint spot: "I know."

Shiva Longwalker is the messenger of the Silver Empire sent to Tifeng, and Sonya Frost Leaf is the messenger on the Ansu side. Elf messengers are a unique profession. Their work is not just to send letters and parcels as people think. In fact, they are the masters of communication magic, especially the special communication magic between messengers.

The messenger can transmit messages between siblings with very low mana, as long as the distance is close to a certain degree. Now the Shiva Longwalker has received a signal, indicating that the Duke of Govin Cecil is very close. This is exactly what made Rosetta a little unexpected: he didn't expect the other party to come so fast.

“Andesa,” the Emperor Tifeng suddenly said, “How do you guess the ancient Dagong who died and resurrected?”

"How come?" The young wolf general stunned, but soon understood the deep meaning of the emperor's question.

For people like the Duke of the State and the Emperor of the Empire, their trips and visits often have special meanings. Each of their actions in this process is actually showing different "talking languages."

Gao Wen Cecil is coming to the camp of the Tifeng empire. To this end, he wants to cross a journey that is not too short, and this journey is on the waste soil.

There are wandering monsters everywhere, and the outer outposts of the peak base encounter an attack every three days on average, and the danger is even more imaginable in the unprotected wilderness areas.

The process of crossing the waste soil itself is a process of demonstrating strength.

It is obviously impossible for him to borrow the elf's giant eagle for safety and convenience, which will make him faceless.

He can choose to come with a well-equipped, well-funded, large-scale Guard, which is to show his army and the Principality, and even to some extent show the power of the Ansu Kingdom.

He can also rely on his own legendary strength, only with a few top masters, challenge a few people and cross the waste soil, which is to demonstrate his powerful personal force.

For an imperial ruler, Rosetta Augustus is obviously more taboo than the former.

"He came very quickly," And after understanding the deep meaning behind the question, Andesa Wendell quickly made his own judgment. "If you take an army of ordinary people, you obviously can't go so fast." Therefore, he is likely to bring only a small number of guards, relying on his own legendary strength to cross this wasteland journey."

After that, the young female knight couldn't help but shook her head gently: "Maybe the legendary ancient hero is just a coward... He just shows personal force."

Rosetta Augustus looked at Andesa quietly and seemed to want to say something, but before he spoke, there was a slight commotion and a vague, like some kind of sharp flute. The sound suddenly passed from afar.

The emperor and his knight face each other.

At the same time, outside the gate of the Tifeng Peak base, Gao Wen and Amber were sitting in the back row of the magic guide.

In front of them, a stone high wall stood ten meters away. Some slightly awkward Titan soldiers were standing on the wall pointing at the side. Two mages who came to see the situation were flying from afar. Come, and behind them, the team consisting of three magic guides and four guards using "steel ambassadors" is lined up.

Amber explored his head and constantly looked back and forth at the peak base built by the Tifeng people. He couldn't help but compare it with Cecil's peak base: "This should be directly pulled up by wall-building and rock-making... ... Although there is no beautiful wall of reinforced concrete, it looks very good, and their base looks bigger than ours."

“The Tifeng people arrived at their engineering site earlier than we did,” Gao Wen said casually.

"Oh, hey," Amber couldn't help but get together next to Gao Wen. "You said that the Emperor of Tifeng would be interested in your proposal?"

"Then I don't care. Anyway, I have to get the car out first."