Chapter 558: Civilian direction

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
In the cheers and exclamations of thousands of people on both sides of the strait, the new magical warships built by steel rang the whistle, which slowly sailed across the river and entered full-power navigation after crossing the north bank gate.

The report of the controllers everywhere sounded in the bridge: "The basic layer of the magic net is normal!" "The dynamic ridge works normally!" "The mechanics are working properly!" "Ready to expand the magic wing - the engine output rises!" "Standing posture, power group - advance three!"

On both sides of the magical warship, a wing-shaped device consisting of a large number of narrow metal plates and mechanical devices is slowly unfolding, and the shining magic shield first rises, covering all possible weak points on the ship, and the three The runes and magical connections to the "wings" surface are in harmony with the shimmer's shimmer. This wing-like structure is one of the most important structures on the magic warships – and possibly all types of super-large magical vehicles in the future – it can provide additional magic energy supply to the power ridges, as well as a large amount of waste energy. Released to the outside of the magic guide in time, only by opening these wings, the magical warship can run at full power.

In the roar of the three magical engines, the speed of the battleship gradually accelerated and began to sail in the direction of Tanzan Town.

On the bank of the river, I don’t know who was the first to scream, and gradually, the shouting sounded like a piece:

"All the way to peace!!" "All the way to peace!!" "Long live Cecil!!"

Godwin Orlando stood on the high ground of the South Bank and pressed the button of the magic terminal. He then lowered his head and wrote his feelings on the shorthand:

"...The water fortress built by steel is invigorating the spirit of all people. People stand on the bank of the river regardless of their origins, cheering with excitement and blessing this voyage. The lord once said that to build the Cecil. Pride, now this pride has begun to build up – a strong industrial creation, and an industrial creation created by 'we', enough to make every citizen proud...”

The spring breeze, still chilly, blew from the river, and the old scholar from Wangdu couldn’t help but tighten the clothes on his body. Then he looked up and looked at the smoky north shore. The sight seemed to cross the river and passed. The plain, crossed the mountains of the South, reached the northern plains of the Holy Spirit and arrived at his home in St. Sunil...

When can such a ship sail on the vast river channel of the Holy Spirit Plain?

A student noticed the embarrassment of the old scholar and couldn't help but ask: "Teacher? What happened to you?"

"Nothing, people are old... easy to distract."


The Trail Blazers will continue to sail, and its engine and control agencies will undergo actual inspections over the next few hours until they arrive in Tanzan Town - in fact, they should be called Tanzan New Town - it will temporarily stop Come down.

At that time, the technicians will start to check the working condition of the engine and the state of the power ridge. Gao Wen and others will disembark at the port of Tanzan, then return to Cecil City by the magic guide, and some sailors who are on standby in Tanzan New Town. The ship will be rotated, and after that, the Trail Blazers will continue to sail to complete its next voyage for nearly half a month.

—— At the speed of this ship, it certainly takes a long time to tour once, but in order to show the effect, the ship is definitely not moving at full speed, and it is necessary to stop many times in the middle to carry out the necessary mechanical inspection and adjustment.

Gao Wen left the front platform of the bridge. In the rest area at the back of the bridge, he called the Byron Knight.

“How do you feel about this boat?” he asked with a smile.

"Strong, very energetic," Byron smiled brightly. "I have never touched such a powerful thing in my life - the previous Aurora and Morning Star were far worse than it."

"Actually, I was worried about it at the beginning. I am worried that you will not be happy to let the knight who is fighting on the land run as a commander of the Navy." Gao Wen is very comfortable with the way the nephew of the mercenary is speaking. When talking to the other party, it is quite straightforward. "I estimate that most traditional aristocrats will think that this is a kind of downgrade and suppression. After all, no one has paid attention to the battle on the water."

Byron spread his hand: "This makes them say to the six-door gun. I don't believe that someone sees a water fortress that is more than 100 meters long, full body steel, six heavy guns, and two layers of shields. I can stiffen my neck and say that this thing is not easy to use - if it is, I am willing to personally deliver food for him, bathe and change clothes, sincerely pay tribute, and then stuff it into the railgun to launch."

Obviously, Byron, who is a mercenary, rarely thinks about the problem of “sitting on the boat and playing the honor”. What he values ​​is that the ship can play, and it is very capable of playing – this is enough.

But then again, Byron can think so simple and straightforward, but Gao Wen can't just consider the problem of "the warship can hit."

He looked up and looked at the control platforms not far away, as well as the busy "mechanical sergeants" between the platforms, listening to the faint mechanical roar from the lower cabin, but what he thought in his heart. It is the derivative value that this ship can bring.

The Trailblazers are just the beginning. It is a technical polymer that combines the best cutting-edge technology of Cecil with the Kraken technology. The value of this polymer is not only the creation of a polymer. The powerful warships are also the result of each of the technological achievements gained in the construction of this warship.

The Trailblazers can be said to be "parameter overflow" for the current Principality of Cecil.

As a river warship, its values ​​are far beyond the scope of inland warships, and beyond the current military needs of Cecil, from firepower to armor to power. It can be said that the Trailblazers are Guaranteed to be able to carry out inland navigation, all the advanced technologies are piled up at no cost. If it is a battleship produced by a stereotype, this technology accumulation can be described as waste.

But this is the meaning of building a “experimental ship.” The process of building the Trailblazer itself is equivalent to trying all the currently viable technologies that can be used after a certain downgrade or transformation. Other areas, especially in the civilian sector.

According to the plan, after the ship is off the assembly line, the relevant technology accumulation will immediately enter the application and expansion phase.

First of all, the mature power technology will be applied to the Aurora and the Morning Star - the two semi-finished magic warships will not be dismantled due to the downline of the new ship, in line with the principle of making the best use of it, high The paper decided to complete their reconstruction and reconstruction, and put it into the engine group and the new outer armor to be incorporated into the Cecil fleet.

Subsequently, all the civil vessels under the Cecil Shipyard and the ship management department will also enter the transformation stage. The old-style cargo ships can be changed and changed, and the rebuilding and reconstruction of the magical warships cannot be changed. After the downgrade, it can be used to build civilian cargo ships with large volume and high speed, thus greatly improving the transportation capacity of materials in the southern territory and alleviating the transportation pressure faced by the whole country during the construction period.

At the same time, the Trailblazer's highly integrated power ridges, magic wings, and shipborne shield technology can also be used in submarine bunkers, large vehicles, engineering facilities, and other types of warships.

He called Herti, talking about his own plans, and after hearing the transportation problems are expected to ease, Hetti, who had long been arguing about this for a long time, sighed with relief: "This is great... if you put The power technology on the Trailblazers is used on civilian ships, and at least in areas covered by rivers, transportation problems can be solved by more than half."

But then she frowned. "But in this way, the new type of mechanical ship will soon monopolize the river, and the traditional ship owners should quickly go bankrupt... Most of them can't afford a magic. Guide the mechanical boat..."

Gao Wen looked at Herti with a little surprise.

"What's wrong?" Herti was unclear. So she touched her face. "Is there anything on my face?"

Cecil’s big housekeeper was confused. She clearly remembered that she had no smoky makeup today... Could it be that the makeup that was made yesterday to deceive the half-day holiday was forgotten?

Gao Wen didn't know what the granddaughter was in his heart. He just suddenly thought of the beginning, thinking of the hustle and bustle of Heti at that time after hearing the concept of "labor reward" and "personnel management."

At that time, Heti did not understand the life of the civilians. Although he had some thoughts of honesty and compassion, he was still an expensive woman who had never left the castle and the manor and only relied on fantasy to conceive the suffering of the people. She didn't even know why the civilians could only eat two meals a day. I don't know why the civilians should eat the food residue thrown out of the castle...

Today, she has been able to consider the shipowners’ bankruptcy in the first place—although this is partly due to the nature of the work of the Office of Administration, but it is sufficient to illustrate the shift in her way of thinking.

"We will not sit on the shipowner's massive bankruptcy. Since we want to promote the technology on the warships to the civilian sector, we must let it be completely and completely promoted to the people, let it serve people, not everyone who is in danger," Gao Wenxiao Up, "I have three initial plans..."

When it comes to this, he thinks a little, and then one by one: "The first is to open the sale and lease of mechanical vessels. After the time is ripe, you can even assist the powerful private capital to build a small shipyard and put the magical mechanical ship as soon as possible. The cost is reduced to a level acceptable to the public, allowing some large ship owners or wealthy businessmen to have the ability to buy and lease vessels, just like the commercial use of magic cars;

"Secondly, for some ship owners, the Office of the Government has paid for subsidizing them to renovate old-style cargo ships, or let them buy new ships with old-style cargo ships. If the economic strength is not enough, they can borrow them to buy new ships without interest. Don't worry about this part. Cost, as long as the new cargo ships run on the river, the economic benefits they can bring are far more than the subsidy.

"Finally, ship owners with smaller sizes can jointly set up transport companies to raise funds to buy ships, and they can also transfer jobs and enter the terminal freight system. All of them have subsidies. Now new towns are being built everywhere, and the job gap is always there, as long as the resettlement is done. Work, there are always ways out.

"As for the control of these programs in the implementation process... it depends on you."

Looking at Herti’s face as a serious note, Gao Wen’s heart sighed slightly.

The plan is very good, but after implementation, there will still be many problems. Industrialization is a good thing, but the impact of the process of agricultural industry transformation is always unavoidable - just as the original alchemy syrup caused a large number of alchemists to go bankrupt. Last year's magic car also caused panic in the carriage, and now the mechanical ship... will certainly hit the ship owners who rely on the old river trade ship for a living.

More than 90% of the land in the south has been controlled by other lords. Alchemists and pharmacists have a lot of bankruptcy. Gao Wen can ignore it, and even enjoy it, because it is weakening and shaking of other territories, but now the whole south Under the rule of the Cecil family, everyone is a citizen of Cecil, and he has to consider more questions.

He can only rely on his own knowledge and experience to make these shocks as smooth as possible.

When Gao Wen and Herti thought about it for the civilianization of new technology, there was another person on the bridge who was deeply pondered.

Next to the main seat, Rebecca was looking at the flashing runes and silver-white levers on the platform, and Tyre next to her was carefully putting herself on the ground. Seriously put his tail tip into the "snake ball", and couldn't help but look up and look back at Rebecca: "Hey, what do you want?"

Rebecca woke up from her meditation. She looked at Tyre, who was playing the tail. She was frustrated with her face: "Your magic boat has been built, and my magic train is still fried twice a day... ”

——Since the use of the originating laboratory, no longer afraid of cost issues and explosion hazards, the number of experimental explosions of this girl has been significantly improved.

Tyre licked his head and said casually: "What do you have to be frustrated? I have been studying this ship with hundreds of people since last year. Isn't it normal to be more than your results?"

"Although it is such a truth..." Rebecca still looks very frustrated. "But if the train problem is not solved, the mine on the white sand hills will not be shipped back..."

Tyre thought for a moment and retracted a little back into the ball he had woven with his tail: "That can't help me." Our Kraken is not good at making vehicles that can run on land. The warship's engine unit plan is certainly not available on your train."

Rebecca looked helplessly at Tyre, who had completely turned into a snake ball. The female Marquis of the Cecil family was frustrated like never before...