Chapter 554: Responsibility of the Holy Covenant

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The situation of the magnificent wall is more serious than what the Duke of Judyan originally expected.

The elf is an ancient and proud race - pride rather than arrogance - a long history of cultural heritage and a strong natural talent that makes this race as confident as a human being, and full of a sense of responsibility, since the destruction of the empire, Half of the civilization of the entire continent collapsed, and the silver empire became the defender of the magnificent wall and the monitor of the waste land driven by the sense of responsibility of the great powers. For seven hundred years, they have fulfilled their duties in the Holy Covenant meticulously. The Duke of Dinantan knew very well that if the barrier was not really a big change, the proud elves would never send messengers to warn the nations - and ask for help.

The Grand Duke paid attention to the expression of Rosetta the Great. From the look of His Majesty the Emperor, he knew that the other party had confirmed the authenticity of the elf, and turned to look at Shiva: "Your plan is to strengthen the barrier - then specific How to reinforce it? What do you specifically want us to do?"

"We plan to install an augmentation device near the main towers of the sentinels. We have the technology of the augmentation device, but we don't have enough manpower and resources - even if there are enough people and resources, we don't have time to distribute it to the whole grandeur. On the wall, "The Elf Envoy said, "The wasteland in the central part of the continent has blocked traffic. From the Silver Empire to the northern part of the mainland, it takes a long way to go. We took the giant eagle to get here in half a month. - But the giant eagle can't be used to transport large quantities of goods."

At this time, Rosetta Augustus finally spoke: "Tifeng is very happy to repair the barrier, after all, that barrier is our lifeline - but other countries?"

"We have sent messengers to every human kingdom," said Shiva. "The messengers sent to the Ogure tribes should have arrived in the past few days. The messengers sent to Ansu set off earlier than we should now. Arrived."

"The Ogure tribe has been paying attention to the magnificent wall for many years. They should respond to your warnings very quickly, but Ansu..." said Rosetta the great voice. "The country is in a civil strife, I am I don't know if they can still fulfill the duties of the Holy Covenant."

"...we have received this news," Shiva said for a moment, and said with regret, because of the existence of the magnificent wall communication network, the elves have a good news of the entire continent, and the Ansu civil war is long. Half a year ago, the silver empire was introduced. "We are very sorry about this. The descendants of former allies should not be opposed to this... but in any case, the safety of the magnificent wall is a matter of civilization and death, they should know... now is not going to continue the civil war. when."

"As you said, the people of the four kingdoms of the four countries are descendants of the empire. The ancient glory of the ancestors should not be dusted by prejudice and short-sightedness. I believe that the glorious blood flows in the blood vessels of the Ansu people - as long as they still Without completely forgetting all this, they will know what to do," Rosetta Augustus said in awe-inspiring manner, then stood up, "as for Tifeng... We will perform the duties of the Holy Covenant, Go and fix the barrier."

The Elf Envoy stood up and bent down in front of Rosetta the Great: "You are worthy of the name of Augustus."

Rosetta nodded. "Please ask the messengers to go to rest first. I will discuss with my consultant about specific material transfer and staffing."

Several elf envoys left under the guidance of the waiter. In the reception room, only the Emperor Tifeng and the Duke of Judy Din were left.

The emperor sat back in his chair, and the upper body was deep in the shadow of the back of the chair: "Din Di Nanqing, do you think the situation of the magnificent wall has deteriorated to this point?"

"The elves won't make jokes on this issue - and in their way of acting, if the barrier does not deteriorate to a certain extent, they will not come to the human countries for help."

"I think so too," Rosetta nodded slightly. "The astrologers reported abnormal changes in the sun. The garrison at the border also witnessed the change of the magnificent wall. The evidence is there and cannot be ignored."

"Then we really want to..."

"Fulfilling the Holy Covenant, no doubt," Rosetta said. "I have seen the drawings brought by the elves. The restoration work undertaken by Tifeng will be divided into two parts, some in the southwest, and I will appoint the Duke of Severn. The other part is in the northwest, close to the Winter Wolf Fort - I will personally go."

Yan Dinan stunned and said with amazement: "Your Majesty, you have to go in person?"

"Yes," Rosetta nodded slightly. "The tower is the place where Tifeng first died, so I have to go in person."

This is a reason that cannot be discouraged.

Seven hundred years ago, the four countries decided that the human domain was far less secure than it is today. In order to deter the wasteland that is constantly infiltrating, the elves and the nations joined forces to build the magnificent wall today. One of the key nodes is in the northwest of Tifeng. Frontier - The sentinel tower on the key node was built for three full years. It was the last completed tower in all the sentinel towers, and the last step of the entire magnificent wall. For this last step, Tifeng once paid the most. The price of the pain.

When the various walls of the magnificent wall are activated one by one, the chaotic magic energy and the endless distortionary monsters in the waste soil are blocked on the scorched earth. The magic tide power has ever carried out the biggest counterattack, and there is nowhere to go. The distortions and the distortions flocked to the last gap on the barrier, and a fierce battle with the human and elf coalition forces on the northwestern border of Tifeng, the reversing distortionary regiment even approached the foot of the sentry tower, and In order to give the elf technicians the opportunity to activate the tower, the entire guardian corps led by Tifeng Xianjun, even the king himself, died under the tower.

"Andersa and the Winter Wolf Legion led by her will be responsible for my safety," Rosetta looked at the old duke in front of him, and said without hesitation, "And while I am leaving, the state is responsible for you, Judi Nanqing. ""

Facing the deep eyes of the Emperor of Tifeng, Judi Nan Wendell took a deep breath.

"You must live up to your trust, kneel."

The Duke of Dinantan left.

Only the ruler of Tifeng was left in the room.

Rosetta Augustus was sitting in the wide backrest, staring blankly at the fire in the fireplace not far away, and the fire was jumping, in the ever-changing flames, two The phantom of the cockroach suddenly rose up, and fell on the ground along the fire of the furnace, and stepped forward to Rosetta.

They are condensed into human figures, long blond hair, pointed ears, and identical looks.

Everything died and the twins whispered softly and said to the emperor in front of him: "Look, we said, the wall is going to have problems, the silver empire can't solve the problem... they really came to you."

Rosetta looked at the elf twins in front of her face with a blank expression: "You don't seem to care that you are born from the silver empire."

The Elf Gemini is still laughing: "Our career is beyond the national concept. From a certain perspective, are you not the same as us?"

"I am different from you, I trust the power of the country," Rosetta said faintly. "You will not come to discuss this with me?"

"Of course not," the voices of the elves twins overlap, with a certain rhythm version of the feeling, "We want to ask you, you ... give up Ansu?"

"Of course not, but it is not the time to start," Rosetta said. "The cost and benefits have not yet reached the optimal balance... The blood of the Ansu people has not drained..."

The Elf Gemini came to Rosetta's side, as if walking around the Emperor of Tifeng, and sighed with surprise: "still calm..." "Accurate calculation..." "Full self-confidence..." "Unbelievable ......"

In the end, they said in unison: "You are such an incredible person - after facing the truth, I am sober today."

Rosetta looked at the elf twins indifferently. It was even ridiculous. It was like an offensive move. It was like watching a farce. Finally, he waved his hand: "If there is no more important thing, don't waste me. Time is up - now there are a number of high-level rangers and elf messengers in this palace, they will not be soft on the exile."

The Elf Gemini finally stopped "walking by the chair", they smiled and faced Rosetta, stepping back to the fireplace: "Oh, your threat is really fruitful, we are happy to cooperate..."

Their figures faded in the air, a little bit blended with the fire behind them. Before they left completely, Rosetta spoke up: "Don't forget what you have to do."

"Please rest assured that everything will be more important than your reputation, and the blood of Ansu will continue to flow..." The figure of the elves has disappeared, and their voices continue to come from the fire, more and more distant, "we Just take what we need, and the rest belongs to you..."

The figure and voice of the Elf Gemini finally disappeared completely, and the faint magical fluctuations in the room were completely calmed down.

Rosetta Augustus was alone in the room, and for a long time, he whispered to himself: "Must... there is a strong empire..."

He stood up and went to the fireplace where he had lost his magical reaction and turned into a normal flame. He looked at the flames in the hearth, then bent down and placed the block with sharp spikes next to him. In front of the furnace.

At the same time, the king of Ansu was in St. Sunil City, and the taupe giant eagle fluttered through the sky.

The citizens of St. Sunil are familiar with the Griffin, because the Griffin is the most commonly used messenger and aerial vehicle for the upper aristocracy and the royal family, but few humans know the giant eagle from the South – those huge raptors are like dark clouds. Generally passing over the Iron Cross Street and Crown Street, the giant eagle's tail feathers and chest and abdomen are also decorated with green and silver-white ribbons, which fly straight to the direction of Silver Fort, causing the curiosity and attention of countless hitters.

Only the best-looking person saw the figure on the back of the giant eagle - the elf.

On the upper terrace of Silver Fort, Victoria Wilde watched the sky quietly, watching the raptors flying over most of the continent fall on the gryphon platform on the side of Silver Fort – there is no giant eagle perch, only The Griffin platform vacated for the elves' giant eagle to land, and the white feather lions who were temporarily driven to the North Tower were looking out from the window on the tower and screaming at the taupe giant eagle. sound.

"The elf messenger is here."

Beside Victoria, Patrick Franklin whispered to himself.

"It seems that the situation of the magnificent wall is really bad," Victoria said with a hint of coldness. "It’s ridiculous that until yesterday the nobles were still discussing the plot in the South Dagong warning at the meeting."

On the Griffin platform, the elf messengers are jumping off the mounts lightly. One of the female elves with short blond hair looks dissatisfied and looks at the griffins who are noisy on the tower: "The northern gryphon It’s really hard to hear people."

"The Griffin has always been the best at swearing," another messenger said helplessly. "Our giant eagle is probably taking their nest."

The short-haired elf licked his mouth and turned to look at his giant eagle, who also turned his head and looked at his master without knowing it.

The short hair elf couldn't help but sigh: "White is so big, not even quarreling."


"I tell you, my eagle must have a problem, its accent is really heavy..."