Chapter 519: intelligence

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
To be honest, Gao Wen does not mind that Pitman was once a dead (and a sleeper), and since a long time ago, he has vaguely felt that there is a connection between this little old man and those fallen druids. - Even if there is no connection, Pitman can't be an ordinary low-level druid.

He really knows too much about high-level magic, and he is too familiar with the history of the Druids, even though he explained that this is part of the Druid heritage, but this is high. Did not believe it. And even without considering the knowledge beyond the low-order Druid heritage, Pitman's creation on the “inverter array” is also a very interesting situation: the inverter array needs the technology of the ancient Gangster Empire, and its The rune array itself has many structures beyond the inheritance of the orthodox druids. These things... ordinary druids are hard to reach, only those who are obsessed with extreme technology and those who are in the mountains of the silver empire. The senior Druid, who specializes in ancient secrets, may be fine.

The senior Druid of the Silver Empire will not go to the human kingdom in theory, so Gao Wen prefers the former.

After finally smashing this layer of window paper, Pitman also completely relaxed. He carried a tea cup that was not so hot. He said with a sigh: "In fact, I hesitated for a long time, whether to tell these things. - After all, you look like a good lord, but I have to pay attention to my head..."

"Now things are going to open, I think you are also a lot easier," Gao Wen said with a smile. "I don't mind what sect you joined in the past, as long as you can work for me now, and to be honest, you join two. The experience of a dark sect is a kind of value for me - from the normal way, it is difficult to grasp the secrets of the end of all things."

He only mentions the end of all things, because there is a better insider in the sleeper - Daniel, who has been promoted to the nightmare bishop, is a better source of intelligence than Pitman.

"You don't have too high expectations in this regard," Pittman reminded. "The church of all things has strict internal control. Although the gods are already in the middle and upper levels, the secrets I can reach are still limited, and I am leaving. It’s been decades, it’s hard to say whether the situation inside it is still what I know.”

Gao Wen looked at Pittman's eyes: "At least you can tell me about its general structure and their mode of operation, and the general purpose."

Pittman indulged a bit, then recalled and said: "...the dead believers are the most basic members of the event. In general, the members who have just joined the church are on this level, and the withered believers include the lowest order Drew. Iraq, businessmen and small nobles who donate money, and a large number of ordinary people...

"Before the wilted believers are the shepherds. From this level, they are the classes that are completely composed of extraordinary people. The pastors are the important force of the death of all things. They are responsible for walking around the world and using various means to absorb them. New members, spreading the doctrine of the demise of all things, creating destruction, managing the devastated believers at the grassroots level, or performing other orders from the upper priests...

"Going up is the wilting priest, this is the class after the promotion of the grazing, usually requires intermediate power to gain promotion, but there are exceptions. The wilted priest is qualified to study the ancient books, learn and participate in the death of all things. Going to various taboo studies...

"The higher level is the instructor. It is equivalent to the bishop. At this level, he is qualified to have access to the true secrets of the church, to understand the entire appearance of the church, and to be qualified to talk to the great leader...

"The great leader is the supreme leader of the event, and the members of the middle and lower classes have only heard of him, but they are not qualified to contact. It is said that the great dean lives in an ancient underground palace and studies the most taboo flesh and blood. Surgery...

"All things will end up with a very strict organizational structure and strict internal management. Members at all levels have corresponding operational rights. The underlying members are not qualified to understand the whole picture of the entire organization, nor are they qualified to know the entire content of the upper order. This is for the purpose of Prevent confidential leaks and prevent defection personnel from causing damage to the organization.

"All things will end up in the middle and lower layers of brainwashing missions, they will cure the terminal illness, give power and even immortality as a bait, let the members of the dead, and the secrets they master can indeed achieve them to a certain extent. Commitment, such as curing the disease and prolonging life. But as far as I know, this superficial skill is never the real purpose of the death of all things, they have a bigger plan, I don't know the whole content of this plan, but Judging from some of their research directions, I think they may be pursuing... some kind of evolution."

Gao Wen’s eyebrows can’t help but rise: “Evolution?! What do you mean?”

"I don't know the specific situation, but I have contacted a female instructor named 'Bertila', who is a woman who is paranoid about biochemical reform. She even integrates her body with a bloodthirsty plant. Together, it became a semi-phyto-semi-human form, and she told me that those transformations were part of the 'great evolution', and as far as I know, other patriarchs also existed more or less. Similar transformations, and their transformations are all prepared for some kind of 'great evolution'..."

Gao Wen touched his chin and thought for a moment—seeking “evolution” with biochemical transformation. This is indeed like the way the lunatics of all things will go, but their purpose is really just to pursue “evolution”. ?

It is a pity that Pittman knows only these things - he finally walks to the height of "wild gods" in the end of all things, and the secrets he can touch are only limited to knowing "great evolution". The concept is nothing more.

Gao Wen also asked: "How much do you know about the cooperation between the dead and the sleepless?"

"I only know that the three sects have established cooperation since the beginning of the darkness, and all things will provide biochemical transformation techniques. The sleepers provide knowledge and ... 'thinking assistance', and the sons of the storm... they are a very special group. They bring hidden taboo knowledge from the deep sea and all kinds of magical materials that can't be found on land. Other than that, they barely establish communication with the land. They seem to have been searching for something in the deep sea, and the other two sects. The relationship is not so close. The end of all things will be a fixed connection with the son of the storm, but 'we' can't understand what the ocean madman wants to do. We even think that they have too much contact with the dark twists in the deep sea. Secrets have been characterized from the spirit to the body. Sooner or later, they will become something like a sea demon, and completely fall to the side of the ocean."

"Looking for something..." Gao Wen sinked. "Maybe you can ask Tyre to inquire about it... No, the salted fish may not think of anything. They only care about their big squid..."

After a moment of indulgence, Gao Wen knocked on the table: "Let's go back to the problem of artificial nerves."

"The artificial nerve cord does have the hidden dangers that you said, and it requires neurosurgery. The risk is extremely high. At least when I left, the technology still didn't see the hope of breaking through," Pitman nodded. "But If you want to realize the interaction between the human brain and the rune array without the help of the occultist, the neural cable or similar neurotransformation is a medium that cannot be avoided. I don't know where you got it from. Part of the technology, but you must also notice its role: there must be a biochemical interface between the human brain and the machine. Of course, if you have a special spiritual talent, or you are good at the mystery of the sleeper, then it is another matter... ..."

"You're right, the biochemical interface must exist, but it doesn't have to be implantable," Gao Wen interrupted Pitman. "Remember Patty's crown?"

Pittman glanced, the wrinkles on his face were a bit deeper: "You mean..."

"The eternal sleeper has made further research in this field. Patty's crown is essentially a non-implantable cranial nerve interface. It does not need to be connected to the nerves to connect people. Establish a solid connection between the brain and the rune array."

"But the core part of the crown can't be simplified, and it uses a lot of materials that can't be done by conventional means..."

"Our technicians did not find the idea, but some people made some progress," Gao Wen laughed, and took a piece of information from his desk and pushed it to Pitman. "Look, you should be able to understand." ”

Pittman took the information with suspicion. He noticed that the words and drawings on the paper should have just been written for a short time, and also a faint ink fragrance. After seeing the specific content of the material, his vision was Can't move anymore.

These materials are exactly what Daniel has just sent to Gao Wen through the Mind Network. It is also the second batch of information about brainwave connection technology.

Pitman looked up in amazement: "This is..."

"Non-implanted neural cables, with a clever complementary contact structure to improve the fault tolerance, and the addition of a rune with filtering and protection, can effectively reduce the user's nerve pressure, reduce hallucinations and phantom pain - - Most importantly, because it is non-implantable, it can be quickly cut off when the problem is connected. Although it may cause certain sequelae, at least there is no need to worry about brain death."

"It seems that it hasn't finished yet..."

"Yes, there are some key places that can't be finalized because of the lack of actual testing," Gao Wen nodded. "The people who designed it are temporarily... no conditions for experimentation."

Daniel has just settled in Titan's emperor. In order to prevent suspicion, he is now very low-key. Before he was completed in his private laboratory, and he was trusted by the Titan Royal Masters Association, his experimental conditions were very limited.

"The person who designed it..." Pitman heard a deep meaning from Gao Wen's words, and he realized that he knew too little about the dead and resurrected pioneer.

Behind the lord, there are still some invisible people or forces working for him.

"We have experimental conditions, laboratories, personnel, materials, all of them," the old druid looked up, and the wrinkles on his face stretched out. "There is still a technology in the field of all things that die and sleep." Experienced experts - and only double the bonus."

"If you can turn these drawings into real objects, I can give you three times."

"Oh, that's all right."

Pittman left, and Gao Wen, who was behind the desk, breathed a sigh of relief, then stood up and went to the large floor-to-ceiling window of the study.

The key to technology is the quality of people.

After today, Pitman should be able to make a greater contribution to the territory - a dark sect priest who puts down the burden (and also entered the two teachings), how much can his knowledge be used?

Gao Wen is very much looking forward to this.

His gaze passed through the crystal glass of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the still-constrained, small girl's melee between the girls in the courtyard.

Tyre was finally tolerated by the snowball, and rushed to the courtyard to participate in the battle. Now she is transformed into a group of sea magic disks with a diameter of more than ten meters, next to the pool, and dozens of tentacles extending from her body around the body. Throwing overwhelming snowballs, the huge, indescribably large limbs are like the abyss of the horror mythology, and in the face of this huge sea demon, Rebecca is lifting the law under the cover of amber. The rod, brewing a fireball bigger than the door panel...

Gao Wen: "??"

Not... warm everyday girls playing snowballs?

The window of the study room on the second floor was pushed open: "Some of you, come up to me!!!"

The last snowball of the Rebecca trio ended this winter.