Chapter 484: Rooted

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The energy of the magic net fluctuates, sending the information to the distance as if it were a momentary wave, centering on the main city of Cecil, with a large number of magical obelisks set in the wilderness, city, country, and military station. Jeep's voice rides on the magic net, and the synchronization is transmitted to every inch of the land that the broadcasting system can cover today in Kant, in Gülen, in Tanzania, in Hosman, and between the four cities. In the satellite town, hundreds of large magic network terminals for public service were simultaneously lit up.

As early as the start of the broadcast, the various government offices have issued notices telling the public that there will be "programs" broadcast at certain times. Interested parties can go to the nearest Magic Net terminal to watch. The peculiar notices have undoubtedly caused the curiosity and concern of countless people. Since the coverage of the Magic Net trunk has not been completed in the first broadcast test, there are actually not many people who have actually seen the "Magnetic Broadcasting". Most of them are not. People have no idea what this new thing about the Office of Government Affairs, but they know one thing: the things announced by the Office of Government Affairs are certainly useful.

So many curious people gathered in the squares everywhere early, and pointed out that these terminals were open to the public around the newly established magic network terminal. The cost is slightly expensive, but it is still in the range of ordinary people. But in fact, since they were established, only a few people have applied to use these machines: the population of this era is basically not mobile, most people live in one place throughout their lives, and their communication circles are limited to a small area. The need to contact distant relatives is basically not a noble or wealthy business.

Those who have been affected by the relocation of the government are basically dragging their families together, and they have not applied for the use of Magic Network.

Even so, most people gathered in the square probably know some concepts. They know that these seemingly weird large magic devices can communicate with distant places in an incredible way, transmitting distant sounds and images.

Then these machines are lit up, and the pictures and sounds from afar are really coming to you.

A woman who looks very beautiful appears on the holographic projection. She is like sitting in the living room at home and saying hello to the people in the square: "Everyone, everyone, I am Jeep, you can call me. Miss witch..."

The crowd gathered around the place suddenly made a commotion. Some people were scared when this huge holographic projection appeared, and they burst into exclamation. Some people were stunned and stunned. Some people immediately took the person next to them and asked What is this and even some people stupidly look at the pretty **** the holographic projection, and when Jupli smiles and introduces herself, they raise their hands and say hello: "Ah... hello... ...Hello Miss Witch. Miss Witch, my name is Sam..."

The "victory broadcast" conducted by the Duke of Govin Cecil in a small area more than a month ago was of a test nature, and the dignity of the Duke shocked all the people. The crowd gathered near the pilot did not dare to be too big. The commotion, and this time, is the real live response after the official release of the first Magic Net program in human history.

In the square in the main city of Cecil, Godwin Orlando immediately directed his apprentice to film this historic moment with a magical machine that recorded images.

Gypsy on the holographic projection certainly didn't know the situation on the squares. She just continued to do her own work: "...Welcome to the first issue of "Witch Time". Today, we have to talk about the happening in Luan City. Things...

“First of all, welcome a friend’s visit to us and I am honored to invite Mr. Wright of the Church of St. Light in Cecil, the first white knight in human history. Welcome, Mr. Wright.”

As Jipley's voice fell, the perspective of holographic projections was enlarged. People saw that there was a man sitting on the opposite side of Jeepy, a tall man, wearing a priest's gown, surrounded by a faint light.

People are confused by the newly heard noun, the white knight. This vocabulary is very strange. It seems that it is not the existing sacred career. Some people also think of the contents of several recent newspapers, and their faces are thoughtful. .

In the holographic projection, Wright greeted the audience: "Hello everyone, I am Wright. Miss Jipley, you don't have to use ‘Hello’ to call me, we can relax and talk.”

"Okay, Mr. Wright. I want to ask you to answer my questions first. I believe the audience is also very curious about these questions. What does your career 'White Knight' mean?"

"First of all, I am honored by our lord, the great Duke of Coventry, the name of this new profession, named White Knight. The word was first proposed by the Duke. And about the birth of the White Knight... Please allow me to finish from this year. The war began to talk about..."

There were more and more people gathered in the field, and a large number of people who had stayed at home heard the news of the magic net broadcast. They were dragged by friends and relatives to the place where they could see the radio images. They were shocked by this incredible. The magic, curious about who the two people talked in the projection, curious about the usefulness and concept of this projection, but soon they were attracted by the content of the program itself.

They are immersed in Wright's story, immersed in the story that is very far away from their lives, but actually happening.

Wright is indeed an excellent preacher.

Although his preaching style is unique, although his words during his sermons have been criticized by traditional pastors, he is really good at grasping the hearts of ordinary people. He is very good at making his own stories in the case of resonating with the audience. Tell more people to listen.

The crowds in the square did not know when they were quieting down. No matter the men, women and children, no matter the traffickers, they all listened quietly to the fact that many of them have never left their place of growth for a lifetime. They have never heard of distant things in their lives. I have never heard of other life.

The emergence of newspapers has allowed some of them to have access to the outside world, but those who are illiterate still have no information, but the magic net broadcasts to everyone.

Even illiterate people can stand in front of a holographic projection made by magic crystals to listen to a distant story.

Listening and listening, they found that what they have been aware of has been shaken, a lot of information that they have never thought before, and the information they have never touched has come to them.

Aristocratic knights will also become inhumane in hunger and fear, and elegance is just the makeup of their fullness.

The extraordinary people attacked unarmed refugees in the wilderness, only to rob the last life of the refugees.

The soldiers of the Cecil Combat Regiment fought against the attackers on a dark night, and the scene described by Wright was more thrilling and fascinating than any of the bard's old-fashioned poems.

At the end of the last, the Holy See Knight debuted.

At first, people thought that the Knights of the Holy See would be like the religious stories they had heard before, and they would become the righteous men who stood up in the hardships and stood up to help justice. However, the truth is that they are equally hungry, and they completely gave up humanity in front of hunger. The bottom line.

When Emily fell, people were saddened. When the white knight was born, people were exclaimed and encouraged.

In this era of no entertainment, lack of information, and monotony of civilian life, people's emotions are much more mobilized than those who have experienced information bombing. Their mood changes will be more intense and more distinct. In the era of the times, the new "Magic Webcast", like the previous newspapers, produced far more than expected results at the beginning of its birth.

This principle is simple and the more arid land, the more it can absorb moisture with rapid momentum.

"...On that day, I became a white knight. I think I have embraced the true meaning of the Holy Light, and the true meaning is that the Holy Light should not be bound by the status of human beings. It belongs to every righteous person. of……"

Wright ended the story, and Jupley sitting opposite him reacted slightly slower. The half-shooting witch seemed to be inadvertently touched by Wright's story, so that she forgot to take over the topic.

Fortunately, she got the reminder of the technicians in the room in time and quickly responded: "This is really a touching story, Mr. Wright... then about the little girl Emily... I think you should talk about her. The situation?"

The crowds gathered in the square are curious. Is there any miracle happening to the little girl who has died?

The miracle did happen.

Wright smiled at the "lens", then he raised his hand slightly, and a sacred light came out behind him.

When the translucent little girl appeared in the picture, the citizens in front of the magic net terminal exclaimed.

If it is in general, such a girl who is very close to the ghost will suddenly start to scare people. However, with the story of Wright’s previous story, when Emily emerges, people are almost not scared. Instead, many people have voiced surprises:

"She is still alive! The little girl is resurrected!! The light is blessed! No, she seems to be a ghost... I have no knowledge! You have not seen those holy lights!"

Wright didn't know what was going on outside, but he could guess that he summoned a small light to the little girl who floated behind him and said with a smile: "I will always praise the light because it Bring Emily back to the world. As you can see, Emily is a spirit that is completely condensed by the light. Her appearance proves that my understanding of the light is close to the truth. She is holy. The miracle of light."

Emily glared at the small ray of light, then suddenly showed a big smile at the camera, then she waved her hand as if to say hello to the audience, after a few seconds, her The figure gradually dissipated in the glow around Wright.

The miracle of the light...

Tens of thousands of people gathered in the town squares everywhere, and at the same time felt the miracle of this light.

The fact that the Holy See Knight has innocently hurts, the fact that the White Knight "has its own way to prove the light of the Holy Light", the fact that the church is not sacred, Emily is the fact of the miracle of the Holy Light...

It is so easy to enter the hearts of tens of thousands of people, and they have rooted in their hearts.