Chapter 469: Are moving forward

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The body of Julu Amoen still quietly floats in the dark and shadowy space. The broken boulder and the metal fragments of the ancient starship are surrounded by this huge hill-like corpse, lonely and silent. .

Gao Wen’s line of sight, through the window and the protective barrier, stared at the corpse that was softly shimmering in the darkness, but the sound in his mind never sounded again.

The voice just seemed to be an illusion, but Gao Wenyi was 100% sure that he really heard it, and his instincts told himself that the voice was actually coming from the direction of the giant deer Amoun. .

Amber first noticed the anomaly here. She immediately ran to Gao Wen, waving her hand and waving in front of the latter. "Hey! What happened to you? How suddenly is the expression so scary?"

Gao Wen grabbed the amber dangling paw and stared at Amber's eyes with a serious look: "Have you heard anything?"

Amber was amazed by Gao Wen’s serious and terrible expression. She shrank her neck: "No... are you listening?"

Gao Wen often gets caught up in the state of distraction, or hears something that ordinary people can't detect from things like eternal slate. Amber is a bit strange.

"I'm not sure... probably an illusion..."

Gao Wen said with no words, then put a face of amber aside, and came to the large floor-to-ceiling window.

He stared at the body of the giant deer Amoun, concentrating on his body, alerting him, and trying to communicate in his mind: "You were talking?"

The body of the **** of nature is silent, as silent as it has been for thousands of years.

Gao Wen didn't get any response. After waiting patiently for a few minutes, and after trying more than one communication, he finally gave up. Although he still thought that he was not an auditory audition before, he still felt that his behavior at the moment was a bit funny and weird.

Kamal also noticed Gao Wen’s move, and he immediately ordered the laboratory response authority: “Alarm system, report the corpse situation.”

Two seconds later, the synthesizing sound of mechanical distortion sounded in the room: "In the detection... everything is normal, the energy of the corpse is stable."

Kamal came to Gao Wen: "The lord, there is no abnormality."

Gao Wen nodded: "I know... maybe it’s been a long time for me to stay here, a little nervous."

As he spoke, he turned away from the floor-to-ceiling windows. After looking back at the body of the giant deer Amoun, he temporarily suppressed the thoughts in his heart and refocused his attention on the experimental project.

"We have come to the conclusion we want, and it is safe to use the inverter array to charge the Light Rune." The next phase of the practical process can be considered," Gao Wen said, looking at Carmel and Rebecca. Combine the design experience of Magic Energy Armor, find the practical method of using the Holy Light Rune as soon as possible, and create a usable 'White Knight Armed', which will be an important basis for us to deal with Luan City."

After Rebecca and Carmel nodded, he turned to Wright again: "You are responsible for selecting the members of the first White Knights. There are no restrictions on men and women. There are only two requirements. First, you must fully accept the new teachings. The one who has completed the transformation in thought, and who is determined to be determined, secondly, must pass the assessment of the Office of Administration. I suggest that you select members from the Cecil Combat Corps. I will arrange for Byron to approach you."

Speaking of this, Gao Wen paused a little, and looked at Wright's eyes with seriousness: "In short, the white knight is not only a firm new light believer, but also a determined Cecil warrior. You understand me. What does the word mean?"

The research on the controllable lighting of the Holy Light has achieved key results. The White Knight has become a promising career, and in order to prevent this extraordinary career that can be mass-produced from losing control, some words must be explained in advance.

Wright is an excellent pastor, a staunch white knight, a man who agrees and is willing to follow the road to Cecil, but how long his faith in the light can walk on this path depends on his consciousness.

Wright’s expression was equally solemn. Instead of answering it immediately, he asked a question: “You said that the old aristocratic group and the Church of the Light are corrupted by their fundamental system, and you have to establish it. Is it a system that is completely different from them, does not limit birth and social class, and really works for justice. Do you remember these words?"

"I remember, and I promise that, at least for the rest of my life, I will work hard for this goal."

Wright took a deep breath and slowly spit it out. His tone was firm and steady. "If you practice justice, then the gods will give it!"

Throughout the lab, the needles were audible, and Gao Wen showed a smile after a moment of silence: "The priests of the gods... can make the church in the north violently thunder...but I accept this."

Maybe one day, there will be no more gods in this land, and there will be no more kings.

Perhaps one day, human beings will find a higher level of true spiritual belief from the essence of God.

Perhaps one day, the increasingly decadent Cecil dynasty will be overthrown by new progressive forces, and the White Knight will become the dust of history...

But all this is a thing of the future. Gao Wen’s intention is that today and now, here and now, he finally grasped the power of the gods.


Tifeng, southwest.

The black-haired mage apprentice Mary walks through the city where people come and go.

Market hawkers and the scent of various food stalls linger on the whole street, always swaying Mary's mood and taste buds. She held the parcel in her arms and lowered her head slowly. Walking forward, unconsciously parked in front of a booth.

The stall owner enthusiastically recruited the business: "Girl, come to a muffin, sweet and sweet!"

Mary tightened her bag and looked at the muffin booth for a while, but in the end she stopped the irrational impulse, turned and walked away from the booth and continued to move forward.

The tutor did not give her extra money to do this kind of thing.

She continued to walk along the street, walking to another shop that the guide told me to purchase. She occasionally looked up and looked at the streets that were much more lively than in the past, and the emotions in her eyes were somewhat complicated.

It would be nice if you could stay here for a while...

There are not many opportunities for her to leave the Master Tower or leave the village. Because the town is a small half-day away from the mountain village, if it is not necessary to purchase the necessary things, the old Master does not allow the apprentice to leave his surveillance all day. .

So leaving the Master Tower like today, the opportunity to wander around the town is really precious.

Mary touched the cold rune hoop around her neck, shook her head and shook her unrealistic thoughts.

The mentor’s temper has been better in recent times, and the hysterical and inexplicable anger is much less than before. Although occasionally there are apprentices who will be whipped or pulled to carry out strange experiments, at least no one is being used by the old master. Throwing into the cave filled with monsters, Mary is already grateful for such a "good day". She neither wants nor dares to make things that anger the old Master when everything is developing in a good direction.

The sound of blowing and beating came from a distance, and Mary’s footsteps, which was heading down, stopped.

She looked up and looked in the direction of the sound and found it was the square of the town.

The harvest festival is approaching... The town will prepare a celebration for the festival. The mayor and the rich should have come to the circus of the bard and the "Montenegro" in accordance with the usual practice. Before the harvest festival, these bards and circuses The group will begin to perform in the square, and the ten days will be the most lively moment of the year.

Mary's footsteps hesitated and slowly moved toward the square.

You can listen to the story of the bard... or check out the free street performers of the circus clown.

These things don't cost money. She can see that the performance will not leave the residue and breath of the muffins on the body. The tutor will not find out, the tower of the Master Tower will not find out...

She only needs to watch for a little while. Anyway, the time is still very early... and the shop is also near the square. She is also in the same direction.

If there is no chance to miss this time, she can only come to the town a few times a year...

Mary's footsteps finally moved completely in the direction of the square.

The young female apprentice flew through the street, through the narrow alley, and into the town square from the path. As she thought, the bard and the circus had already set up a table here, and the sound of the blow was From that one desk.

There are already many townspeople gathering in the square, but because it is only a small-scale performance, people have not been able to walk to the extent of it. Mary holds her parcel in her arms and keeps her eyes wide in the middle of the crowd. I want to imprint everything in my mind in my mind.

There are some passages in the bard's poetry that have never been heard. Although it is still an old-fashioned knight's story, it is still novel and interesting; the clown's performance is only a poor magic skill, and occasionally a few trick-level magic is already The circus pressed the craftsmanship at the bottom of the box, but it still surprised Mary...

Mary already has a formal cast level. Although she is an apprentice of the old Master, her cast level is official, but this kind of trick on the street is totally different from the killing skills she learned in the Master Tower.

She has seen it a few times in her life.

The young female apprentice seemed to have forgotten her task for a while. She walked around the square and looked at all the things that would make her pay attention until she came to the bulletin board in the square and was posted on the bulletin board. A few sheets of paper have aroused interest.

The literacy rate of the Tifeng people has only been raised in recent years. Since the emperor’s various new policies have been implemented, more stringent and fair contract rules have been established. All people can rent farmland and lease cattle from the state in a contractual manner. With the demand for reading and literacy, the people have the need to read and literate. Under such demand, the literacy rate of the Tifeng people has only increased a little, and the bulletin board in the town has replaced the soldiers who read the decree.

Mary knows that the bulletin board often writes some new orders signed by the emperor, or big news happening nearby. These things seem to be far from her life in the Master Tower, but she is still very interested in it.

Her curiosity is very strong. Although this curiosity slipped her into the Master Tower more than a decade ago, she became a prisoner wearing a collar, but this curiosity still exists.

She saw a new decree on the bulletin board, some signed by the emperor, and some by local officials:

"...Israel Emperor's decree to continue to promote basic education, the city will expand the scale of the school...

"... recruiting volunteers, each family can be exempted from tax for three years when they join the army. Specific matters can be asked to the local sheriff...

"The new ambassador of Emporita, the establishment of the 'Agricultural Supervisor' position, will be held by the best local farmers, organize the promotion of planting experience, compensation and screening methods can ask the local security officer...

"The order to build a sulphuric acid chemical workshop... recruit apprentices...

"The new ambassador of Erosetta, did not ask for the recruitment of outstanding masters, and required the rune skills to be superb, good at magical array research. Note: Knowing the knowledge of ancient Gangs magic is a priority, and understanding the self-charged law is preferred."