Chapter 442: End of battle

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The flames are burning and the smoke is rising.

The fire really burned well.

Roperie Gülen stood quietly in front of the northern gate of the Rock Fortress, surrounded by a breeze shield, isolated from the smog of smoke in the air, and dozens of steel ranger soldiers stood behind her, each Individuals wear full-faced magic helmets, and the goggles on these warriors' helmets glow red slightly, indicating that they are alerting all magical abnormalities around them.

The fire spread from the armory of the Beicheng District, burned some of the towers and barracks, and isolated the entire inner city into several parts. The original fire was controlled by the troops of the meteorite fortress. The collapse of the shield, the order in the fortress has disappeared, even if someone wants to stand up and turn the tide, it is impossible to achieve any effect in the face of the burning fire.

This fortress is over.

Roperie Gülen lowered her head and looked at the two bodies with a particularly warm temperature. After a long silence, she raised her hand and rubbed her fingers.

She has imagined countless times how one day she will gain the power of revenge. I imagined that I used all kinds of methods to torture the sinners, prolong their pain, and imagine how they would enjoy the joy of revenge, but Now she finally knows that when she really has this opportunity, she will not have the patience to do so.

She didn't even have the patience to let those people breathe more air.

The last two people on the list have been removed, and Roperie Gülen gently exhaled, suddenly feeling a little empty.

Handling some people personally is part of her trading with Gao Wen Cecil. She can dedicate everything in the Rock Fortress to the founding father. The people in this city are born and died by Sethi. The family has fallen, but only a few of them, including the first dead Viscount, are not only dead, but must be disposed of by her personally.

"Ms., the emptiness after revenge is a normal phenomenon," Soldlin’s words suddenly interrupted Roppini’s state of disappointment. She heard the high-level Elf Ranger use an extremely cold but can make people feel The calming tone is talking to myself. "You don't have to be confused about this emptiness. You are finally freed from hatred. After that, there are still many things waiting for you to do."

"Thank you," Roppeni calmed down and thanked Solderin. "Mr. Ranger, as an elf... you must be more knowledgeable than me, and mature."

"The spirit of the elf is slightly different from that of human beings. I can't say who is more mature, but I know more than you. In addition, I don't have to use honorific words for me."

"Okay - I know you were Gaowen? The comrades of the Duke of Cecil," said Lopeney, who seemed to need something else to divert her attention. "In your opinion, what is the Duke of Gaowen?" people?"

"I am still his comrade-in-arms," ​​Solderin smiled a little, then shook his head. "And what kind of person is Gaowen... This is a very difficult question. The character and seven after his resurrection. It was a little different a hundred years ago, but it still gives me the feeling that I can’t see through. He always thinks about things outside our eyes. Seven hundred years ago, he thought about shelters outside the waste soil on the waste soil. Seven hundred years later, he simply began to think about another era, so if you want to follow him, then I can give you only one suggestion: try to keep up with his pace, even if you don’t understand, it’s better to think about it. And confused in the team."

Those who fell behind seven hundred years ago will be swallowed up by the wasteland. Seven hundred years later, the people who left the team will not be able to go there. Soderlin has a full instinct.

Roppene Glan was in a state of thought for a while, and Solderin suddenly raised his head and looked at the inner city street, which was covered in smoke, and his hand was already on the bow of the short bow.

The surrounding steel ranger soldiers also raised their arms and opened the insurance for the heat ray gun and shield. The heavy fire hand has already placed the individual track orbital launcher on the shoulder, pointing to the end of the street.

A team of knights and soldiers who were quite embarrassed in the smoke and smoke were there.

Ropeney looked up and saw that the commander who led the team was the most trusted Guardian knight of the Maryland Jazz.

The Guardian knight also saw the opposite of the Princess Lopini, and at the same time saw the black armor warriors dressed in strange armor and neatly silent behind the women's lord. Those who are full of magic and well-equipped, obviously can't be the meteorite fortress. The human hand, the existence of these people, is enough to prove that what the Maryland sir said before leaving is true.

It’s not difficult to find Roppenny Gülen and her “destruction team” brought into the city, because this team is standing on the open space in the Beicheng District, but it’s in a mess to gather a group of people who can hear the orders and have The soldiers who dared to fight were wasting too much time: a large number of soldiers had already died on the southern walls and on the towers and towers in the city. The rest of the people were also in chaos. Almost no one still obeyed the orders. These more than 100 people are almost all the people that can be found in the castle.

After seeing the two bodies at the foot of Roperi, the Guardian knight realized that the woman was probably doing what she wanted to do.

Although the two bodies were dressed in chores and groom's clothes, the faces were familiar.

The Guardian Cavaliers did not know why Roperie had specifically killed the two southern aristocrats, but he had to at least complete the mission of the Maryland sir to him.

The fortress has been unstoppable, the south wall is collapsing, and the two energy beams are still cleaning all the commanding heights in the city. Before the Cecils came in, all the defensive forces of the fortress were already paralyzed, but at least he I want to leave Roppini Glan here.

But before these soldiers launched a meaningless attack, Solderin first spoke, his voice through the entire smoke-filled street: "The battle is over, the soldiers of the Rock Fortress - the wall has collapsed and continues to fight No need."

The Guardian Cavaliers silently pulled out the sword at the waist: "I have my own mission."

"There have been very few knights like you in this age," Soldering frowned at the Guardian Knight, although the soldiers and other knights brought by the other party were clearly aware of the four words that had fallen. There was a wave of retreat, but the knight’s attitude was still firm, which made him sigh. “If those southern aristocrats have the courage and enlightenment of you... ah, they probably died on the gravel ridge. ""

The Guardian Knight did not seem to hear these words, but continued to be silent and took a step forward.

However, at this moment, the air near him suddenly twisted, and then a strange, hammer-like thing emerged in the air out of thin air. The magic rune at the front of the hammer flashed, and a special pop-up structure slammed out. The squatting squatting on the head of the Guardian Knight - the latter has actually reacted a little, but the sneak ability of the attacker is too high. When he reacted, he has already avoided it. After a hammer, The respectable knight flew out on the spot and was in a coma in midair.

The knights and soldiers around the guards did not even react to what happened.

A swift shadow swam through the air, almost in the blink of an eye, and came to the body of Solder. The figure of amber condensed from the shadows. She carried a weird weapon made up of mechanical structures and runes. After confirming that I ran into the safe area, I was relieved: "Mom... it’s too exciting... I thought I was going to be killed..."

Solderin looked at the half-elf thief with the corner of his eye - mainly the "mechanical warhammer" in her hand, and suddenly felt that after the "explosive shooting", another superman skill could be improved into a steel tour. One of the cavalry's abilities.

- "Power Sap (Note)" What kind of thing is this genius coming out...

Amber raised his head after a few breaths and said to Solderin: "Gao Wen... The Lord has ended the battle, and the top commander of the Rock Fortress has been captured. The battle is coming to an end, reducing the scale of the damage."

In this case, the half-elves will still say "Lord".

Solderin nodded after hearing the news from Amber, and then looked at the defensive forces that had become confusing and had begun to confuse the "defense forces": "Soldiers - now you can lay down your weapons, your highest command The official has fallen, and the surrender at this time does not harm the honor."

Ordinary soldiers do not care much about "face" when surrendering. His words are mainly to those knights who still have some hesitation.

It turns out that when there are steps, most of the Cavaliers will not be slower than ordinary soldiers.

The last defensive force of the Rock Fortress put down the weapon, the steel rangers began to accept the prisoners of war, and Soldering came to the deep-stunned Guardian Knight and looked down at the other.

"It is not glorious to stop a knight's heroic behavior in this way, but the lord has an order to minimize unnecessary loss and casualties after the victory. Knight, your courage is admirable, but the battle is over," Sol When De Lin said it, he shook his head slightly. "You will understand sooner or later - after the education, you will become a glorious Cecil citizen."

Outside the Rock Fortress, the "Aurora" bow on the White River, Gao Wenzheng and the Byron Knight watched the fortress wall that was constantly falling in the artillery bombing. The disarmed Maryland Jazz stood pale and stood tall. Next, look at the nightmare scene in the distance.

The calibrator beam is still moving in the sky, and the last two towers in the meteorite fortress are collapsing.

In the river water next to the Aurora, Tyre poked out from the tumbling water. The river lifted her to the air as if it were a palm. The sea scorpion from the deep sea widened his eyes and looked at the aurora without hesitation. The "Rainbow Cannon" on the deck.

In fact, she has been watching this for a long time, the beam of pure and violent magic formed in her eyes, apparently caused great interest in the Kraken.

A signal flare rose from the Rock Fortress, followed by the second.

Gao Wen gently exhaled: "The battle on the side of Solderin seems to be over, and the team of Roperie Gülen is also alive."

The artillery fire from the No. 2 high ground gradually ceased. The huge calibrator Rainbow Light Gun finally extinguished its devastating focusing crystal. The roar of the various pumps, amplifiers and magic cores under the cabin slowly followed. After weakening, eventually, the "magic array" on both sides of the ship also closed its steel-made wings.

The White River is quiet.

Gao Wen glanced at the Byron Knight next to him: "We can go to our North Gate."

The Byron Knight laughed, but he hadn't had time to speak, and a burst of water suddenly interrupted him.

Gao Wen saw a mermaid leaping out of the water, slamming on the deck of the Aurora, and then a squid slammed up. Miss Tyre swayed his body with a fish tail and pointed his finger at the deck. Rainbow light cannon, eyes staring at Gao Wen: "Give me the whole one!"

Then she seems to think that this is wrong, and added: "What do you want to say!"

(Note: Powered Sap, the stalker's skill "Sap" modified version of Cecil, with a mechanical power warhammer violently hit the enemy's head, causing temporary or permanent coma.)