Chapter 428: "take over"

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
Gao Wen should have thought that it would be more effective to let her eat a "small snack" with the salty fish nonsense of Tyre. Seeing that Tyre looked like a smug look, he felt that the pile of saliva was all wasted. .

But it's not bad, the process is not important, as long as this saltwater fish is willing to help.

The proven type of rainbow light device is a very large weapon, and the supporting energy module required for the rainbow light device is even bigger than its own huge volume. According to the technical report provided by Carmel, the rainbow light The device needs a stable supply of energy for a long time to operate effectively. At present, the magic capacitors used in various magic crystal orbital guns do not meet this requirement, which determines that a rainbow device is built on a fixed magic net to become a fixed battery. Or you have to "drag" a large piece of magic online battlefield, and with Cecil's transportation technology, it is very difficult to transport the rainbow light device from the land to the front line and ensure that it can be turned on.

It's not that you can't get the parts and parts to send the parts and then build them on the battlefield. But the time required is too long, and it doesn't meet Gao Wen's "take the meteorite fortress in a short time." The requirements, and there is the kind of slow and long-distance assembly of the rainbow light device, Philip with the magic crystal cannon slowly blasting should also be able to open the fortress wall, so that the new weapon will completely lose the meaning of the appearance.

The best option is to use the boat to use the natural channel of Baishui River to directly send the rainbow light device to the foot of the meteorite fortress.

In any case, the transport capacity of large cargo ships is far superior to that of land vehicles, and the size of the ship itself is large enough to facilitate the installation of various magical institutions inside, as well as the use of river transport, the use of high-text ideas. The river water of Baishui River is also easier to implement for the cooling of the Hongguang installation, so no matter how you look at it, water transportation is the best solution.

In fact, even without the "Xiong device", Gao Wen had already arranged for the construction of his own surface combat force to annihilate the army of the Count of Peibo on the Baishui River, and he seized a group of "war ships" of the southern aristocracy. Then arranged a group of craftsmen and magical technicians to try to renovate the modernization of those ships. He did not think about creating a new batch of out, but the shipbuilding is really a technical life. Written knowledge is not enough to create a modern ship that is actually usable, and the existing shipbuilding technology in the world has undergone severe technical disruption and retrogression. The shipbuilding craftsmen that can be recruited can only build ships with the "Poppo fleet" at the most. The same level of inland ships, so he had to choose to modernize on the basis of the warships he had seized, saving time and saving costs on the one hand, and technical accumulation on the other.

But the transformation of those ships has not been completed or even recently encountered technical problems in terms of power.

The Rock Fortress has already started the war, he has no time to wait for his own battleship to be slowly rebuilt, so he thought about it. He decided to come to the ready-made “water transport expert” to help, and Tyre called himself “the master of Chaoshan”. It should be trustworthy in this regard.

Of course, in a cautious and safe manner, Gao Wen did not put all his hopes on Tyre. In case this saltwater fish made up his mind to sleep in the pool, he also had an alternative plan: big deal. How many more cannons have been given to Philip, and I am afraid that I can't open the door of the Rock Fortress?

The magic shield of the Rock Fortress is strong, and it can't hold back the continuous bombing of heavy artillery.

After pledge to help, and repeatedly confirmed that he really had a small snack to eat, Tyre's excitement slowly receded, she yawned a big yawn, and the eyes once again appeared to be sleepy: "I have something to say. No? If I am fine, I will continue to sleep... Wait until I wake up and go to the dock..."

Gao Wen glanced at the Kraken, who had begun to sink slowly in the water. Suddenly, he really remembered one thing: "Yes, there is really something that the storm son is fighting with the Kraken. You know it is What happened?"

"Ah? It's playing again?" Tyre snorted and floated up from the water. His face was a circle. "Isn't this time just after the stars have returned? My sisters should all eat on the seabed." Yes... We are not going to dig big squid, nor to go around the island reef of the storm son. What kind of madness does the man with broken brains?"

Gao Wen looked at Til's confused expression from the lungs, and his brow wrinkled slightly: "So, you don't know what happened."

"Of course I don't know," Tyre shook his head. "I have been waiting under your eyes. I know what the deep sea is saying, but how do you know about it?"

"I have my own channel of information," Gao Wen did not directly answer the other party's question, but said something in perfunctory. Then he noticed that Tilna looked like a light face and couldn't help but curiously ask, "You don't worry. What about the hometown?"

"There is nothing to worry about, the storm sons can't afford any big storms, the ocean is the Kraken," Tiel said casually, then yawned. "And it's a long way to go back from here, I still have more physical strength." Ok... when do I have strength... think about going back and seeing..."

Looking at the appearance of this salty fish, Gao Wen felt that this guy is not necessarily going back in this life.

He shook his head helplessly, turned away from Amber and left the pool of Tyre, but when the two were about to walk to the door, a burst of water suddenly came from the pool, Miss Kraken squatted on the edge of the pool, watching Gao Wen: "Ah, I just thought of one possibility..."

Gao Wen turned to look at her: "What is it possible?"

"The endless sea is covered by magic storms. The sea is the first place where you can observe the magic changes, and the place that is most vulnerable to magic." Tiel's face with a thoughtful look, "The sons of the storm are at sea." It’s been a long time, maybe... they can feel the magic wave coming.”

Gao Wen’s expression became serious. After a serious silence for half a minute, he nodded slightly to Tyre: “Thank you for your reminder.”

Tyre didn't say much, just waved his hand in the pool, then turned his back to the back and continued to use his sloppy sleeping position to turn his belly and soak in the water to start sleeping.

After leaving Tyre's room, Amber couldn't help but mutter: "Magic wave, magic tide... If this kind of thing doesn't exist, how good it is... Every time someone reminds me, I feel hairy."

"It’s good to get used to it. We were closer to the magic tide," Gao Wen said quietly. "No matter how the magic tide comes, people will still have to live as long as they are alive."

"Well, as you always say, there is a high top in the sky. You can't wait for a long time," Amber's ear trembled, and put the magic tide aside for a while," I am too sleepy, nothing else today?"

"It's okay today," Gao Wen nodded. "But there will be something tomorrow and you will go with me to see the Glenn collar."

Before the army went out, it was time to go out and "receive" Gülen.


Govin Cecil’s army entered the Gülen collar.

The brightly-faced, brightly-kicked Cecil soldiers entered the Gülen area without any resistance and quickly inserted the flag of Cecil on the wall of the Cracked Rock, at the top of the steep cliff. In the castle, the nervous waiters and the family members finally waited for the "final result" of this "noble war" and they welcomed the new owner of the land.

At least in the eyes of ordinary people who don't know the whole truth, the truth is so.

Since the outbreak of the war that completely changed the situation in the South, the whereabouts of the hostess’s whereabouts were unknown, the people in the Rock Fortress ran away by a third, and the remaining two-thirds remained under the strong control of the housekeeper. The order in the city (of course, this is indispensable for the help of the military bureau clerk and the steel chariots hidden in the castle), but the hidden under the relatively stable order is the tension that pervades the entire territory.

For those who do not know the truth, the news of the defeat of the aristocratic coalition forces is a bad news, which means that they will soon become the captives and slaves of Cecil, the land will be looted, the wealth will be looted, and when the looting will arrive And to what extent, it depends entirely on when the "furious ancestors" will make room.

Now, the ancestor seems to be free.

But the "ransack" they worry about is not bound to come.

Gao Wen, wearing a armor, entered the Shishi Fortress with a powerful attitude, recalling the restless Gülan’s family and servants who saw him along the way. He couldn’t help but secretly shake his head: it’s obviously impossible for Roperie Gülen to The secret covenant between her and Cecil was made public. The people in this castle still don’t know that their mistress is standing with Cecil. Naturally, they don’t think that the Cecils would not touch them. Wealth. It is a pity that even now, Gao Wen can't explain this to most people in the castle, and he has to completely control the entire castle and even control the entire Gülen collar to prevent the real situation after the Cecil army enters the territory. The details are revealed.

Although the traditional aristocrats in the Rock Fortress can almost say that there is no intelligence system, he can't allow the slightest accident.

It’s just this subtle tension... it’s a bit dumbfounding.

But fortunately, he did not care about this. After leading the soldiers into the city and doing some superficial work, he came to the depths of the castle and came to the door of the room with large windows.

The maid and Gao Wen who had been at the door of the room had a side, but Gao Wen was the guest of the castle when he met last time. He met here as a "conqueror" and the maid was inevitably nervous. She looked at Gao Wen as if she was enemies, and tried to provoke a little courage. She seemed to want to guard her little master. But this courage almost ran out when Gao Wen spoke.

"Open the door," Gao Wen said. "I am looking at Patty."

"...the lady is resting..."

"Don't be nervous," Gao Wen smiled. "I am Patty's friend."

The maidservant who seemed to be guarding the door seemed to want to say something, but at the moment the door was opened from the inside, and another close-fitting maid who took care of Patty came out from the inside and looked at Gao Wen with a little awe: "Miss wants to see you."

Gao Wen nodded. Before he walked into the room, he glanced at the maid who looked at the door. "You are brave."

In the room, Patty was sitting in her special chair, basking in the most brilliant sunshine of the day.

Her temperament was much better than when she first met, and it was clear that Pittman’s treatments she had given her several times were fruitful.

"It’s Uncle Gao Wen!" The little girl was excited when she saw Gao Wen. She showed a big smile, tried to support her head, and shook the only arm that could move. "Let’s see me. !"

Gao Wen came to Patty and smiled and bent down: "I will see you when I agree."

The little girl looked very happy. This sunny room seems to be two worlds with a castle full of nervous emotions. Here, the dark clouds of war seem to have never appeared. Patty excitedly said a lot to Gao Wen. At the end, I asked: "Uncle Gao Wen, when will my mother come back?"

“It’s very fast,” Gao Wentao said in front of the little girl, “I will pick her up this time.”

The little girl’s head trembled, she was nodding, but she couldn’t control the nod to the extent: “Oh, I miss her a little.”

"You don't seem to be afraid at all," Gao Wen touched Patty's hair gently. He didn't dare to use too much force. He was afraid of hurting the child. "Do you know, your mother is actually fighting me."

"I know," Patty said, then pause for a few seconds, and the scarred face suddenly showed a small, sly smile. "But... Uncle, you are actually a friend of your mother? Uncle, you." Rest assured, I won't tell others!"

Gao Wen stunned and then smiled helplessly.

Then he stood up and said goodbye to Patty, leaving the room to the corridor.

The loyal and servant, Roperie Gülen, stood in the hallway waiting for him after the woman’s “unknown” was left unmaintained.

"I told Roperi that you are trustworthy."