Chapter 390: Assembly

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The nobility of this era rarely talks about wars with people other than nobles, because war is a game of nobility, a chess game for kings and lords, and war is a tool and stage for their distribution of interests, so they will not, There is no need to explain to civilians why their land is to be involved in the war but Gao Wen does not think so.

He must let the people under his hand know why the war broke out and the significance of this war to the territory. Only then can he tie the interests of the entire Cecil leader.

"People, peace is over. According to my judgment, it will not take long for Prince Edmund and Ansu’s most powerful Eastern Army to declare that the king has been occupied by the rebels, and the two dukes of the king And the Welsh Moen, who is enshrined in them, will certainly call on the nobility in the same name. The second civil war in Ansu may break out in the fire, and our greatest advantage is that we know the news before everyone. ”

Gao Wen did not explain his source, but his absolute authority and his miraculous performance have made him not need to explain. Everyone in the conference hall began to think about the future of Cecil in the way of the Lord. The Knights of the Knights were the first to break the silence: "The war will sooner or later burn to the south."

"Yes, three of the four kingdoms of the Kingdom will be involved in the civil war, and the South cannot always be alone," Gao Wen nodded. "So what we have to do is to firmly control the South and take the initiative before the war is burned in." ""

The death of Francis II was a big variable for Gao Wen, but this variable was also within his few bad predictions about the peace talks. Although the details are different, he did push the Ansu outbreak. The possibility of a civil war, now that the king is really dead, the situation in this kingdom is about to be erratic, but for Gao Wen, there is indeed an opportunity hidden in it.

He can be more justified and more complete in his resignation and rule over the entire South.

A chaotic Wangdu aristocrat and the splitting Moen royal family will have no time to take into account the situation in the south. It is impossible for the Three Kingdoms to separate the extra energy to intervene in the reshuffle operation in the South, and those who are more concerned with the plains of the Holy Spirit. They will also be affected by chaos and become easier to deal with. As long as we can seize the opportunity of this first move and complete the integration of the basic disk in the early days of the Ansu civil war, then everything will be easier than planned.

And Gao Wen can take advantage of this opportunity of civil war to make his many follow-up activities more justifiable...

With such thoughts, Gao Wen first mobilized the heads of various departments before the war, and completed the assignment of combat readiness tasks. After the meeting, Byron, Philip, Solderin, Hetty and Amber left. Down: The next step is a real military closed meeting.

"The mobilization of the Combat Corps is in place," Byron first reported his situation. "The arsenal is still working overtime to hoard weapons and ammunition."

Heti went on to say: "The propaganda in the territory began a few days ago. In addition, I have already let Godwin Orlando prepare for the news about the plots of the great aristocrats in the South to attack Cecil and plunder the wealth of the territory. It will be released soon tomorrow."

Gao Wen looked at Amber again, waiting for him to speak. The latter has already begun to actively report the news that has just been received: "The woman of Gloria sent the latest secret letter, the count of the Count of Carol, the Count of Peibo for several consecutive days. There were armed militiamen and knights, and it seems that the Count of Hosman has begun to assemble the army. They also sent an invitation to Gülen, as you said before, and the woman of Gloria agreed."

"They only know that I visited the Greenland collar once last winter, but I don't know that I only visited it once. Glan Ling is already a member of Cecil's power." Gao Wen shook his head. "I have always let Roppenig Lan is actively contacting Hosman and it seems that the effect is not bad."

"What direction do you think they will attack?" Solderin looked at Gao Wen.

Gao Wen stood up and came to the map of the South Island hanging on the wall of the conference room.

"Cecile's back is against the dark mountains. This is a natural danger. At least those southern aristocrats will not challenge this natural danger, so they can only choose three offensive routes: the east side, the west side, and the north side.

"The Earl of Hosman and the southern aristocrats he is associated with are mostly located in the west and north. If they attack from the east, it means that most of them will travel long distances in the wilderness, and the mountains on the east side of Cecil. The only plains are narrow, so this is not a good offensive line;

"On the west side, the dense western forest is a huge barrier. If they don't want the army to spend half a month in the forest, they have to take the East-West Road between the forest and the Baishui River, or flow down from the Baishui River. The former has to face the blockade line of Cecil, who will pass Leslie’s collar and pass under the towering walls of Tanzan town...but they may take the risk because the Viscount Andrew Leslie has been Sylre is very close, but it is not impossible for the aristocrats in the south;

"North... This should be the best offensive line. They can attack the Kant area first because Kant is the new land of Cecil. According to the general rules, they will think that the Kant area is under-preserved, and the local knights and nostalgia against Sethi. Seoul's loyalty will be very low, so they will give priority to attacking here. If they win Kant, they can use it as a stronghold and continue to attack Cecil City."

Gao Wen finished his speculation, and Soldlin touched his chin and said, "So, they may attack from the west and the north at the same time?"

"That depends on how many people the Count of Hosman can organize and whether his authority is sufficient to support such a division," Gao Wen said, and then retracted his view from the map. "What we have to do now is Push the last Earl of Horsman again..."

"Push the last one?" Hetty asked curiously.

“Notice Paderick that the supply of alchemy syrup in the whole country has been reduced by 50%,” Gao Wenxian said to Hetty, and then turned to amber. “Let the twenty-five production and construction office draft a plan and let the 25 brigade send out a message. ... It is said that those who lost the land of Cecil Knight and the scorned Master of the Kings broke the riots and destroyed the alchemy factory. The interior of Cecil was in chaos, and the alchemy pharmacy industry as the pillar of the territory was about to stop. When the grenade was not there was a batch of defective products that had not been destroyed yet? Just go to the North Shore Reservoir to use the crater, let the 25 battalions go to the dock to hit the foundation, and blow them in front of them, telling them that the Master on the territory is making trouble."

Amber’s eyes are shining: “I like this program!!”

Not to mention amber, even Soldlin had a bit of admiration for Gao Wen at this time, and Philip couldn't help but scream with Byron: "You said... Is the lord doing something that is not in line with the spirit of the Cavaliers? ”

Byron opened his mouth and habitually wanted to make a set of rumors to fool this straight young man, but the plan that Gao Wen developed was too dirty, and the feeling of the old fritters could not be washed. He had to scream twice: "The lord is thinking about the overall situation and has to sacrifice the spirit of the knight."

Philip thought for a moment and nodded: "Hey."

Byron looked at him in surprise: "Well? You turned your mind? Why didn't you get the same knight spirit as before?"

Philip thought again and waved his hand: "I recently realized one thing, that is, I said at the root, but you are more eager to understand the knight spirit. I want to know when the last time you promised me the persuader railgun. give me?"

Byron: "..."

In the spring of 736, in the last days of the month of recovery, countless or bright or dark tides surged in this ancient country.

However, due to the slow spread of the news, coupled with the occlusion of the southern region itself, almost everyone in the South has not known what they are going to do in the next few years when these tides have just surged.

In the eastern region, Gülen collar, Roppie Gülen sent away the messenger from the western region, watching the carriage hanging the Hosman family emblem disappear gradually on the mountain road, and her mouth slowly revealed a temperatureless smile.

"Is it even a gathering of 70,000 people?" The woman said to herself, "It’s crazy..."

After the middle-aged housekeeper who followed for many years, he came to the woman’s lord and said softly: “The hostess, the knight and the soldiers have gathered together.”

"Very good," Roppie Gülen nodded. "Let the knights go first and go to Carroll... I will help the good neighbor."

The butler left, and Roperie Gram turned and stood on the castle's terrace overlooking the rolling hills of the southern region.

"70,000 people... Duke of Gaowen, I hope that you can really do what you promise, this will be the last time I gambled in my life."

Cecil's collar, Baishuihe, accompanied by the snarl of the steel repulsion mechanism and the hinge device, the huge mechanical bridge connecting the two sides of the river slowly descended and closed, and the various vehicles and pedestrians who had long waited for a long time embarked on it. On the bridge deck, a messenger carriage heading for the Kant area ran in the front. The carriage was flying, and a newspaper in the carriage was loosened by the vibration. Several sheets of ink smelling were scattered to the deck. on.

The newspaper is printed with eye-catching headline text:

Out-of-war war threatens our prosperity and peace

Under this, there is a subtitle:

Mr. Godwin commented that the Count of Hosman and his running dogs did not want the people of Cecil to live a good life.

A pair of feet in the sneakers walked on the mechanical bridge, and the owner of the feet stopped in front of the "outside", and then a thick and powerful hand picked up the paper.

Wright Aviken looked carefully at the content outside the title. This article is completely different from Godwin's previous style of writing, which is filled with elegant language even if it is simple and simple. It is plain and straightforward, but it seems to be profitable. The sword is full of offensive, strong and hot, no doubt, even if this article was written by Godwin himself, its content is not the one who came from the "editor and president" of Wangdu.

"Where is the battlefield..."

The priest who lost the light whispered softly and slowly clenched his fists.