Chapter 345: Wise move

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
What will you deal with in the future?

The Kant knights couldn't help thinking after hearing the words of Gao Wen, and they quickly associated them.

What does the Cavaliers deal with? In addition to the etiquette that every aristocratic member has to touch, of course, it is the sword armor and the war horse.

Although the aristocratic system of Ansu has begun to decline, many traditional martial arts aristocrats have been eroded by extravagant life, and they have begun to rely on magical rituals, potions and other simple and easy ways to catalyze their extraordinary power, but this is an extraordinary power. And personal strength can determine the world of social status to a large extent, especially in the south of the poor security, the grassroots martial arts aristocrats are still very particular about "power", these knights from Kant are certainly no exception - - As the guardian of the superiors and the military benchmarks on the territory, they always look at the personal strength improvement in the first place, talking about the things the knight must deal with... that is no doubt the weaponry.

At the very least, I added "decoration" from the top.

The knights exchanged their eyes in silence, and they knew that this was mostly the new leader who showed the force to them. I heard that Cecil’s original armed forces suffered a great deal after the disaster. There were only two surviving knights. The others were only a group of soldiers and militia. However, Gao Wen was recruited from the refugees. A large number of people trained, it is barely enough to cover the number of troops defending the territory...

They don't know much about this new army. They just heard that this new army has some strange weapons and equipment. Its combat power is much stronger than that of ordinary soldiers. Perhaps the new leader mainly shows this thing.

The knights have their own ideas, but they all agree that the lord does not actually show his army - as a powerful knight lord with legendary strength, Gao Wen Cecil himself is the best deterrent, his military value Already enough, what else do you need to show?

Regardless of their thoughts, the team quickly came to the weapons testing ground outside the city. After passing the soldiers' checkpoints, the Kant Knights came to a tall, wood-built viewing platform and watched. The strange big guys in a row are neatly arranged on the ground below.

"I want to show you the justice-i-type magic crystal railgun that has just been installed in the Cecil Combat Corps," Gao Wen looked at the Kant knights who were curious about the surrounding, and said with a slight smile, "You are If you want to be a member of Cecil, it is not good to know how to fight yourself."

Justice-i-type magic crystal railgun? What it is? Are those large iron shovel and iron pillars on the field? Their form is quite regular, and they don’t know how the craftsmen made them exactly the same...

The knights were confused, and then they watched the soldiers act: the soldiers trained by ordinary people ran around the railroad guns, loaded metal objects between the steels, and adjusted the "track". Angle, check something, still screaming strange passwords...

This is a very fresh sight. These soldiers have almost no extraordinary atmosphere. This shows that they are all ordinary people. They are mud legs with big characters. The Gaowen? The Duke of Cecil can actually train such people to be so obedient. Let them act quickly and cooperate with each other. This is not easy, but what are they doing?

Just as the Cavaliers were puzzled, a soldier holding a small flag suddenly ran under the high platform for observation. The soldier shouted: "Report! The railgun is ready, request instructions!"

Gao Wen nodded slightly: "Fast shot, fire."

The soldier turned and waved the flag in his hand in a strange pattern.

The knights did not understand what had happened. They saw that all the soldiers standing behind the "rail guns" had their movements: they pressed the things on the base, and the magical buzzing sounds From the strange large devices, the surface of the device began to appear bright magic runes, and then the soldiers standing behind the base side pulled down a red lever.

A series of buzzing sounds, and the front end of each "rail gun" suddenly bursts into a bright halo: it is the flash of aerodynamic rune activation, and then a group of ambiguous things rush to the sky, flying toward distance.

With the extraordinary vision of the knights, it is almost impossible to capture the flight path of those things.

After a while, the thunderous bang of the thunder suddenly burst, and the distant hillside rose and smashed a huge explosion of explosions. The soil and rocks rose into the air and turned into a small mushroom cloud in the shock wave.

The knights were shocked by this bang, many people thought that a powerful magician suddenly broke into the attack territory, and some even subconsciously activated their bodyguard aura, but they did not see the magician Instead, the soldiers below saw the soldiers in the loud noise and continued to move in an orderly manner. The new metal objects were filled into the steel, followed by another burst of sound, and another piece of loud noise...

They finally knew how it was like the terrible blows of dozens of high-level spell bombers.

After several consecutive rounds of shooting, the deafening roar finally calmed down, the knights looked at each other, and Gao Wen smiled and walked past them, heading for the exit of the viewing platform: "You, we should go to the next place. Don't keep staring Look, anyway, after today, everyone will inevitably have to deal with these things."

Now, they finally know what it means to "work with these things."

Wald Peric walked in the middle of the team, and he heard a young knight muttering to himself: "The new law... doesn't seem to be unacceptable..."

Wald was slightly biased, recognizing that this was the knight who had previously said that he would "take out his attitude."

Subsequently, Gao Wen took these people to the assembly factory of the shells.

He did not let these Kant knights go to see the rune structure in the shell (although he felt that these knights should not understand the runes, after all, not everyone is as magical as he is), he just let everyone take a look, How many powerful cannonballs can be made here in a day.

After returning to the Lord's Office, Gao Wen satisfactorily looked at the reactions of these old knights, but he thought that his deterrence was enough, and it was time to give these people some comfort.

"You, I know that you are resentful about the deprivation of land governance rights. There is no need to justify and hide. I still have this eyesight, but what I want to say is that this is the foundation that Cecil can strengthen." It is also the basis for a better future in the future.

"I estimate that you still can't understand it now. You can't understand the concept of liberating productive forces, releasing people, and concentrating authority. But I can promise you that after you let go of your old privilege, what you can gain in the new order will be more More - that is not just wealth, but also personal glory and achievement.

"Kant leader will set up a new management department similar to the second-level government office. Philip Knight and Mr. Padrik will preside over this work. I hope that the Wald Periqi Knight will become the mainstay in this process, just like You maintained Kant’s order a few months ago, and I hope that you will also be the maintainer of the new order.

"I also want to use this opportunity to remind everyone present to find their place in the new order, rather than to cherish the privilege that is destined to be lost. This is a wise move.

"Now, you can take the oath, or leave."

Cecil collar, on the banks of the White River, a new merchant ship is moving closer to the trestle with the help of the terminal guide.

In the north of the kingdom, the main rivers are still in a severe dry season, the water source in the mountains is still frozen, and the ice in the northern areas is still ice floes, but in the southern part of the kingdom, the area closest to the wasteland, the river is blocked. The ice layer has melted, although the flood season is far from coming, but at least on the Baishui River, the lighter and faster merchant ships have revived.

With the water level that has just started to rise, the merchants who have waited for the whole winter can't wait to start their business. The month of recovery is not only the recovery of farmland, but also the recovery of the merchants who depend on materials for sale. At this time, all the territories are in urgent need of goods from afar. Of course, in most cases, self-sufficient farmers will not deal with these businessmen. These businessmen mainly deal with wealthy households and nobles on the land. They bring The wines, sugars, new carpets and clothing, as well as spices and furs that are in desperate need.

These things can be sold at a higher price at this time.

Because the water level of the Baishui River is still shallow at this time, there are dangerous ice floes floating on the river in many places. The first batch of merchant ships will bear greater risks, and the earlier the risk is greater, but the interest is driven. Next, there are always people who are daring to leave Hong Kong.

The goods required by each territory are different. Cecil collar may be the “most different” of all the territories. There is not much alcohol and spices needed here. The demand for various kinds of magic ore and metal ore is huge. These things are quite heavy, and the cost of land transportation is high. So in most cases, they will travel by water. Because of the prosperity of the alchemy pharmacy business, any businessman with a brain knows that Cecil has money at the moment, so when the river opens, A ship full of magical ore arrived at the pier of Cecil.

And along with the ore, there were the first new immigrants who arrived in the development after the fall of the month of recovery.

The clerk who is responsible for registering the immigrants is sitting in the office on the west side of the dock. He has been doing this work since last year. He has long been familiar with the work. He knows that today’s merchant ship is still carrying some immigrants, he has compiled the registration. The form began to record those big characters who did not know, even those who could not tell their names.

One after another, the tarnished registrants came in and went out. The clerk skillfully and numbly arranged the form and filled in the content, but suddenly he noticed an unusual coat in sight.

It was a woolen coat, old, but clean and tidy – it wasn't the homeless wanderers.

The clerk raised his head and moved along the line of the woolen coat. He saw a man who was lonely but still pretty.

“Is it registered here?” the man asked cautiously.

“Yes,” the clerk took a form reflexively, “name, age, good job or former occupation?”

"Joseph, thirty, pharmacist."

"Pharmacist?" The clerk stopped the finger for the record. This is the most decent job he has written since he did the job. He raised his head and confirmed it with a certainty. "You mean a pharmacist?" ”

"Yes, the pharmacist, there are more than a dozen queues outside... including pharmacists, herbalists, alchemists..."