Chapter 281: 25 brigade in action

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
Gao Wen is very grateful for the various educations he has received in his life and the habit of flipping books when he is idle, but he is also very grateful that he has first crossed into a satellite in his life and that he has undergone some variation in the process. He guessed that he was When I became a satellite, I experienced “reconstruction” or “compilation” at the spiritual or soul level. This satellite-based reconstruction must completely sort out all his memories and classify them. Eventually brought him two extremely important changes: the first is the non-human mind, followed by the memory of the hard disk.

He can keep things clear, even the things that he thought he had forgotten in his life, he can remember to just think back.

Now, he is happy to teach Rebecca the good things he recalls. Well, by the way, there is a Heti who stands next to him.

When the lords of this land and the officials at all levels plan for post-war production and future development, everyone in the territory is busy with their own affairs, including studying with the apprentices how to further enhance the magic melting furnace. The efficiency of Hammer, including Norris, who is considering the next year's wasteland, also includes the twenty-fifth production and construction brigade that has just returned to the residential area and is meeting to hear tomorrow's work plan.

Before the monster attack, the twenty-fifth production and construction brigade was building a new industrial area in the southwestern part of the territory. After the alarm came, the entire brigade temporarily stopped the work at hand like other engineering teams. They were assigned to the city wall segment. Helping to carry materials and reinforce the wall, and now the battle alert has been lifted, the entire brigade has returned to its own station as a special "team", they are not with other production teams, assign production tasks, work The same is true at the time of the summarization. Several specialized supervisors and soldiers are responsible for the management of the 2nd and 5th Brigade. Now they are given a meeting from the Cecil Combat Regiment, which is said to have served the Cecil family for ten years. veteran.

Hall is a member of the 25th Brigade and a new member of this territory. He is sitting in his own position honestly, listening to the tall and strong veterans in front of him to convey the command of the lord to the people in the team. He works hard. Let yourself behave like the most normal people, but you still need to work hard to adjust to the role you should play.

The "female husband" on this land is different from other places. This is a place that makes him a bit awkward, but fortunately he is a person who is very adaptable and will be able to observe and observe, so it is not long before he lives here. He learned how the words and deeds of Cecil's civilians were learned.

After confirming that everyone around him was listening carefully, Hall pretended to inadvertently lift his head and quickly swept the soldiers in front.

The team of the husband and wife is managed by the supervisor. This is normal, but in addition to the supervisors, there are three soldiers in the team responsible for maintaining order. This is not unusual. At the beginning, Hall was still nervous and thought that he had already It caused the suspicion of the lord, but soon he realized that the soldiers of the management team were not targeting themselves, but monitoring the entire team, so they settled down.

Even with peace of mind, there is still a lot of sneak peek. This team is very special. The lord's private soldiers supervise it personally, which shows that they have been fortunate enough to have a place where they can reach the secret. There are coincidences and luck factors, but isn’t the spy’s business itself a good luck?

I have heard that several spies have been caught in the gates, docks, checkpoints and the like, and have been whipped and exiled. I am still lucky to be sitting here now.

It is because of luck lurking that I have the opportunity to see so many unimaginable things on this land.

There is no doubt that the resurrection of the Duke of Govin Cecil is really not simple. He led his descendants and hundreds of refugees to the dark mountains. It is not a brain that is not awake, but is planning something. The speed and extent of the construction of the land far exceeds that of its own owner, the expectation of the Viscount Carol, and it is a wise move for the Viscount Carol to send himself.

And there are those monsters, the monsters that are said to have ran out of the wasteland, and the weapons of war that were created to destroy those monsters...

Until now, recalling the end of the battle still made Hall a little scared, although he just glanced at the battlefield quickly when he climbed the wall to transport the bomb in the second half of the battle, but that scene still made him feel soft. He couldn't imagine that there would be such terrible things in the world, and it is even more impossible to imagine that the duke who died and resurrected could create a Thunder-like war weapon in order to fight against that monster. If it was not seen by the eyes, who could imagine this civilization? The land of Bentham, is this happening?

The soldiers who conveyed the orders were not as long-stased as the nobles, so when Holsuo, the soldiers had already finished the important things, then he announced that they knew about the scattered, and the members of the 25th Brigade stood up. .

Hall also got up with everyone, pretending to play the clothes without incident, moving hands and feet, and heading for the exit.

He refrained from the urge to go to the soldier and be close to each other. It is still too early, and his identity is only a "untouchable". Although the status of "untouchables" seems to be very high in this land, he rushes to go. Contact with the nobility of the nobility is still inevitable. Even if the money is used to buy the other party, the highly loyal soldiers are likely to sell themselves immediately. He has to be steady and steady.

Never let others see their anomalies.

On the way, someone came over and greeted each other. They are also members of the 25th Brigade. They have been working together for several days. The name is already familiar, but the specific situation is still unknown.

This is a newly established production and construction team, so it is normal for everyone not to know each other, but in order to avoid doubts, Hall responded enthusiastically to the other party and talked about the recent production tasks, while the topic naturally turned. To the battle that just ended.

Everyone around is talking about the same topic. After all, the battle is just over, and it is still an impressive battle. Normal people can't help but use this topic to talk about it to ease their nervousness.

There is nothing to doubt about this.

But Hall still remembers his mission, so he can't just chat, but also have to take this opportunity to inquire about the things on the territory, such as asking how the monsters came from, and asking where the weapons used against the monsters came from.

In the process, he can't just ask questions. The person next to him may ask questions at any time. But as a good spy, Hall knows how to adapt to the situation. He can always rely on the shortest time. The intelligence you have observed and your own guesses and understandings make up a sleek answer. People don't doubt that they are actually outsiders who know nothing about the news.

After a little chat, Hall will rationally shift the topic and prevent others from doubting himself. Then he will find a way to naturally leave the sight of the people around him and find opportunities to be alone.

The dormitory is a relatively safe place, but this time is not suitable, because several people in the same dormitory are likely to have gone back, so he turned a corner and went to the toilet in the dormitory.

The number of toilets here is sufficient, and there is also a “compartment”. To tell the truth, Hall did not understand this at first: this territory did not allow people to urinate and defecate, and the lord also spent a lot of effort to build so much. The toilet and the sewer are just like some kind of cleansing, but until now, Hall has adapted to the strange rules here, and thinks that the strange rules set by the ancient duke have brought great convenience to himself.

After entering the toilet, Hall saw a row of compartments that closed the door. He knocked on the first few, and there were people inside, but in the end he found a compartment where no one was, so he quickly flashed in.

He did not forget to turn the door back and put a lock on it.

Then he took out the charcoal pen and paper strips hidden in his body and confirmed the safety before starting to write a secret letter:

To the owner:

Has been settled and become a construction worker. The area has developed extremely fast and the population has reached more than 10,000. Today, a monster attack occurred, allegedly...

He uses the words as accurate as possible to describe what he sees, but it is not easy. After all, he sees too many things beyond imagination, even as a good spy, he is also describing the process of those things. I felt the lack of vocabulary, but he still wrote the secret letter and put it in his possession.

In the near future, merchants from Carroll will pass by here, some of them have a secret, and he will send the secret letter when the contact person passes by.

After confirming that there was no problem, Hall stood up and deliberately made some clothing sounds, then pushed the door away from the compartment.

There was also a person in the side compartment who came out and was an ordinary construction worker.

Hall nodded and said hello to the other party, and the other party nodded, looking no doubt at all...

In this way, the members of the 25th Brigade are moving in the residential area, chatting, pretending to collect intelligence from the people around them, and constantly releasing intelligence, except for a few military officers who are among them. In addition, none of them is a senior citizen who really understands Cecil's situation, but the magic is that countless information about Cecil's leadership has been brewed between them and passed on.

Some of them are what they saw with their own eyes, but more... God knows who is the first brain supplement, and then spread throughout the brigade.

The soldier who finished the meeting went to the military zone after leaving the 25th battalion and walked into the military security intelligence station.

In the office, two people wearing winter tooling reported intelligence to the amber. They were the officers of the Military Bureau who were placed in the 25th team.

The content they reported made Amber listen to it one by one.

What Cecil's collar is built on the ruins of a city that has been summoned by the crazy ancient magician in the dark mountains. The weapons used against monsters are secretly smuggled by the silver empire...

In the process of raising the scorpion, the magical Bundesliga team relied on internal brain supplementation, fermentation, and essays to create a fantasy version of Cecil.

Even Amber couldn't help but marvel at it:

"It’s just like the oldest nephew said, this is a miracle out of nothing..."
