Chapter 221: When the stars are in the right position

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
Astrology is an extremely important subject on the Loren continent.

Although Gao Wen cannot understand the connection between the distant celestial bodies in the sky and the little planet under his feet, the power of astrology is practical. An excellent astrologer can observe the nuances of the stars. The magic flow in the atmosphere, even the shining guide of the stars can find a new magic focus thousands of miles away. The accuracy of this is so high that it completely exceeds the concept of "god stick" and can be As a kind of "black box academic" to see.

Of course, due to the obscurity of astrology, there have always been many swindlers in this field, and the characteristics of such scammers are actually well recognized: they will extend the observational role of astrology to nature to the so-called "unknown prophet". They claim to be able to help you find the lost treasure, the lost key, and the wife who ran away with the stars, but in fact, the astrology of Loren's mainland is not powerful in this respect.

Its more important role is to observe the magical changes in the natural environment, and on this basis, it can at most alert some relatively large and regular natural disasters to find cats and dogs. It’s better to rely on the “astrologers”.

The reason why Gao Wen suddenly thought of astrology is that he is now standing on the terrace above the Lord's Mansion and studying the stars in the sky with his granddaughter.

Ok, mainly because he is watching Herti to study the stars in the sky.

Starting today, the three consecutive days will be the best "Stars Day" after the winter. On these special days, the northern part of the mainland of Loren will observe the clearest starry sky and the most stars of the year.

Since this planet does not have a large satellite like the moon, there is no moonlight at night, and there is less interference from the moonlight. The night sky of this world has amazing stars, and the inexhaustible stars and crosses. The light belt that crosses the sky and is suspected of the luminous cloud structure in distant space always gives Gao Wen a deep impression. For Heti, who is a professional mage, the meaning of the stars is even more different.

The mage can feel the change of magic from the process of observing the stars, and integrate this sentiment into his own spellcasting skills. This kind of promotion is slow but effective, and Hetty will never let go of any day suitable for stargazing. She hopes that watching the stars a few times can improve her spellcasting level. In the rest of her life, her Arcane Missile and Frostbolt can hit the target once...

The tool she used to observe the starry sky is a special "silver plate". The silver plate is placed horizontally on the bracket. The surface of the iron platform around the silver plate is engraved with various astrological patterns and magic symbols, while the silver plate center The shadows of the stars will be reflected. Through special casting techniques, the shadows reflected in the silver plate can be enlarged and filtered for easy observation.

"I really didn't expect your ancestors to be interested in astrology," Herti recorded while watching the changes in the stars, smiling and looking at Gao Wen, standing next to him. "This is a boring study."

"I said a long time ago, I am very interested in the stars," Gao Wen looked at Herti’s star-watching silver plate, and he had to admire the world’s own magical technology, even though it’s not used at all. Convenient, but also lacks room for improvement, but it does indeed play a role in observing the stars. "Is Rebecca not learning astrology? Today is a 'star day' that is important to the Master. She is also a mage..."

There were only two people on the terrace, Heti and Heidi, and Rebecca was one of the highest-ranking mages on the land, but it did not appear at the moment.

"She was forced to learn a little stargazing when she was a child, but every time she wants to throw a big fireball into the sky, trying to blow up the stars and not let her continue to mess up," Herti's tone is full of helplessness, "and said To be honest, astrology has almost zero effect on her ascension. Her magical talents are all throwing fireballs. In this respect, she has already done her best. Even if she looks at the stars for ten years, she can't pop an arcane fly. And there is one more important point: the star-watching disc must be controlled with a few specific arcane magic. She won't have anything but a big fireball. Even if she doesn't use it, she can only look at the sky with her eyes... ...and it is no wonder that she would be bored to throw a big fireball into the sky."

The biggest limitation of the star-watching disk is that it is still using the threshold...

Gao Wen looked thoughtfully at the magic device in Herti's hand and thought of something he had planned for the craftsman to build.

If it goes well, it should still be completed before the end of the "Stars Day".

"I am preparing the same gift for Rebecca. If everything goes well, she will probably be able to watch the stars with us."

"Oh?" Hetty looked at Gao Wen with amazement. She couldn't think of what kind of gift the ancestor had prepared to put Rebecca on the stargazing platform. First of all, Rebecca, which only fireball can be manipulated, can be manipulated. The star-watching device, and secondly, the silly child who wants to throw a big fireball to see the stars is interested in this boring knowledge that needs to calm down. This is incredible to her.

But soon she thought of her ancestors' endless whimsy and mysterious knowledge reserves. She controlled her curiosity very well, without asking too much, but showing a smile: "You really like that kid."

"You are not curious about what gift I am preparing?"

"Curious, but I want to keep this curiosity," Herti blinked. "You will always surprise us. Should this be no exception?"

Gao Wen smiled and nodded: "Of course."

At this moment, it is not only ordinary stargazers such as Gao Wen and Herti who are paying attention to the stars.

In the endless sea in the east, the night is already halfway through, but the stars are still high above the sky. The bright stars seem to be in love with this sky. Even if the first light of the morning has appeared in the East, there is still one third of it. The stars are clearly visible.

An unnamed island is solitary on the sea. This huge island is one of the few places in the endless sea. The children of the storm have built it into a well-developed place for hundreds of years. According to the site, they built farms, villages, foundries and a fortress on the coast cliffs, and the most important building on the entire island is the “Star Tower” at the top of the fortress.

At the top of the star-gazing tower, the storm main offering in black robes flattens the star-watching disc in the hand. With the magical injection, the already dim starlight on the star-watching disc becomes clear and bright again.

He was engrossed in observing the position of the stars, and everything that was not related to him was left behind by him, no matter whether it was destroyed by the Kraken in the eastern reefs of the island a few months ago, or the perpetrators rushed to contact Gavin Cecil. The strange and disturbing warning that came after it, or the death of all things, will advance the progress of the war on the mainland. At this moment, it is not as important as the star-watching disk in front of him.

Or, it is not as important as the scene presented by the star-watching disk.

The position of the stars is gradually returning to the correct, and the surge of magic will begin. This special magic surge will not be very strong. Most mages and priests will not even notice it, but only the son of the storm. They, they clearly know what it means to be surging under the influence of the stars.

"The main sacrifice, the 2nd and 3rd island lions sent news, they observed the same astrology, and ruled out the magical interference of the endless sea, the conclusion can be confirmed," a storm priest walked up the tower. Respectfully after the Lord's sacrifice, "the stars are returning."

"I have observed the same scene here," the main event of the storm nodded slightly, and then interrupted the control of the star-watching disc. "You can draw up a letter to the Pope's letter. If the day of the trial comes, it will be in these three days. See you."

The face of the storm priest looked very dignified. He glanced at the large silver plate behind the main sacrifice and took a slight breath.

This slightly young priest finally couldn't help but ask: "Is He going back?"

"When the stars are in the right position, God's flesh and blood will wake up from the long sleep. This is the revelation that we got after we left the land." The main event of the storm will not answer this unsteady and immature question in the usual, but in this special At the moment, he also hopes that someone can talk to himself a few words, and then faintly said, "There is no absolute thing in the world, because there are other ancient materials that show that the position of the stars has been correct more than once, but the world still exists. Then everything is undetermined."

The storm priest nodded silently, and in his sight, the distant waves were gradually rolling.

The sea once again lost its calm.

In the depths of this endless ocean, the third group is also concerned about the changes of the stars.

Deep in the dark sea floor, there is a bright artificial light source that illuminates the entire seabed. The luminous balloons floating in the sea water sway with the water, and within their illumination range, you can see countless elegant and embarrassing The figure is gathering in all directions.

A Kraken commander swayed the long snake tail to the front of the meeting point, where a temporary outpost information station was fixed on the seabed, and two deepwater technicians were concentrating on manipulating the control station of the kiosk.

A deepwater technician turned around and bent his tail on the commander: "Sir, the latest monitoring report from the drone, the celestial body is entering a certain position, and the energy reading of 'O' has risen by 3%. ”

The Kraken commander nodded: "What is the situation of the 'dig site'?"

“It is observed that the tissue activity of the big catfish is rising, and the 'surge increase’ is about to begin soon.”

The commander of the Kraken left the information station and swam to the compatriots gathered together.

Every Kraken struggles to stretch his face. They hold their own equipment in their hands. Every snake tail, fish tail and wrist are tightly attached to the seabed. They concentrate all their energy on this moment, without any siren. Will be slack in this process.

They must take seriously what is going to happen because they are so clear that what happens when the stars are in the right position.

In their historical records, such things have happened sixteen times, and each time all the Krakens are involved.

The Kraken commander swam to the right position, she lifted her right hand high, holding the deep water trident in her hand, and each of the Kraken’s eyes was concentrated on her, under the eyes of countless eyes. The commander shook the sea and made a sound that was enough to spread the audience:

"Sisters, the stars are entering the right place.

"We have been preparing for this day for many years!

"Sisters, please remember...

"Be sure to pay attention to the order of dining!!!"

The Kraken commander wielded the trident and sounded the sound of the seabed:

"The chance to open your belly is in these two days!!"