Chapter 216: business plan

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The fat Padrek Pom slightly sat in a confined manner in the parlour of the castle of Cecil, the third time he adjusted his bow tie position.

He is not a person who has never seen the world, but it is difficult for people who have seen the world in this world to have a chance to talk to a founding hero. He knows that this situation is completely different from the previous conversation at Kant Castle. Last time, he accepted the appointment of the Duke of Cecil in the crowd as a representative of Kant. This time, it was the Duke of Cecil who brought him from Kant and had a face-to-face meeting in private. .

The pressure caused by these two conversations is quite different.

At the same time, Padrec was also curious to look at this novelty in his eyes.

This mansion is the castle of the Duke of Cecil, but its styling is quite different from the aristocratic fortress in the public impression. It is not so much a castle, but it is closer to the "holiday manor" architectural style that some nobles in the central region have recently revived. It's probably not as strong as a castle, but the environment inside is surprisingly comfortable: wide floor-to-ceiling windows, bright living room, warm corridors and rooms, and the air doesn't smell the same in the castle. It’s amazingly wet and spoiled.

Most of the walls here are whitewashed, and the bright magical stone lamp illuminates every corner of the building, not just in the castle, but since entering Cecil. After the collar, Padreck saw the number of magic spar lamps even more than the sum of the magical stone lamps he had seen in his previous life.

God knows how this newly established pioneering collar has done this kind of thing. In just a few months, it has built neat brick houses, built wide and straight streets, piers, mills, Sawmills are readily available, and among all these things, the most eye-catching are the crystallized lights that have just been lit up at dusk, and they have been placed in rows and on both sides of the road and houses. In front of the main entrance, it is not used to illuminate the lord's mansion, but to illuminate the place where the people live!

Originally, Padrick also felt that Kant’s collar was able to make half of the people’s lights lit up after the night, but it’s a feat, but after seeing the brightly lit Cecil territory after night, he felt familiar. The town was dull and dull.

Is Cecil rich in money? Do they employ dozens of formal mage, dedicated to the streetlights of the people's door?

And what is the speed of their incredible construction? What is the project that still does not stop in the winter? And what about the civilians who walk around in the territory, talk loudly, and see patrolling soldiers who are not afraid to tremble? What are the big buildings that are called strange factories that are called factories?

This territory seems to cover a myriad of mysteries, but Padrec did not dare to go deeper. He knew that the owner of this land knew that the origin of the great man of Govin Cecil had experienced the Gangster period and the second. The legend of the second development, it is said that it has reached a secret agreement with the four-element lord, and has a close relationship with the elves of the elves and dwarves. Such a character seems to be almost "inhuman" in Padrek, even if he borrows With the power of the elemental lord to build this territory, Padrik also felt that there was no problem, but if he was a small person in this regard, the problem would be big.

When Padrik finished the bow tie for the fourth time, the little maid who looked dumbfounded and walked up. I don’t know how many times I filled the cup on the round table: "Mr., drink tea."

"Oh, oh, thank you." Padrik slammed the sound of the water, but this time he had learned to be smart, just took the teacup and took a sip. He realized that the maid girl was Not deliberately martyrdom, nor was he instructed by the Duke to test himself, but she was afraid that she had never learned how to receive a guest with a senior maid or maid. She only knew that the teacups were filled up again and again. Then stare at the guests to drink tea, but if the guests are too honest or think too much, such as half an hour before themselves, it is very likely that she will be drowned with tea.

"Excuse me... Did the Duke know that I am coming?" After putting down the cup, Padrik asked carefully Betty.

The other party is just a small maid. It is impossible to compare it with the self-employed consultant (before), but only the fool can use such a simple method to compare this little girl is just a maid. But she is the maid of the duke!

Then the "duke's maid" fell into the chin with a finger on her chin. After thinking hard, Betty shook her head: "I don't know!"

Padrik sighed and gave up asking anything from Betty.

At this moment, the door of the living room was finally pushed open, and a tall figure stood there, allowing Padrek, who had just sighed, to stand up in a reflexive manner.

"Sorry, I have kept you waiting," Gao Wen said as he walked into the room and said, "I am inspecting the alchemy factory, and it took some time to sort out the samples and pour tea for the guests?"

Betty raised the big teapot in her hand: "Pour tea!"

When Padrick heard the sound of the water in the big teapot, he snorted and reflected...

Gao Wenyiyi: How does this Mr. Fat fight and bring back the echo?

However, he did not delve into this matter, but was gratified by the growth of his little maid. After showing a thumbs up smile to the little girl, he looked at Mr. Padrik, who was a little nervous and snorted. "The Philip Knight has praised you. When he came back last time, he mentioned that you have taken care of Kant’s financial management, not only ensuring the supply of goods in winter, but also in the case of the death of the lord. Still calming the merchants who have traded with Kant and let them still do business with Kant in the coming year?"

"I just did something inside," Paderick said, holding his head. "I have always been in charge of dealing with the Chamber of Commerce on the ground, and I have advised the lord in this regard. It is a good idea, although I am good at heraldry. And grammar, etiquette, but put more energy into the money, this ... probably not very decent."

"When you are good at dealing with money but still can't admit it, it's really not decent," Gao Wen said with a smile. "I am looking for you today, I want to talk to you about money. I think you Should you already know?"

"Oh, yes, I saw your letter, your territory has entered the stage of production, so I am looking for a contact with the business road?" Padrick nodded. "Is it the alchemy potion?"

“Yes, alchemy syrup, but I have to declare in advance that Cecil’s way of producing and selling alchemy syrup is probably quite different from what you think. I have a brand new trading model, and I need you to help me build it. Realize it."

“A new trade model?” Padrick frowned. He didn’t know what Gaowen meant. “Are you saying that you are the lord?”

"It’s too much trouble to talk about. It’s better to look at the information directly,” Gao Wen said as he gestured, and Heti, who was standing beside him, handed a book that was not too thick to Paderick. This will tell you what is called 'new trade model'."

Padrik took over the booklet, but although he was quite awed by Gao Wen, he was quite a bit conceited when he talked about the areas he was good at. He asked himself to deal with the merchants for half a lifetime, and to lay the roads, buy and sell. That set of things is very familiar. No matter how novel the trade pattern is, it will not be complicated in his eyes. It is really a little fuss to use a booklet to explain it, but he can’t say it clearly, but can only respectfully nod. "Okay, let me see this. Duke adults, you can rest assured that I am quite confident in doing business."

As he spoke, he saw some keyword words on the booklet: chain distribution, regional agency, circulation network, sharing model and market expansion...

Gao Wen didn't say anything, just quietly watching Padrik to quickly read the book that was not very thick.

Padrick spent a few minutes browsing through the first pass and then spent three times looking at the second time.

When he was preparing to watch the third time, Gao Wen interrupted him: "Mr. Padrick, what do you think?"

Padrik blinked and looked at Gao Wen awkwardly. It seemed that he had forgotten that he was in the living room of the Duke’s house. He was full of incredible nouns and specific operating plans until he realized When Gao Wen was calling himself, he suddenly came out with a cold sweat: "Yes... is the Duke! I finished reading, I finished reading!"

"I know you finished reading, I want to know what you think."

"This...this" Padrik looked down at the book in his hand, but suddenly found that he had no vocabulary to use. "These ideas are really things I never thought of. They look strange...but Seems to be feasible? But..."

This fat man, for a long time, finally took a deep breath: "Well, I admit that it is logically no problem. If it is realized, then it will quickly grow into a commercial monster in the southern region without any separate. Merchants, businessmen, and even regional chambers of commerce can confront such a group of businessmen who are well-organized, efficient, unified, and have a big aristocratic support behind them, but I have to tell the truth, these ideas are almost impossible to achieve. You ask for this sale. Everyone in the system is under unified scheduling. The underlying shops are under the command of the regional agents. The regional agents are under the command of the general manager appointed by you. However, no businessman has ever accepted such restrictions. Of course, we can rely on monetary benefits. And the contract to barely achieve, but you also ask the lowest-level shops to do business on civilians, this..."

Padrick spread his hand: "Alchemy syrup is not a stinky ointment from a country herbalist. Even a poor mercenary may not be able to afford them. How can civilians afford it? Even if we sell it to civilians, they No one bought it!"

"You don't have to worry about this. Since I said that the new type of alchemy pharmacy can be sold to civilians, I naturally consider the price. I can guarantee that they are cheaper to the ordinary civilian class and can bear the bite. The nobles everywhere also They can use this potion for their army."

Gao Wen did not directly say too much, and did not promise anything. "Lian serfs can also afford alchemicals" because this is unrealistic. Not every territory is the same as Cecil. In most parts of the world, the private property of serfs is almost zero. Even if Gaowen makes cheaper alchemy, the serfs still have a bottle cap. Can not afford to buy, in this regard, the current Gao Wen is still powerless.

It is already his biggest goal to enable ordinary civilians (or citizens) in other territories to use alchemicals.

For Gao Wen’s statement, Padreke’s first reaction still questioned that this was impossible, but when he saw the unshakable expression on his face, he wisely did not say this, but simply carried out the trade model on the manual. Evaluation: "Well, then I have to say that the things written above are full of wisdom. If you are not selling alchemy syrup, but food grain, my evaluation of it will rise to a higher level. But I still have The last question... Do you have so many alchemy potions?"

The "business scholar" spread his hand: "To "feed" such a sales system, the amount of alchemicals needed is not a small amount."

Gao Wen smiled and waved at the two attendants who were next to him: "Go and move in the boxes."

"How many boxes?"