Chapter 206: Dark space in the shadow world

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
After popping out of the critical state of the shadow world, Amber tried it a few times without conviction, but every time it entered the critical state without change, it would fall back to the present world.

When she tried the fourth time, she couldn't stand it.

Gao Wen was also stunned by this situation (of course, it may be a bit of a bit of critical switching), and the subconscious asked: "What happened? Your plug-in expired?"

"External? What is plug-in?" Amber didn't understand what Gao Wen was saying, but when he looked at the other side's expression, he guessed that most of it was not a compliment, so he grinned angrily. "It must be a problem in this local environment! You will wait, I I don’t believe that my shadow is close to me when I come back for half a catty.

"Stop and stop, you don't go up, calm down and analyze the situation," Gao Wen waved to stop the half-elf's dead behavior. "Carefully sense the shadow environment here, then try ordinary shadow steps or stealth skills. use."

Amber calmed down under the reminder of Gao Wen, she took a breath, and the figure faded in the air.

After several tests, she dismissed her shadow state: "The regular shadow steps and stealth skills are fine, and the skills such as shadow fog can be used smoothly. It seems that only when entering the shadow world will be... The image is the effect of interference and will be ejected in an instant."

"The shadow the question is on the 'other side'..." Gao Wen said as he thoughtfully looked at the ring device in the center of the room that was suspected of a magical door, followed by a brow In my heart, "The shadow world is not a kind of mapping equivalent to the current world. You try to enter the shadow world outside this room, and then come over from the 'other side' to see the situation."

"I'll give it a try!" Amber promised, and took Gao Wen to go outside the door. "You come over and give me eye protection..."

Is this product the same as the eye-catching barrage? Specially used to block the face of the ancient god...

Gao Wen reluctantly followed behind the amber, and after leaving the round room for a distance, the two really entered the shadow world.

Looking at the familiar black and white horizon, I watched the shape of the amber switch into a form that was unique in the shadow world, as if it were a certain kind of illusion. Gao Wen suddenly sighed: "Frighten me." One jump, I thought that your plug-in really expired..."

"You guys are really weird and can't understand." Amber sighed and grabbed Gao Wen's arm and walked toward the rotunda in the shadow world.

They crossed the old threshold, but after crossing the gate, what they saw was nothing more than a flat hall.

There is no flesh and blood of the gods, no hidden research facilities, no extra windows, doors and passages. There is nothing here.

Amber looked curiously around: "Weird... it’s an ordinary hall, why is there interference? And the interference is so funny, as long as you can get around a little..."

However, after Gao Wen scanned the surrounding environment, he immediately noticed the violation: "No, we are afraid that we have not been able to go around."

He raised his hand and pointed to the center of the hall: "The ring device is gone, there are traces of tears on the ground."

In the halls of the present world, the most striking thing is the circular device in the center of the room. However, here, the ring of up to three or four meters disappears, replaced by a broken trace of the ground and dug by the whole. There is no doubt that there is something on the big floor.

"In addition to the laboratory where the gods and flesh were encountered before, the shadow world and the current world basically maintain a one-to-one mapping state, and according to the traces left on the ground, it can be judged that there should be a corresponding ring here. It’s right, but now it’s gone,” Gao Wen frowned, coming to the floor that had been dug. “Look at the size here, it corresponds to the base of the ring.”

"Someone ran to the shadow world and stole the door on this side?" Amber thoughts are amazing. "This technique can be..."

"No one will eat a magical door," Gao Wen took a look at the amber. "I think it is some kind of power that has torn here, and the thing that should be here is 'transferred' to something else. Place. We should enter the shadow circle from the rotunda of the world, and we should come to the corresponding ring. From the corridor outside the room to the shadow world, we can only see this empty 'li lobby', this is a certain Misplaced mapping..."

Amber doesn't know how Gao Wen thinks about this, but thinks that his thoughts are zero, and he follows the path of Gao Wen: "So what kind of 'interference' power is doing?"

Gao Wen frowned and let his thoughts spread out: "Maybe to prevent unauthorized people from getting around the 'magic door' and get there somewhere... only through the right pair of 'magic door' Arriving in the right place, you can't enter the shadow world, or you can only enter this empty hall. The gangsters of the year often used this method to encrypt important treasures."

"That is, if we want to understand where the correct corresponding position is, what is the only way to fix the ring in the world?" Amber picked up an eyebrow. "That touched my knowledge blind spot." Up..."

"Not just your knowledge blind spot, I am afraid no one can interpret such a complicated ancient magic device on the territory." Gao Wen shook his head regretfully. The "outer" ring is not a simple magical array, but a mixture of magic. Complex, magical devices such as arrays, ancient synthetic materials, and Gangster magic door technology, this level of gadgets, relying on the current caster level on the territory may not be able to cope.

Amber spit out his tongue and felt that he couldn't help himself in this respect, and then sneaked around in the rotunda.

She looked at the East and looked at it from time to time to pull out her little dagger to draw the rune on the wall or on the ground, but when she went around the hall, she suddenly stopped.

She noticed that there was a black lacquer crack on the curved wall that was not very wide, but it was divided into many cracks, and the dense cracks of the turtle even covered the entire wall in the line of sight.

She curiously reached out her finger and stroked the crack.

Gao Wen was checking the traces of the runes left on the floor of the hall. Suddenly he heard a continuous cracking sound coming from afar. He looked up in horror, and the scene in front of him surprised him:

I saw that the side of the hall far from the entrance was rapidly disintegrating and collapsing. The curved wall that was originally integrated has covered a large black crack. The solid ancient concrete is falling down piece by piece, just like there is a piece outside the hall. The endless abyss is swallowing the building in general!

The amber standing in front of the wall seemed to be scared by this scene. The ground under her feet had been slightly cracked, but she stood still in the same place, motionless!

"Be careful!"

On the occasion of the millennium, Gao Wen shouted and rushed up, and the amber that was in the middle of the room was picked up. The two men had been evacuated to the entrance of the hall before they stopped, and the amber did not exclaim until now: "Mom. The wall was poked by my finger!"

Gao Wen grabbed Amber's arm tightly and watched the collapse of the hall. He was ready to evacuate at any time, but soon he found that the collapse only spread to a quarter of the hall and stopped. Although it is huge, it ends very quickly.

However, the scene after the collapse of the wall and the ceiling made him frown, and the strange and strange feelings poured into his heart.

It was dark outside, as if the world had disappeared and the universe was dark.

"That's...what..." Amber's nervous voice changed, and what made her nervous was that she watched Gao Wen go to the collapsed place. "Hey! Be careful!"

Gao Wen was very careful. He cautiously came to the collapsed border of the hall and looked at the space outside the wall.

Behind the wall, it should be the deep rock and soil layer of the dark mountains. However, there is only one darkness and nothingness in Gao Wen’s line of sight. The darkness of the thoroughness is full of his sight, just like everything in the world is beyond that limit. It is abruptly stopped.

But he narrowed his eyes, looked closely, and finally saw some extremely distant and extremely blurred things from the darkness.

He saw that at the end of the dark space, there was a undulating outline like "land on the shore". At the far end, you could see a slight ray of light, which is like the sky, and even in the darkness of nothingness, He can also discern some floating things, which seem to be boulder and islands that lose gravity and float in midair.

Gao Wen finally realized what was going on in the darkness: it was not the end of everything in the world, but an unprecedented "empty hole."

The size of this void is so great that it exceeds the limit of the human eye's acceptance of light, so it gives the illusion that "everything disappears," but the special "lighting environment" of the shadow world determines that there will be no absolute here. The darkness, so Gao Wen can vaguely identify the things in the void.

He took out a piece of magic spar and injected magic to activate the crystal, then threw it into the distance.

The crystal that glowed brightly flew away and then flew forward. It could have illuminate a wide room, but immediately after entering the big hole, it immediately turned into a little inconspicuous light due to the lack of reflective surfaces around it. The light seems small and not worth mentioning.

This confirms Gao Wen’s conjecture.

"Is this... cave?" Amber also dared to come over. She looked at the scene in front of her horror and noticed the sky above the far distance. "The above seems to lead directly to the surface? This hole... big is it!?"

"The size doesn't say first, the Byron knight has been drilling in the dark mountains for so long. The corridor he explored includes the area corresponding to the hole in front of us. That is to say, there is absolutely no such void in the dark mountains of the real world. "Gao Wen said with a shock, "This void is limited to the shadow world... If this is not natural, then it can only be something that is beyond the imagination of mortal people..."

Amber finally reacted at this time: "So I couldn't get into the shadow world before, not because of the interference of the magic door, but because this area... does not correspond to the current world. Is the misplacement here too serious?"

"...I don't know," Gao Wen admitted confessing that he was also confused at the moment. "I only know that we can't solve the mystery here... unless you can fix the ring device outside, no one can do it." Understand what the ancient Gangsters have done here."

Amber licked and started the goose bump arm: "Hey... Anyway, I can't stay here. This place is too strange. I think we are still leaving the right way."

Gao Wen sighed: "I agree with you this time."