Chapter 111: One small step

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
If you don't know it, you can see it with your own eyes. Even if you have the memory of Gao Wen Cecil, Gao Wen is afraid that it is difficult to understand why this world will be deeply immersed in the quagmire of civilization retreat. Why is it that after so many years, civilization is not only Without a slight warming, it showed signs of a rigid retreat.

A research manuscript, four masters before and after, decades of accumulation and research, summed up, produced enough to shake the world's pattern of results, but almost destroyed in the hands of the era of stale strong, Jenny and her predecessors Perhaps it is a rare talent, but their experience is not uncommon in this world.

There is such a typical example: in a noble land, a serf suddenly thought of a good way to manage the land, or found the tax collector's problem, he decided to tell his own discovery to his lord, then the result would What is it?

Many people will think that the serf will be punished for infecting the property of the lord or collecting tax officials, but this is often not the case because they simply can't reach the lord and can't even say what they think.

The punishment they face is often another thing. You dare to step on the aristocratic courtyard with your barefooted horses!

What if he wears shoes?

Then they will also be dragged away by the guards, you actually have shoes? ! Which steals!

Obviously, no one cares about what the serf found from the beginning to the end, and no one knows what he really wants to say. As a serf, he is not guilty of words. He is guilty of breathing.

The serfs did not qualify for the crime of conviction.

This is a social ecology that is difficult for people from modern civilized society to understand. It is ridiculous, stupid, strange, sad but true.

Did Jenny and Ravenkes's research produce results? Of course, even though the shallow and primitive theories have not been sorted out, there will be situations in which the reality cannot be explained, and even serious practical errors will occur, but at least most of the time, those formulas will be effective, otherwise Jenny will not. It may become a four-level inscriptionist: As a runeman with only apprenticeship ability, she can rely on only the formulas and logic that the three generations of predecessors summed up.

Is Jenny’s mentor really stupid? Of course not, at least intellectually, a great magician can't be stupid. Stupid people can't master complicated spell models and rune calculations, so the great magician must be a very intelligent person.

The final tragedy is neither that the note has a problem, nor that Jenny’s “mentor” is really stupid enough to see the value of the note, but the latter has not paid attention to the note, he did not even pay attention to it. After Jenny, his concern is that his slaves are doing more than a moment, just like the nobility in the story who was whipped by the serfs who stepped into the courtyard barefoot.

Gao Wen is on the road, and his mind keeps on thinking. He finds that the situation is exactly what he expected: the world has reached the moment when change can take place, whether it is technical or ideological breakthrough, it has accumulated a lot. In a few low-class groups, such changes are taking place, even after they have quietly and quietly ended, and the inability of the group to change has led to the fact that things that should have been epoch-making cannot spread up and spread. The times are impossible to talk about, and this is the crux of the world.

But the situation did not make him happy as he expected.

God knows how many geniuses like Jenny are being crushed in the stale mud, buried, burned, and sacrificed, just like Ravencair!

And before his plans come true and completely change the status quo, how many people will not wait to see the dawn of the day?

He returned to his tent with a little heavy feeling. As soon as he entered, he saw that the little maid Betty was kneeling beside his desk: the little girl should have just cleaned the hygiene here, and the clothes appeared dusty, but She did not realize it, but just quietly squatted on the ground, using the twigs to practice writing on the land.

Until Govin approached, Betty woke up. She looked up and hurriedly got up: "Master!"

Looking at this simple girl, Gao Wen inexplicably felt that his depressed mood slowly eased. He gently pressed Betty's hair: "Isn't you given a stationery? How to use the branches here?" Write?"

Betty squinted, it seemed a bit shy: "I can't write well, always write wrong, worry about wasting ink and paper. I want to practice on the ground first, so I can write the letters right, then use ink. And paper..."

Gao Wen opened his mouth a little unexpectedly. I wanted to tell the other party that although the territory is still unable to produce paper ink, it is not lacking in money. It is much more convenient to purchase things from Tanzan Town after the dock on the banks of the White River. But after thinking about it, he just shook his head with a smile, and found a small wooden stick from the side, kneeling beside Betty.

"The posture of your pen is not right. Although writing on the floor with a wooden stick is not the same as writing on a paper with a pen, if you want to write the words well, you still have to practice holding the pen first."

As he spoke, he held on to Betty's hand and guided the little girl to hold the "pen" in the right way and write a letter on the floor.

"Don't be too hard, writing and working differently, not being able to write well, but the strength is too big to shake."

"It doesn't matter if you write slowly. You just learn, take your time."

Betty was engrossed in learning, her eyes sparkling, this little maid who was always known for her clumsy and escaping image, but at the moment she was seriously changed as a person, so she was so invested that even the tiny tip of the nose oozing Sweat did not care to rub.

Gao Wen let go of his hand and watched the little girl slowly spell out the letters and wrote a few slightly twisted words on the floor: ""

Finally, she wrote a complete sentence. The little girl looked very happy. She looked up and her eyes glanced at Gao Wen: "Read it."

Gao Wen looked at the little girl's bright eyes: "Do you like it here?"

"Well," Betty nodded hard, then thought about it again, or nodded hard. "Like."


"Because everyone is a good person, Miss Rebecca is, Mrs. Hetty is also, there are lords, and Miss Amber, as well as Philip Knight and Byron Knight, as well as everyone working outside, Gordon Father, Hanmer's father, Norris..." Betty said as she licked her fingers, as if she had to say everything she could remember the name. In the end, she just stopped, and she stopped. It’s all very good, and everyone likes this place too.”

“Do you like everyone?”

"Well! Everyone said when they finished the live chat, saying that the lord is to say it, is a strong and upright aristocratic lord, as long as the promises will be honored, but also on the battlefield to protect everyone. And the most important thing is to let everyone have enough to eat."

Gao Wen did not meet.

The food in the territory is not self-sufficient. Nowadays, whether it is food or meat or other non-staple foods, it is actually from the purchase of Tanzan Town. It is the oldest in the treasure house in the mountains, but for those civilians who only hope to have enough to eat. They don't think there is any difference in this.

According to Norris, as long as the frosty month, the first batch of fast-growing crops can be quickly harvested under the ripening of the Druid spells, then the food in the territory is not a problem.

Let everyone eat enough, in this era is enough to gain loyalty.

Betty didn't hear Gao Wen's reply, but she didn't care, because she had already lowered her head and started to practice writing. Looking at the little girl who was put into it, Gao Wen suddenly asked very seriously: "Betty, you want to Going to school?"

The little maid didn't react at once: "Going to school? What to learn?"

"Reading, writing, calculation, history, and possibly even... runes and magic arrays," Gao Wen said slowly. "The runes and magic that ordinary people can learn, believe me, there will be."

Betty thought about it and bowed his head: "I can't learn, they said that I am stupid."

"Then you want to learn?"

"...I want to, but who is going to cook?"

"You can go to school when you are free, such as two hours before going to bed at night," Gao Wen laughed. "As long as you want to learn, there will always be time."

This time, Betty only nodded.

However, the two did not continue on this topic, because it was soon time to prepare dinner. As the cook's Betty heard the sound of the bell ringing outside, he quickly got up and collected his twigs. Gao Wen stunned and ran out quickly.

Until Betty’s figure disappeared outside the tent curtain, Gao Wen was slightly overturned and said to the seemingly empty tent pillar: “Come out, how long do you plan to stay there?”

The air there was slightly twisted, and the figure of amber emerged out of thin air. She leaned on the pillar of the tent with a deep surprise on her face: "How did you find me? How long have you found me?"

"I saw it when you just leaned on the pillar and secretly made a face to me," Gao Wen did not look at the half-elf with a sigh of relief. "I know that you are confident in your stealth skills, but don't open during the day. The shadow shadow is so much awkward that it is less than three meters away from me. This is a bit insulting to my IQ. Okay, do you think the Cavaliers’ perception is very poor?”

"Cut, I thought you were just focusing on teaching the little girl to write, and I wouldn’t notice this side." Amber grinned and snorted, then he sat down on the desk next to Gao Wen’s body, then Just sitting there without saying a word, just looking at Gao Wen with his eyes straight, and looking at the latter for a while.

"What do you think?" Gao Wen couldn't help but open. "I have something on my face?"

"You are a strange... aristocrat." Amber suddenly popped up with no words.


"Nothing," Miss Half Elf waved her hand. "I am curious. You said that you should let everyone know the word... It was not a joke?"

"Why are you kidding?" Gao Wen laughed. "Not only isn't it a joke, but I want you to call Herti and Rebecca now, I want to talk to them about it."