Chapter 109: E = 1.66

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
In the questioning of Gao Wen and Hedi, Jenny is no longer silent. The story about this note and its masters is finished in the first place, and Gao Wen knows more about that. The thing of the wild mage.

The first owner of the note was indeed the wild mage, but he still did not leave his own name in this note. Jenny only knew that it was a lonely, strange and crowded senior, that wild The magi came from the Violet Kingdom in the north of the mainland. It was once a member of the largest human mage organization, the Secret Society. But as Gao Wen knows, his strength is low and he is crowded out. His research is also a deviant in the eyes of the orthodox Master. Therefore, life was extremely desolate, and eventually he left the secret society for the treatment of his daughter and entered the territory of Ansu. The note that Jenny received was one of the manuscripts that the wild mage had flowed out in the early years, if it was correct. It was sold to a master of the Ansu Kingdom in order to raise the toll.

Maybe only sold three copper plates, maybe worthless, just serving as a gift for a lot of books and notes.

And the second owner's situation is not strong enough. It can be seen from the lines of the notes. The wizard is also doing the research of "deviant", and he is doing the same research. The reason is also the same. Personal strength is low and improvement is hopeless.

A mage who entered the hardships of magic and runes hoped that logic and mathematics would help him explore the truth of the world, and the research of the genius and potential laws of the runes by the wild wizard gave him a light. The light of the way, let him vaguely grasp the road of magical mystery without the help of powerful magic, without personal strength, but the second researcher has not been able to go far on this road.

Perhaps in order to raise the cost of doing research, or perhaps to verify a piece of data from the notes, the unnamed mage died in an outing adventure, and the few properties he left behind were quickly divided. Clean, this valuable note was turned to Jenny's mentor.

But Jenny’s mentor didn’t become the owner of this note, because the “orthodox mentor” was disdainful about this note. He didn’t think that two low-level wizards could write a lot of calculations on paper. Revealing the truth, and thinking that the second owner of the note just lost the life in an adventure because he believed in the gibberish on the waste paper. The poor worm that died in the ruins just proved the fallacy of the theory in the notes.

So the instructor threw the notes directly away, threw them into the garbage dump outside the Master Tower and was smashed back by his "apprentice" Ravenkes.

This so-called "apprentice" is actually the slave of the great magician.

This phenomenon is common among orthodox magicians. Their apprentices are usually divided into two types: true apprentices and unapplied apprentices. The former are those with higher magical talents, or they are born pure and pure, while the latter It was only the name of an apprentice in the Master Tower that was actually used as a slave and experimental material. Ravenkes belongs to the latter.

Because the magical talent is poor, and it is not a famous family, Ravenkes has never been valued in the Master Tower. Although he has a very high talent in mathematics and logic, he is inferior in the level of casting and inductive ability. Called by the Master of the Master Tali as "low energy" and "freak", the great magician reluctantly taught Ravenkes some introductory knowledge, and then forced it with the huge cheap potions and rituals of the aftereffects. The official mage was then trained in the manner of a trainer, and he was intended to work as a magical squad and to make props.

Ravenkes took notes at that time and became the third owner of the notes.

After a few years, Jenny and Ravenkes met.

Unlike most "talciers" who can enter the Master's Tower, Jenny's origin is even more humble. She is not even selected as a "Mage slave" into the tower: this thin girl is far from the king. In the poor countryside, the ancestors of the family have not dealt with the extraordinary, not to mention the "master's noble blood".

She was able to enter the Master Tower because her family had suffered from famine, and the family was starving to death. At the time, her "mentor" passed by the village of her hometown and wanted to "be kind, use the food in her hands to change the local hungry people." thing".

Jenny clearly remembered that it was a windless but cold night, and her parents gathered the children and took a sign, drawing her at the age of fourteen.

The next morning, she was promoted into the caravan of the "Magic Master" and changed her family's living food: two bags of wheat.

She still remembers that there were a lot of things in the caravan: unrecognized herbs, animal specimens, stones, metal, bark, a few numb children, and children who are almost as big as themselves...

The car was full of experimental materials.

The magician used grain for experimental materials, and she was taken to the Master Tower as an experimental material.

Later, she met Ravenkes in the Master Tower, an "apprentice" who was a slave to the Master but was higher than her.

Ravenkes is responsible for "feeding" the experimental materials.

The children who were brought together from the countryside were quickly put to use by the magician. Almost every two or three days, a child will be taken out. Some of them can come back alive, some can’t. Even those who came back alive quickly became mad and weak, and Jenny realized her fate, but she did not escape.

Because Ravenkes reminds her every day: Never run, it will be more terrible than death.

In this way, when it was finally Jenny’s “become used”, she could not remember the specific passage of the day, because she was almost completely immersed in fear and chaos, but she was lucky to be sent to her: When she was in the experimental array, she was suddenly detected to have a very weak magical affinity.

She turned out to be a magical talent.

With a magical talent and a solid performance before, Jenny saved her life and became one of the magician's apprentices. She is also a slave servant with the same status as Ravencair, and she also I got my last name: the magician gave her a name called "Perot" very casually. In human lingua franca, the word is "wheat" because at the time she was bought by a magician with two pockets of wheat.

Separated from the threat of death, Jenny, who is an experimental material, is already a fortune, but in fact her situation is still not bright: she just changed from the same thing to a "Slave" only, and in many cases, the two are actually not much different.

But Jenny at the time didn't have much thought to think about it. She was so lucky that she could survive, and she was able to read and read literacy and learn magic as a mage apprentice (although she was a slave servant). Good things, she began to hungry to learn that knowledge, almost endlessly reading, literacy, recognizing runes, memory spells, and soon, she found that Ravenkes has a similar hobby and way of thinking...

They became friends, and at the turn of the year, Ravenkes excitedly presented his collection of notes to Jenny, and told the incredible things in the notes that were rooted in mathematics and logic. And the “apprentices” who did not accept the formal mage education at all took the knowledge in the notes and built their own worldview based on them.

They are completely unaware of how this research method of relying on formulas and calculations to approach the truth is deviant in the eyes of the orthodox mage who believe in the pursuit of truth by personal strength.

On the other side, Jenny's "mentor", the powerful magician soon discovered that Jenny's magical talent is actually low and pitiful. This sick scorpion crawling out of the experimental material has only a little touch of magic. The ability, with her spiritual talent, I am afraid that I can only master a few apprentice-level spell tricks in my life, and miss the ranks of the official mages.

So he quickly stopped investing in Jenny and was eager to recover the cost. He gave Jenny a bottle of potion and a legal map, so that Jenny would drink the potion and force it into a Level Master, then begin the exercise of the Rune Master.

Ravenkes, who has already drunk the potion, has blocked Jenny privately and gave a bold suggestion: Why don't you believe in the knowledge on the notes, I believe that the formulas derived from the knowledge of the notes on weekdays, try not to resort to spells And only by math and logic to control those runes?

Jenny obeyed Ravenkes's advice and completed the reconstruction of the squad as an apprentice.

That is probably the first "calculated" array in the world.

However, her "mentor" did not reward her for this, but she was furious and quickly found out that Ravenkes was "making a little trick". Then he found out the existence of the note. The act of betrayal made him even more angry. He thought that a research note filled with gibberish and from a low-powered lame mage could confuse his servant in his mage tower, which is a A great insult.

The Great Sorcerer burned in anger, prepared to destroy the notes, and slandered his two "apprentices", but this time Ravenkes stood up bravely for the first time and took the initiative to face the anger of his "mentor."

He was punished alone and saved the note and Jenny at the expense of one eye, one quarter of the soul and two tendons. He tried to convince the tyrannical master to keep the notes and make them stupid. The apprentice to study the notes is a valuable note. Maybe there will be something that is worth investing. He and Jenny can become such a guinea pig to make the squad and runes in the way recorded in the notes. If it succeeds, then all the results belong to the great magician. If it fails, the magician will only lose two experimental materials.

Jenny’s mentor accepted this argument and let the two daring apprentices carry on the research, but he never gave up the ridicule and the fight against what he thought was the ones who couldn’t control the high-level runes. The study of runes must be ridiculous, just as the serfs guessed the king's menu as ridiculous, without the ability to perceive and control the runes, but with a few calculations to guess the power of those runes, isn't that ridiculous?

But in any case, Ravenkes and Jenny can finally continue to study the contents of the note, and they quickly discovered that different magical materials have a significant "fault" problem in many properties such as magic conduction. The fault seems to divide all the magical materials into two intervals of “positive and negative”, and a mysterious constant affects the actual performance of the magical materials in these two intervals. The original magical materials only affect the magic. The "output power" of the array, and the anti-interference stability of the magic array itself depends on the layout logic of the rune, and the relationship between the magic material and the magic material is only affected by its positive and negative polarity and a constant...

They began to derive this constant and gradually approached the final result, but on the eve of success, their mentor suddenly gave them a task.

Go to a magic well that is out of control and reset the rune array there.

This is completely beyond their rune skills, and resetting the magical well's rune array is not a rune's feat: this is the work of a formal mage.

But the mentor’s order is absolute, and there is a sentence that comes along with the order:

"Don't you say that all the runes can be placed in your style? Then go and set it."

Ravenkes accepted the order. He knew that the great magician had lost patience, because the latter was not a person who could tolerate his slaves to act freely, so he had no choice at all, and he went to the magic well, just in time. Let him verify one of the most critical issues.

Jenny’s memories are coming to an end, her tone is already calm, and calm is not like saying something about herself: “Mr. Ravenkes told me before leaving, he would adjust those runes according to the first guess. If he is alive, e is equal to 1.29. If he does not return, e is equal to 1.66 and he is not able to come back."

Gao Wen bowed his head and looked at the note. The record on the constant e was a new and delicate handwriting, which was written by Jenny. 8)