Chapter 104: a stranger...ball

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
When the ball heard Gao Wen, it was probably a slap in the face. It was just a slick metal ball. There was no facial expression, no expression, no physical movement. Even when you were in the air, you didn’t even know it. I was not listening, but it did not answer after two seconds of silence: "You are not nonsense, I was transported from other places by you, it is definitely not the earth!"

"You should know that I don't mean this," Gao Wen was completely unmoved. "You should come from a farther place. Even with simple distance, I am afraid it is not good to describe a metal sphere that can think about speaking. It can also release strangeness. The energy fluctuations, the control of magic and the metal, I have never heard of this strange race in the world."

"That's your lack of knowledge," the ball said with sarcasm. "I have known you from the human mouth who claimed to be a druid in these two days. You seem to have experienced a great recession, and now it is incredible, then How many things can you see in your life? Just because of your human eyes and the way the message is passed, you can see too little in your life..."

When Gao Wen heard this, he was three points in his heart.

This ball is right. The vast majority of people in this world are indeed blindfolded. The lack of information transmission and the chaotic state of separation make it difficult for people to access and collect new information. Only A few high-ranking nobles or great wizards and great knights will pay attention to the outside world, while others, including the field aristocrats like the Viscount of Tanzania, are self-proclaimed, and one faces the loess. The peasants’ new things that they can touch for a lifetime are just a few newspapers, so if Gao Wen is also a person who is blindfolded, then he will judge a ball only by “I have never seen it”. It’s true that visitors from outside the world will be ridiculous.

But the real Gaowen is not blindfolded. He even squints at the world and has evolved for countless years. From this mainland monkey, he will not stand upright and he is staring at the world, although he can’t see it. The situation in other continents, but how the life forms on other continents are isolated and strange here, and it is not to evolve an alloy ball in a pile of carbon-based creatures!

Unless there is an open-minded race outside of Gaowen’s line of sight, the zenith star technology is quickly pointed out, creating an alloy shell anti-gravity suspension artificial intelligence, and this thing has flowed to a thousand years. The former Loren Continent was captured by the Gang Gang Demon Instructor... Instead of believing in this kind of thing, Gao Wenning believed that Amber would return the pocket watch of the prince of the Count of Andrew next door.

So he smiled and came to the front of the ball and pressed his hand on the other side.

The ball screamed immediately: "What are you doing!? Without anger and anger! Otherwise I..."

When the ball is halfway, it is stuck, because Gao Wen sent a sentence directly into his mind through magic resonance. (Do you really have a ball with these things?): "You don't think that you are with this world." Is the style of all creatures different?"

The sphere was silent for a few more seconds, and then it was answered by magic resonance: " can talk when you talk, you have to be so mysterious."

"Because I know that there are things you might not want to let others know," Gao Wen smiled. "So you can just tell me."

"Then I don't want you to know!"

Gao Wen is not moved: "Where did you come from? How did it flow to this world? How long have you been here?"

The ball is deliberately confused: "I don't understand what you mean, is your association ability too strong?"

"Hey, I understand your efforts, but I have to say that your fresh and refined shape can't hide you, and you underestimate the amount of knowledge I have. Does the Druid called Pitman have it? You mentioned that although most of the people in the territory were born after the decline of civilization, the lord here, that is, me, was actually resurrected from the heyday of civilization seven hundred years ago, and I am still a naturalist. ”

The ball was completely silent this time. Obviously, the Druid with the mouth and the amber without the door mentioned it.

With the broad ideas of the passers-by and the information currently available, Gao Wen can almost assert that the sphere is an exotic visitor, but he is not sure whether the other person is crossing the world like himself or just from another planet, but in any case, This unlucky egg is definitely the most unlucky one among the traversers: it is different from others...

This tm is paralyzed, at least two hundred times more than the black hair and black eyes crossing the past as the devil's son: how do you lie with the honor of a strange creature and say that you are from a distant oriental mysterious country? ?

For his own safety, and because he still doesn't know the details of the sphere, Gao Wen can't directly tell the other person the secret of the traversor, but he has other identities that flicker past: a naturalist from a civilized society seven hundred years ago. This identity should be easier to deal with than the "closed ignorant indigenous".

"Think about it, your secret may not be as important as you think," Gao Wen slowed down. "I am not a fanatical religious, nor a magician who studied you a thousand years ago, so I don't care." Are you an exotic visitor, I will not shout which fairy name will purify you, nor will I get a bunch of metalworking tools to open holes in you. I just hope to talk to you, on the one hand Satisfy my personal curiosity, on the one hand, to find a way to help you.

"You know, you have almost no place to go. There is a waste land on the mountain side. The waste soil is all the monsters you have seen in the past two days, while the north is a feudal society after the decline of civilization. The kingdom, where 99% of the people are stubborn, extreme, superstitious and unreasonable than me, you can only be here, why not become friends with us?

"Of course, if you still doubt, I can let you go, you can go to the human kingdom or the south of the mountain to see, but I can hardly guarantee that you can come back alive, and..."

"I can't remember." In the resonance of the magic, the ball suddenly sounded with a metal vibrato, interrupting Gao Wen's words.

Gao Wen’s eyes, this reflects that the other party is cooperating with himself. He quickly controls the excitement and curiously asks: “Can’t remember?”

"I can't remember where I came from, I can't remember how it came," the ball said with a sullen voice. "You guessed it, I did come from a 'far away' place, and you can't far away. Imagine. You have a concept of the planet and the universe a thousand years ago, so you should have it too. I told you straight away. The guys who studied me also discussed it privately, wondering if I came from other planets. I want to say that it is farther than that, it is the distance beyond the concept of 'universe space'."

Gao Wen’s expression is serious: “In fact, some of the astronomical knowledge has not been completely lost. However, after completely losing the observation and calculation techniques in this aspect, the relevant knowledge is degenerated and distorted into legends. But you are not saying that you can’t remember. How do you look at your hometown and how have you been here? How can you be sure that you are not coming across space?"

The sound of the sphere is somewhat helpless: "I am amnesia, but my common sense is not lost. The two local laws of physics are different. How could it be the same universe?"

Gao Wen’s heart is hard to suppress a companion of excitement and excitement (although it is just a ball), a companion who passes through like himself (although it is only a ball), and one can discuss with himself the concept of planet, universe, time and space shuttle. The companion (although it’s just a ball), what an exciting thing for him who has been alone in the world for a few thousand years?

Of course, now he has new friends and relatives (although the blood relationship is far away), Amber, Rebecca, Herti, Byron, etc. are all trustworthy people, but can these people discuss the universe and time and space with him?

Um... Rebecca’s brain hole should be expanded a little more...

Gao Wen tried to suppress the chaotic thoughts that came out of his mind for a moment, so it was easy to sort out the new question: "Are you sure that you have crossed the universe? Have you ever thought that the physical laws in the universe may be 'uneven? 'Well, maybe the rules of each galaxy are different?"

"Hey, why didn't you think about it, but it's impossible," the ball said with dismay. "My race has explored the entire universe we live in, and even began to ponder the hole in the world's barrier, if in the universe. The laws of physics are not average. We wrote them early in the elementary school textbooks... So from the first day I came here, I ruled out the possibility of my own alienation."

Gao Wenmu was stunned.

Does the ball come from such a powerful and advanced civilization? Did they explore the entire universe? Even studying how to go to other universes?

Gao Wen himself is a traverser, and after discovering that the physical laws here are different from those of the Earth, he has already guessed whether he has entered the so-called "hetero universe", so he is not surprised by the fact that the sphere is told, but he is very Surprising that the race of this ball is so advanced... Then the ball is difficult to achieve is to open the technology explosion mode, half a year sweeping the mainland, one year unified the world, two years rushing into the space of the golden thigh?

After thinking about it for a while, Gao Wenhe smiled: Think about it, the physical rules are not universal... In such a strange world, whoever crosses it is the same.

And this ball should be more than oneself: the ball has only the world view of the ball, but at least he has the knowledge of Gavin Cecil at the end...

At this time, the ball couldn’t help but feel: "It’s not easy. It’s not easy to talk to people. People in this era are ignorant and arrogant. Don’t say that the universe is time and space, it’s in your camp. Help people, tell them about the atmosphere they can't understand... I can find a guy who can talk about it."

Gao Wen listened to a bitter tear: the ball really said that his heart is inside, and his feelings in his heart are not like this?

A stranger encounters a foreign ball, this is really the fate of a ball! 8)