Chapter 3486

Name:Sweetheart,Come Back! Author:Mo Guo
"The soul of the son of Gu Luan and feng'er is in you. I don't believe you don't know."

"I'm not the one they're looking for, whether it's in me or not."

"I know that after the cycle of life and death, it is no longer that person. But sometimes a person's obsession is not to get anything. Take feng'er for example. She can't get through the heart because of her guilt. Because the child died with her, she caused the child to be so scared that she would never have a chance to reincarnate again. Her obsession was not to ask her son to come back, let alone not to blame her for what she had done. As long as she knows that the child is not scattered, he has reincarnated, and has a good life Of course, you're not in a good condition right now, but it's much better than being out of your wits. "

Qin Jian heard here, and finally raised his eyelids again and looked at nine spirits, "what does feng'er want? How do you know?"

Nine spirit: "I read her dying heart, also witnessed her desperate moment."

The words of Jiuling and anyin overlap seamlessly.

Qin Jian looked directly at nine spirits, "so what?"

"It's not for you to be a son to feng'er and guluan. Can't you help them?"

"Help? How to help? Tell her directly, your son's soul is with me. He's OK. Don't you sleep? If it's so simple, just ask someone to talk about it. "

"It's no use saying that. But what if I had a way? "

"What can I do?"

"No matter how reincarnation, the spirit of soul will not change. Suck some of your soul essence out and sink into anyin's body, so that feng'er can feel it by herself."

"I've never heard of it. You can draw out your soul and essence."

"Yes, indeed."

"If you have this ability, why have you never heard of it or recorded it?"

"Not before, but now."

"What do you mean?"

"I just woke up to my ability."


"Don't believe it. I only have half breath left when I return to the demon world this time. In order to protect my half breath, my father poured his soul into my body. I was stimulated to awaken to this unprecedented ability. Later, my father and a group of old people in my family repeatedly studied my new awakening ability. It seems that it is a kind of ability to distinguish blood. However, human beings have had NDA for a long time, and the accuracy rate is as high as 99.99% So it turns out that this ability is useless. My ability to wake up with the last half breath was judged useless. Naturally, I didn't accept it. So I tried to prove that this ability was not useless. " Nine ghost eyes open.

"How to prove it?"

Jiuling is now alive and kicking, and the rest of his breath has become a thing of the past, but Qin Jian still fills his mind automatically. The picture of Jiuling's dying life makes his heart twitch.

"You know a lot of male animals are only responsible for the shooting and leave after the shooting. They don't care whether the female is pregnant or has a son."

"And then?"

"Then, I caught some irresponsible guys and locked them up. When the mother gave birth to a baby, I took a little bit of the baby's soul and sank into the body of those irresponsible ones. They actually responded to the spirit of the baby beast." , the fastest update of the webnovel!