Chapter 3039

Name:Sweetheart,Come Back! Author:Mo Guo
We can guess the purpose of the officials, but they are not official people. Why do they slaughter the villages infected by the epidemic like this?

Is there something behind the epidemic that villagers are infected with that can't be known?

Anyin reached into his pocket with two sampling tubes in it.

When the light shone into the woods, aunt Yang was startled and subconsciously drew aside. She turned her head and saw an Yin's face taut and staring at the outside from the stone crevice without any confusion. She felt strange calmly.

Looking at such an Yin, aunt Yang's flustered heart gradually calmed down and went out again.

The strong light swept repeatedly through the plantain forest, and finally fell on the shed next to it. The remaining light streaked through the cracks in anyin's tight face and fell to the ground.

"What's that over there?"

"Go and see."

Four strong men in full i-wu-i clothes came to this side with guns, and the hearts of all the people in the cave were raised to their throat.

Anyin opens the medicine box, takes out a scalpel, holds it in her hand, and looks out of the hole again.

The four men were already in front of them. Two of them stopped at the entrance of the cave, and the other two went to the shack.

The villagers in the cave hold their children tightly and shrink to the corner of the cave. They dare not even breathe in the atmosphere.

The four men were lighting in the shed with a flashlight. One of them turned around and flashed his flashlight on the stone at the entrance of the cave.

An Yin to the light, eyes do not blink, just hold the scalpel in hand more tightly.

The light stopped at the entrance of the cave and turned away. The four exchanged their eyes and shook their heads to show that there was nothing. They walked away together.

The man standing by the car asked, "what's going on over there?"

"It's a shack for plantains. It's nothing."

The man standing in the car said nothing more.

The man went to one of the villagers and said, "how many people are there in your village?"

If the villager doesn't speak, shoot him straight away.

"Ah..." The surrounding villagers suddenly screamed with fear.

The barrel of the gun was against the other man's head. "How many people are there in your village?"

The villagers stammered out a count: "but I died a lot before..."

The man took back the gun and told his men, "count the number."

Immediately someone went to count the corpses, added the living people, and reported the number to their leaders, which was more than 30.

The barrel of the gun again pressed against the villagers' head, "how many dead?"

The man was terrified and told the truth.

"Fifteen, then."

Aunt Yang looked back at the children and several parents. They saved six children, three adults, and nine villagers.

"Sir, there are three here." Three villagers were pulled out of the bushes and pushed down among the villagers squatting on the ground.

"Twelve short."

The leader seized the honest villager and threw it to his subordinates, "take him to recognize people and see what's worse. Others, search again. "


More than ten minutes later, the villagers were taken back, "Sir, she said that there were six adults and six children missing. All the children were sick children, and three of them were parents of those children."

"Sick child?" Add, sir, have you ever caught the number of the villagers

"No No.... "

"How many doctors?"

"Ben There were four, two left, and only There is one doctor and one nurse , the fastest update of the webnovel!