Chapter 2204

Name:Sweetheart,Come Back! Author:Mo Guo
Two of the three people who came back alive together did not come back alive. Only Rongxun was left.

The mission of Jiusheng's life.

Rongxun was his only grandson, and he would never let Rongxun get involved.

But he is a soldier. As a soldier, he has a sense of responsibility. Because Rongxun is his grandson, he can't stop Rongxun and let other children die.

He is not willing to give up his duty as a soldier.

Rong Xun looked at his old figure and said softly, "grandfather, I will finish the task and come back alive."

After a long time, he opened his eyes again, patted Rongxun on the shoulder, and turned to enter the room. His feet were too weak to stand.

Rong Xun looked at the door closed and hung his head.

My heart is bitter.

"I'm sorry, Grandpa. I am a soldier, and a soldier should have a place for a soldier. Not here... "

It's not here, competing with people.

If he doesn't leave and look at the tortured anyin, he will go crazy.

Continue to stay here. He is afraid that he will lose control and take an Yin by force.

Rong Xun turns around and goes upstairs.

Old corridor, dim street lights.

Turning the corner, I saw a man sitting on the stairs.

His eyes were opposite, and Rongxun was stunned for a moment.

He was so upset that he didn't find Qi Bai sitting here.

There are only a few people in and out of the yard.

Qin Jian, Jin Peng, Qi Bai!

"Are you going?" Qi Bai got to the point.

"Isn't it normal for soldiers to go out and carry out tasks? But you, eavesdropping on military secrets, don't want to live? "

"Who's eavesdropping? I've been sitting here, and you haven't noticed me." Qi Bai gets up, "go and have a drink?"


Rongxun was in a bad mood and wanted to drink some.

They left the military compound and went to a nearby military bar.

Today is the weekend off day. Many soldiers come to the bar to play.

As soon as Rongxun entered the door, there was a sudden silence in the bar.

"Hello, chief."

"Hello, chief."

Soldiers playing in the bar salute Rongxun together.

Rong Xun returned a military salute and went to the corner.

When Rongxun sat down, the bar would play with his own again.

The wine here is cheap, but no one dares to sell fake wine in the military territory.

Therefore, although the wine is cheap, it is pure.

Qi Bai grew up with Rongxun and was also his apprentice. Knowing military secrets, he could not inquire. After sitting down, he did not ask where Rongxun was going or how long he was going.

He only drank his own wine with Rongxun.

After a few cups of wine, Qi Bai CAI and Rong Xun touched each other and said, "don't worry. If the third one dares to bully anyin, I'll be the first to let him go."

Rong Xun glanced at Qi Bai and touched it with the bottle. "If you don't mean what you said, I'll come back and beat you together."

"Come back alive." Although Qi Bai didn't know what Rongxun's mission was, he heard his words clearly. He was flustered when he thought that Rongxun would not be able to return.


"Does saner know?"

"I don't know, and I don't want him to know."

Qi Bai took a deep breath, blocked the heart, but how also not smooth, nodded the head.

Although Qin Jian and Rongxun fought from childhood to adulthood, it seems that neither of them can tolerate either, but in fact, no matter who is in trouble, the other will fight for his life and save him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!