Chapter 746

Name:Sweetheart,Come Back! Author:Mo Guo
Bo Kun finished the formalities and came over, "young master, why doesn't Qin Jian send bodyguards to Lin Lin?"

"Because he wanted to know if someone was playing tricks. And before getting the answer, the most taboo. Therefore, if everything is maintained, the other party will show up. "

"I see."

Bo Kun sighs that Qin Jian is indeed his young master's strong enemy, even his ideas are the same.


when Ding Ya came out of the bath, she saw the mobile phone screen on.

She walked over and picked up her mobile phone. It was a text message. She was surprised to see the number of the message. She lived in a single room, but she still looked nervously to the left and right.

Make sure no one else is in her room before opening the text message.

The message was to ask her to go out and meet.

Dingya's heart thumping, reply: "didn't you say that you would not meet? 】

[things have changed and need to be interviewed. 】

[when? 】

[now. 】Here's an address.

Dingya a heart seven up and down, but still put himself in order, went out.


"Ruan Hong, someone is looking for you." Vietnam team members found Ruan Hong in the gym.


"Chinese, it's the police."

Ruan Hong thought of Dingya, clenched her fist, pulled a towel, wiped the sweat on her face, and went out.

Two policemen are waiting outside the door.

"You want me?" Ruan Hong can speak Chinese fluently.

"Yes, we need to investigate something. We need your cooperation. You change your clothes and go to the police station with us."

"You use all kinds of means to influence my training. It's despicable to think that I lose the game to you."

"I'm sorry, we're police. We don't care about your game. We only care about the case."

Ruan Hong had no choice but to take a bath and change clothes, and then followed the police to the Public Security Bureau.

Ruan Hong was sent to the Public Security Bureau for interrogation.

Ruan Hong looked at the next time, angry, "you this is illegal detention."

"Sorry, we just want to ask you something. Please cooperate."

"You are deliberately not to let me participate in the competition, I will sue you."

"If you cooperate, we'll let you go back after we ask. It won't affect your game. But if you don't cooperate, we will detain you for 24 hours. After 24 hours, if it doesn't affect your game, we can't guarantee it

"I'm not guilty. Why do you detain me?"

"Intentional wounding."

"I have said that I fought with Dingya, but I did not use improper means to hurt her."

"How do you explain the nails we found under the carpet?" Ruan Hong was stabbed by an iron nail and then the wound became inflamed.

According to the analysis of the nails, it was found that the drugs were smeared on the nails, which caused the wound to deteriorate rapidly.

So, this is a case of intentional wounding.

"How do I know? You should go to the staff. "

"But from the prison visit, before Dingya enters the training ground, only you have entered the training ground."

"I went into the training ground to get back the mobile phone that I had forgotten there before. There is monitoring on the training ground. You can watch the monitoring."

"The monitoring for that period was broken."

"It's very speechless. No matter how many times you ask me, I always said that. I didn't put the nails. I didn't know there were nails under the carpet. If it's me who fell there, it's me who gets hurt. "

"Then you can say it again."

Ruan Hong was very upset and had to repeat the story again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!