"Cut! Who's going to compete with her. Even if I'm not a little cicada like that, I'm also a beautiful lady. There are many boys chasing me at school. Well, if you don't pay attention to it, your little sister will come to me for something. " Helian said with pity.

She doesn't know how sour her tone is now.

It's like drinking a bottle of vinegar.

"You walked so fast that you didn't hear what I said later. How can you tell that I'm going to hook up with my little sister. " Gu Jinyan evil charm eyebrow, "you don't want to hear, what did I say to her?"

"What did you say then?"

"I told her I couldn't be friends with her because my girlfriend would be jealous." Gu Jinyan was proud of his smile.

Can we not be complacent?

He was now able to confirm a little bit of hellenim's feelings.

"Who is your girlfriend? I haven't agreed yet He Lian Xi's face was red and said angrily, "you don't want a face."

"Why should I be shameless? Xiaoxi, did I say it was you? Why are you sitting in your seat by yourself Gu Yanjin may not look good in her shirt.

However, Gu Jinyan looks good-looking, these do not exist.

There is a trace of youth, but also belongs to the charm of mature men.

"You I don't want to talk to you anymore Helian was angry and sad, and her tears fell down. "Who asked you to talk to other girls. Who told you to take care of them. "

"Good, little Xi, don't cry! It's all my fault. I shouldn't have paid attention to them. I just like you. I'm sorry. I just want to see you jealous. I'm a jerk. Don't cry. " Gu Jinyan is heartbroken. He is an asshole. No matter how, he shouldn't do it.

"Yes, you are an asshole. You are the bad boy. " Helianxi was really miserable just now. She didn't like to see Gu Jinyan smile at other women, and she didn't like to see him treat other women well.

At the beginning, she did not have such a thing to Cheng Zhiyan.

They don't care about Cheng Zhiyan talking to other women.

Helianxi understood at this moment that she just liked Gu Jinyan and didn't want him to like other women.

I don't want other women to peep at him.

"Wuwu ~ ~ ~ ~" he Lianxi couldn't control his tears.

Gu Jinyan is at a loss and kisses her tears directly.

Also let he Lianxi all muddle up.

"Why did you kiss me?" He Lianxi asked stupidly. "Gu Jinyan, you bastard, you son of a bitch. Who's allowed you? "

"I allowed it myself. Xiaoxi, would you like to be my girlfriend Gu Jinyan hugged helianxi and said.

"Hum!" Helian Xi couldn't help but raise his lips, "do you still hook up with the little sister?"

"I just like you. I don't look at any other women." Gu Jinyan said seriously.

"Who believes you."

"Xiaoxi, I'm serious. I've loved you since I was so old. "

"Go back Helianxi wiped her tears. It was really a shame.

"Xiaoxi, did you promise me? How about being my girlfriend Gu Jinyan was expecting and nervous. Waiting for helianxi's answer, palms were sweating.

"I have requirements for my boyfriend." He didn't want to tell him so soon.

"You say, I promise you." Gu Jinyan was too excited.

Like a fool.