Amanda stood up and walked towards Wei Yang. "You are not a qualified assistant. How can you let such a person stay in the company! You're supposed to share Alston's worries. You should get rid of these people. "

Amanda does this because the front desk is beautiful and has a good figure. Naturally, she would not want such a woman to stay in Huo Jinchen's company. Secondly, she wanted to force Huo Jinchen down to see her.

But who knows, Huo Jinchen didn't even show his face.

"Amanda, if you don't like our coffee, you can talk to the front desk and ask her to buy you a cup you like." Wei Yang took a look at the red eyes of the front desk, sent her away, "go to the coffee shop and buy all the coffee."

He also helped the front desk out in disguise.

After leaving the front desk, Wei Yang asked with a smile, "Amanda, do you think this is OK? In a coffee shop, there is always a cup you can drink

"Hum!" Amanda was more angry with his manner.

It's just that there's still fire.

"And Alston?" Amanda is only concerned about that.

"He's still busy, Amanda. If you can't wait, I can arrange a hotel for you." Wei Yang said formulaically.

"I'm not in a hurry. I'll wait here for Alston. I'd like to see when he comes down Amanda is going to fight to the end.

Seeing her like this, Wei Yang didn't say anything and went upstairs directly.

Amanda didn't leave until she was about to leave work. Huo Jinchen wanted to go home early and finally went downstairs.

Seeing him coming out of the elevator, Amanda immediately changed her posture and walked towards him like a little woman.

Originally, Huo Jinchen avoided a big hug.

I've been waiting for you for a long time, Olson

"Sorry, I'm busy. You can leave first."

"Alston, I've come to see you on purpose. Don't you feel touched? " Amanda sat down next to Huo Jinchen. Just as she wanted to put her hand on Huo Jinchen's leg, Huo Jinchen moved away and kept a safe distance from Amanda.

"Amanda, what are you doing here?" Huo Jinchen asked as if he had not heard Amanda's words.

"Didn't I say that? I came to see you! Alston, I'm hungry. You can accompany me to dinner Amanda has always been very confident in her charm. If she doesn't believe Huo Jinchen, she won't be moved.

Even if she was a gentleman now, she didn't believe he would be in bed.

"I don't have time. If you need someone to accompany you to dinner, I can arrange one for you." Huo Jinchen's voice has no ups and downs from the beginning to the end. After all, he is the daughter of the partner.

Of course, on the premise that Amanda doesn't do anything.

"I don't want those people to accompany me. I want you to accompany me." Amanda said, "Alston, you're going to dinner with me."

"I'm sorry, I can't agree. If that's the case, I'll go back first. " Huo Jinchen stood up and didn't want to say anything to her.

"Alston, you must take me to the hotel." Amanda is not content. She doesn't believe in such a man.

"If you need to, I can ask the driver to see you off." Huo Jinchen refused in disguise.

"I want you to send it!"