Chapter 341 - Oh...LaLa!

Three months later.

Mike gathered her children Suzanne and Justin in the living room of his mansion because he's going to tell them something important today. He was holding a brown envelope in his hands.

"What is this important news that you are going to tell us today, Dad?" Suzanne asked.

"Is it about Mom again?" Justin inquired.

Mike took a deep breath. "I gathered you here because I want you to know that I'm going to get married again!" he announced.

Justin and Suzanne's eyes bulged in shock.

"Whaaaaaat!?" Suzanne was stunned by her father's revelation.

"Wait...who is this woman, Dad? Do we know her? Why you didn't bring her here to the mansion and introduce her to us? And why are you rushing to get married again? Did you know this woman well?" Justin bombarded his father with lots of questions.

Mike addressed his son. "Of course I know her so well!" he answered.

"Where is she? Is she here inside the house?" asked Suzanne.

"Yes," Mike replied. He looked upstairs. "Wife...come down now. It's about time to meet the children," he said aloud.

The woman descended the stairs wearing a red c.o.c.ktail dress.

Justin and Suzanne's eyes widened in shock.

"It's... M-mother!?" Justin asked in disbelief.

Suzanne was stupefied.

Caroline smiled radiantly at her children and lowered herself on the couch beside her husband.

Mike dr.a.p.ed his arms around his wife's shoulder lovingly and planted a kiss on Caroline's temple. "She is my new wife, my first and second wife! My one and only!" he said in amus.e.m.e.nt.

"Are you kidding me?" Suzanne finally found her voice. "What kind of drama is this!?"

Mike looked at her daughter and sighed. "Here is the evidence, we already got married last week in a civil ceremony attended by Gabriel and Jasmine and their children!" he said and handed the brown envelope to his daughter.

Suzanne and Justin looked at each other in disbelief.

"Your mother and I will tour all over Europe for our honeymoon. Our flight is scheduled next week," he said.

The couple rose to their feet and left the living room going to the stairway.

Suzanne quickly emptied the contents of the brown enveloped in the center table.

Justin picked up the copy of the marriage certificate bearing their father and mother's name and scrutinized it.

Suzanne looked at the photos of her mother and father inside the judge's office. There were also photos of Jasmine and Gabriel their half-siblings and photos of their Aunt Catherine and Uncle John.

Justine gave the certificate to his sister and picked up the photos.

"OMG! This marriage certificate is real!" Suzanne shrieked in delight. "But why they didn't invite us!? I'm angry!" she said furiously.

Justine laughed in amus.e.m.e.nt. "Sis, are you for real? You got angry that they got separated and now you're still angry that they finally get married twice. I don't know about you but I'm going to father's room to congratulate them!" he said and dashed towards the stairs.

"Wait for me!" Suzanne said running towards the stairway, as tears stream down her face due to extreme happiness. Her impossible dream of having both parents getting back together again finally materialized today! And she feels like she was floating in the clouds of bliss.

They finally reached their father's room and they knocked excitedly on the door like wild children.

Mike opened the door and raised a brow. "Why are you here, guys?" he asked.

They rushed inside the door.

Suzanne ran towards her mother and embraced her tightly. "Mom, please don't tell me that the wedding is only a setup! I will hate you forever if it's fake! Tell me that it's real!" she demanded.

Caroline smiled brightly. "Don't worry, the wedding is real. I married your father last week in the city hall in front of the judge. You can ask the judge himself or ask your Aunt Catherine and Uncle John," she said in amus.e.m.e.nt.

"But why you didn't invite me and Justin!?" Suzanne whined and pouted up a storm, feeling upset.

"Because your father and I were afraid that you will make a scene in the city hall during the wedding ceremony so we keep it a secret from you, guys. I'm sorry..." Caroline answered.

"Don't blame your mother, I decided for everything," Mike told her daughter.

Suzanne gazed into her mother's eyes. "Welcome back home, Mom! I'm very happy today because from now on I got to see you every day and our family is whole again!"

"I'm glad you are happy now, daughter!" Caroline said, her eyes were already swimming in tears of happiness.

Suzanne disengaged from her mother's embrace to give his brother a chance.

Justin hugged her mother eagerly. "Welcome back home, Mom! I'm glad we're a family again," he said cheerfully.

"I'm happy too, son!" Caroline said choking on her tears.

They went for a group hugged.

Mike watched his children's ecstatic faces. "Don't worry guys, your mother and I will get married in church next year so that everyone can attend the event including our grandchildren. Then we will have a grand wedding party. How about that?"

Justin and Suzanne jumped in joy.

"Hooray! I'm looking forward to it!" Suzanne roared.

"Let's plan a grand wedding party!" Justin said beaming.

Mike and Caroline hugged each other. Seeing their children's happy faces right now, getting married again is the best decision they have ever done so far!

Caroline looked at her daughter's face. "Your father and I will tour Europe next week for our honeymoon. I want you to organized a family party in the backyard near the pool area when we are back from the tour. That is the time that I will introduce you guys to your half-sister Jasmine and half brother Gabriel, okay?"

Suzanne grinned. "Wow! I love it! Leave everything to me, Mom!" she said excitedly.

A few minutes later.

The children left the room and only the couple remained inside the master's bedroom.

Mike looked at his wife. "Happy now?" he asked her. He wiped the tears from her face with his fingers.

Caroline nodded her head. "Yes! I'm very much happy today!" she answered.

"You have no regrets marrying me for the second time around?" he asked wanting to be sure.

Caroline shook her head. "No regrets at all!" she responded.

"Good! Because from now on... you and I will always be together," he said and planted a kiss on her lips.


One year later.

Caroline and Mike got married at the church and their officiating priest was no other than Mike's son with the late Althea - Father Benjamin.

It was a happy occasion for everyone.

The celebration was spectacularly amazing and everyone is in high spirits.

All Caroline's children loved ones, and family members were present to celebrate the grand wedding.

The celebration ended late at night that culminated in a dazzling ten minutes fireworks display that brightened the sky and brought happiness and delight to everyone's faces.

The couple gazed lovingly into each other's eyes.


Love is sweeter the second time around.

***~~~~~THE END~~~~~~THE END~~~~~THE END~~~~~~***

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May your life be filled with abundant blessings, good health and happiness!