Three Months Later.

The grand wedding of Alex and Caroline took place in St. Mary Magdalene Church. Attended by their friends, family, love ones, and relatives.

The church was decorated with a fairy tale wedding theme, same with the wedding venue held in the prestigious newly opened 5-star hotel ~The Crown Jewel Hotel.

There are a total of 300 attendees. All the employees in the headquarters of Lopez Group of Company were invited to attend the happy occasion.

Catherine, Thelma, Lily, and Jacob were sitting on the front seat near the altar of the church. They witnessed with their eyes the happiness radiating from the couple's countenance on the day of their wedding.

The wedding ceremony lasted for more than half an hour including the photo and video taking.

After the church ceremony, the couple and the guest proceed to the wedding reception to continue the celebration.

The wedding party started as early as 1:00 in the afternoon.

Five hours later.

While the wedding celebration is in full swing inside the venue.

Mike was looking at the entrance of the hotel while sipping a cup of espresso coffee inside the cafe shop located across from the hotel. For some odd reason, he dropped by at this place after John told him that today was Caroline and Alex's wedding day.

He can't understand what he felt right now as if his heart was bleeding painfully inside his rib cage.

He shouldn't be here!

Crying for a lost love that is no longer his is plain stupidity.

Caroline is no longer his wife, she's already a legal wife of another man. Time for him to move on and forget the feelings that he's been nurturing inside his heart for his ex-wife through the years.

He originally wants to wait here inside the cafe until he can see a glimpse of the couple leaving the hotel and go home. But as minutes went by, he finally realized how stupid he is for doing this. Spying on his ex-wife while she's getting married to her new husband is kind of a foolish move on his part.

He placed a call to his brother on the phone. He wants to get drunk tonight and drown his sorrow for completely losing Caroline to another man.

A few moments later, he can hear John's voice. "Hello bro..."

"Oh, bro. Where are you?" asked John.

"I'm inside a cafe somewhere... " he answered. "Can I go to your place... let's drink some wine," he suggested.

"Okay, no problem, I'll wait for you here," John agreed.

"Where is your wife?" he inquired.

"She's attending Caroline's wedding reception at The Crown Jewel Hotel," John responded.

"Ah, I see...okay...I'm heading now to your place," Mike said. "See you in a few minutes, bro!" he said.

"Aright, I'll prepare drinks and foods for our drinking session in the pool area," John said.

"OK. Bye bro!" he said and ended the call.

Mike left the cafe and went to retrieve his car in the parking lot.

Ten minutes later, Mike was already driving his car going to Infinity Jade Tower looking forward to having a drinking session with his brother.

Half an hour later, Mike parked his car in the parking area of Infinity Jade Tower. He entered the building and boarded the elevator going to his brother's place.

When he entered his brother's abode, John was already waiting for him in the living room. They proceed to the swimming pool area right away. Wine, liquor, and other side dishes were already prepared on the table.

They settled in the lounger chair.

John looked at his brother's miserable face. "Why are you sporting that dejected look in your face? You look like you are grieving for someone," he commented.

Mike released a deep sigh. "I went to the cafe across The Crown Jewel Hotel and stayed there for half an hour," he answered.

John's brows knitted together in confusion. "Huh? What are you doing there? Do you have a business meeting with someone there?" he asked, although he already suspected why.

Mike shook his head. "Nah, I was there because it's Caroline's wedding today with Daniel," he replied.

John sighed. "Did you go there to congratulate the newlywed couple?"

"No, I went there to see how happy Caroline is getting married to another guy," Mike answered.

"I see... you haven't forgotten your ex-wife yet. It seemed you had a hard time moving on after your wedding with her was annulled," John said.

Mike nodded his head. "Yeah, the truth is...I still love my ex-wife. Sad to say, she already moves on with another guy and today she married that guy willingly in the church. It's so painful on my side! I already lose her for good. I felt like my heart was being squeezed tightly inside my rib cage, it's so damn painful!" he said in lamentation. The pain was evident in his distraught voice, fresh tears emerged from his eyes.

John breathed deeply, feeling sorry for his brother. He was sympathizing with Mike's grief and anguish for completely losing the woman he loves so much. He rubbed his brother's back trying to comfort him. He picked up the bottle of wine and poured the liquid into two glass and handed it to his brother. "Here...let's drink!" he said.

Mike accepted the glass of wine and gulped it in one go. "More...!" he said.

John sighed and poured another round of wine into the glass. "Let's take it slow, bro. The night is still young," he said.

"I want to get drunk tonight to forget my beloved ex-wife!" Mike declared.

They continue drinking wine.

Five hours later.

10:00 in the evening.

Catherine finally went home. "Where is my husband?" she asked the maid who is attending to the twins inside the master's bedroom.

"He is inside the pool area drinking with his brother, Maam," answered the maid.

Catherine raised a brow. "Really? Since when they start drinking?" she inquired.

"Since five hours ago, Ma'am," the maid replied.

"Ah, okay. You may go now," Catherine told the maid.

The maid exited the bedroom.

Catherine went to the closet to get some clothes to change her dress. After she's done changing clothes, she wants to check the men's condition inside the pool area but go against it at the last minute.

Hmm, she will just wait here in the room for her husband.

A few minutes later, John entered the room. "Wifey..."

"Hubby, what is wrong with Mike? Why he's here in our place all of a sudden and having a drinking session with you? Does he had a problem?" she asked worriedly.

John shook his head. "Nah, he's just feeling down and sad that Caroline got married to another man today," he replied.

"Oh...I see..." Catherine said. She finally understood why Mike is desperately wanting this drinking session with his brother today. He just needs someone to talk to in easing his pain away due to losing his ex-wife. She felt sad for him but it's too late already, Caroline is already happily married to Alex.

"My brother is already drunk. Ramon and I will bring him to Mother Susan's mansion so that he can go home safely," John said.

"Okay, I'll wait here for your return. Take care and drive safely," she responded.

John went to the closet and grabbed his black leather jacket, donned it on his body, and exited the bedroom quietly.

Caroline glanced at her children, they're already sleeping soundly in the bed.

She got up from the bed, brushed her teeth inside the bathroom, and went back to bed - resting while waiting for her husband's return.