Chapter 322 - What The Hell!?

Two Years Later. The marriage annulment between Mike and Caroline was finally granted by the court.

The estranged couple met each other in The Swiss Cafe, inside the mall.

Mike arrived in the cafe first and ordered a mango smoothie while waiting for his ex-wife.

Fifteen minutes later, Caroline arrived in the cafe. She lowered herself on the chair. "Sorry, I'm a bit late," she apologized. She was wearing a body fit red blouse and a long black flowing skirt.

She looks stunning!

Mike looked at her appreciatively. "Wow! After giving birth to five children, you still retain that killer figures of yours! I'm more than impressed!" he enthused. A glimmer of adoration shone in his eyes.

Caroline giggled a bit then her eyes widened. "What-? Don't tell me you are still fantasizing about me?" she teased him.

Mike grinned. "What if I still do?" he said, his face turned serious.

Caroline laughed softly. "Mike... you have forgotten that I'm already a married woman," she reminded him.

"I know..." he shrugged. "But don't you forget that you are my wife first before you become a second wife to another guy. In my heart, you are always my first wife, and nobody can change that," he said.

Caroline rolled her eyes. " are you? How's life?" she asked, even though Guada gives her update every day about Susan, Mike, and the kids.

"Well...still single," Mike answered with a smile.

Caroline pondered for a moment. "Why don't you date again? Or join online dating sites so that you can meet somebody new and fall in love again," she suggested.

Mike shook his head. "Nah, I'm a busy person. I have no time for dating. Besides, I'm no longer looking for someone to love. Between the family business and my other side business and the three kids combine, I have no time left for someone new in my life. My hands are full," he reasoned.

Caroline smiled. "I see..."

"But if you will return to me, I'll take you back with arms wide open," he said.

Caroline's brows furrowed. "Are you serious?"

Mike sighed. "Yeah, after all that happened, I realized that I forgot to apologize to you for impregnating Althea. Sometimes, I blamed myself for doubting you and making the final plunged to sin, the reason why our marriage crumbled in the first place," he said.

Caroline read his eyes and saw regrets in his black orbs. She also saw the tenderness in the way he looks at her. She cleared her throat. "Things happened for a reason, Mike. I can't put the blame entirely on you. In the end, the breakdown of our marriage became our undoing. But if there's one person that should take the biggest blame, it should be me. Maybe I should apologize to you as well for betraying you with another man. But if it will make you feel better now, I'll apologize again. I'm sorry..." she sighed and smiled a little.

They fell silent for a moment.

"We shouldn't be talking about this issue anymore because we're no longer together," she said.

Mike breathed deeply and shrugged. They only see each other once in a blue moon. They might never have this chance again, so it's better to tell her what he truly feels for her. "To be honest... you are still the one in my heart right now. All this time, I never stop loving you. If there is a next life, maybe we could be together again?"

Caroline was startled by Mike's outpouring of emotion towards her. "Why are you telling me all this-?" she asked in astonishment.

"Because we may never see each other again. Life is unpredictable, anything can happen. I just want you to know that I never stop loving you. The beautiful memories we created together in the past, I treasured them in my heart and mind," he confessed.

Caroline sighed. What can she say to him? She had a beautiful and perfect life with Alex right now. She's not going to destroy her happy relationship with her current partner just because her ex-husband apologized to her. "Mike, please stop bringing our past in the present times! I already move on, you should move on too!" she reprimanded him.

Mike took a deep breath, his face was immediately shrouded with sadness. "I'm sorry for bringing up our past. It looks like I'm the only one who can never let go, the rest already move on. So yeah..."

Caroline wants to change to a safer topic. "How are the twins?" she asked.

"They're growing healthy every day and they are your typical toddler. You don't have to worry about their upbringing. We have to thank Mother Susan for that, she deserves all the credits for raising our children properly including my son with Althea. The three kids are close to each other," he said.

"I'm happy to know that! I'm forever grateful to your mother for being a good grandmother to the three children. I hope someday - I can return her kindness," Caroline said.

It's now time for Mike to ask about her condition. "How are you? How's life beside Alex?" he asked, wanting to know the status of her life right now.

"Alex is very good to me. I'm a contented and devoted partner to him. We complimented each other well. In short, our relationship is harmonious," she answered.

"Is he a better husband than me?" he asked gazing into her eyes, seeking the truth.

Caroline sighed. "Honestly, I can't compare you two. We have our beautiful times together in the past. I never regretted falling in love and marrying you. You have your unique qualities, and Alex also has his own. So... I won't tell you who is a better husband. It's not that I don't want to hurt your feelings. I just don't want to answer your question right now...let's just leave it at that," she answered and avoided his eyes.

Mike smirked. "Why do I have this feeling that you still have some little amount of love left for me? Your eyes show it all. Am I correct?"

Caroline's eyes widened, she was shocked by his speculation.

"Why don't we continue our relationship? Make it a secret between us. Let's meet once a month in a secret hideaway and free to express our love to one another. You don't have to leave Alex. Just spend a few hours with me in our love nest that is tucked in a secret place that only you and I know. It's going to be exciting for sure! Common, think about it before you shut me down!" he pleaded into her eyes. Just the thought of having a secret rendezvous with his ex-wife once a month awakened the desire in his loins. Suddenly, those perverted thoughts are making his body completely alive!

Caroline was stunned by his outrageous suggestion and covered her mouth due to shock. She looked into his eyes. "What the hell are you talking about!?" she said indignantly.

Mike grinned and sighed afterward. "Just a suggestion, no harm in trying," a smirk appeared on his lips.

"You're crazy!" she told him.

Mike chuckled. "Yeah...I'm crazy for you. I won't deny that..." he said.

Caroline released a deep sigh. "Just give me the doc.u.ments!" she demanded. "You texted me that the court already granted the annulment, and you will give me a copy today, that's why we're here. Can you please give it to me now? I want to go home," she requested.

Mike looked at her intensely, his gaze mixed with l.u.s.t and desire. Damn! His body is aching for her again, wanting to devour her. "I've changed my mind. I won't give you the copy today. Meet me in a secret please instead. I will give you the doc.u.ments there. I'll text you the address of the place later," he said and winked at her naughtily.

He rose to his feet, holding his briefcase in his right hand, and walked towards the door in a relaxed manner.

Stunned, Caroline was left alone at the table, looking at Mike's retreating form, fuming in anger. "What the heck is going on with Mike!?" she muttered to herself, her hands forming into a fist. Is this his intention to antagonize her?

After Mike was gone, Caroline left the cafe in a bad spirit.

She went home and managed to calm down her anger before she stepped into the house. She climbed the stairs feeling tired.

Inside the master's bedroom.

She found the maid sitting on the bed folding the freshly laundered clothes of the twins and placed them in the closet. "Is everything okay here while I'm away?" she asked.

"Yes, Ma'am!" the maid replied.

"You may go now. I'll call you later if I want you to do something for me," she ordered in a soft voice.

"Okay, Ma'am," the maid said and left the room.

She looked at the twins, they're wide awake. She went to the closet and changed her clothes.

Half an hour later, she was already b.r.e.a.s.tfeeding her baby daughter.

Fifteen minutes later, Gabriel was next and she b.r.e.a.s.tfeeds him.

One hour later, she was already lying on the bed, resting and relaxing.

Hours went by.


10:00 in the evening.

She already put the babies in their cribs a while ago, they were currently sleeping.

Her phone beep, she got a text message. She presumed it was from Alex who is currently on a five days business trip to Mindanao, but when she checked the message it was from Mike. The message contains the address where he will give her the doc.u.ments tomorrow.

Caroline released a deep sigh. She still has to decide if she will meet Mike or not.

She closed her eyes to sleep.