Mike no longer returns to Blue Bell Residences, while Caroline spent the rest of her day taking good care of Suzanne and Justin. She will miss her children dearly if she finally leaves the marital house she shared with her husband.

Hours went by.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, Susan arrived in the building together with the housemaid and the driver to get the twins.

Caroline and Guada placed the twin's belongings in the living room, ready for pick up.

Susan entered the couple's marital abode with her companions. She looked at the driver. "Bring the bags to the car," she ordered.

"Yes, Madam!" the driver replied and picked up the bags which contains the children's clothing and essentials.

Susan looked at Guada and Caroline holding the twins in their arms.

Caroline went to Susan's side and put baby Suzanne in her mother-in-law's arms. Guada placed baby Justin in the maid's arms.

Susan addressed Caroline. "Good luck with your new life. I hope you won't regret your decision," she said. She shifted her attention to her granddaughter in her arms, then she smiled, nuzzling the baby's chubby cheeks.

Caroline sighed. She knows that her mother-in-law didn't intervene much when it comes to her marital problems with Mike. She greatly appreciated that. She also knows that Susan was just holding her displeasure inside her. Her mother-in-law's last statement bears her sentiments, sadness, and dislike of the break up of the marriage between her and Mike.

Susan is a classy lady, a good mother-in-law, not a nagger type, and she greatly admired her for that.

"Mother, c-can I visit the kids anytime?" Caroline asked eagerly. She knows it's too much to ask regarding their current situation but she was hoping that she will oblige her.

Susan looked at Caroline and pondered her request for a moment. "Okay, since you are their mother, you are free to visit them anytime. How about once a week visit? Is that enough for you?"

Caroline's eyes glistened with tears of gladness for Susan's permission. "That's more than enough, Mother. I'll take that!" she said.

"Alright, since we already agreed to the schedule of your visit, just text or call me if you will visit the kids," Susan said. "If there is nothing else, we will take our leave..."

"Thank you, Mother!" Caroline said.

Susan nods her head.

Caroline kissed the twins' cheeks and bid goodbye to them in silence.

Susan's entourage exited the door.

Caroline's tears start falling from her eyes in torrents. Damn! She's missing her children already. She bolted to the master's bedroom and continue sobbing there.

The housemaid watched her distraught employer entering the master's bedroom, shaking her head in sadness. She went to the kitchen to prepare a simple dinner for her and Caroline.

Inside the master's bedroom.

Caroline was crying on the pillow. She's separated from her children again! Three of her children were no longer by her side. The only thing left is the fetus growing in her w.o.m.b. She is determined to give birth to the baby in a healthy environment. She wondered if she will ever have a chance to be reunited with her three children and live with them under one roof? Now, it suddenly turns into an impossible dream overnight.

Her phone suddenly rings... she got a call!

She picked up the phone and checked the caller, it's just Alex. "Hello..."

"Babe, how it's going?" he asked.

"I'm still here in Blue Bell Residences. My husband and I already decided to separate and annul our marriage legally in front of our family. Mike will file the annulment soon," she informed him.

"That's awesome!" Alex spoke with profound happiness vibrating in his voice. "Don't worry, as soon the annulment is finally granted by the court, I will marry you in the church so that you will become my legally wedded wife. I will give you and our baby a bright future, you can count on that!" he assured her. "So, when can I fetch you?" he asked.

"Tonight... at 8:00 in the evening. I already finished packing my things," she replied.

"Good! I will arrive there by 8:00. See you later, babe! Bye.." Alex said excitedly.

"Okay, I'll wait for you...bye..." Caroline responded in a gloomy voice.

Their conversation ended. Caroline put the phone on the bedside table and continue weeping. She wants to shed all the heartaches, pain, sadness, and regrets through her tears tonight and leave all the painful memories behind in this house for good.

She's going to start a new phase of her life with Alex and their child in her w.o.m.b. She wants to face the future with positivity, for the sake of her unborn baby and her sanity.

At 6:30 pm.

Guada knocked on the door. "Ma'am Caroline, dinner is ready!" she announced.

"Okay, I'll get out in a few minutes," Caroline replied.

Guada returned to the kitchen.

Caroline exited the door a few minutes later and proceeds to the kitchen.

The two women eat dinner in silence.

After they finished eating dinner, Caroline asked the maid a question. "Are you going back to Susan's mansion to work there?"

Guada nodded her head. "Yes, Ma'am!"

"That's good. Please help Mother Susan take care of my babies, Guada," she requested.

"No problem, Ma'am! I love the twins, I will take care of them," Guada replied cheerfully.

"Thank you for serving me and the twins," Caroline said.

"My pleasure, Ma'am!" Guada replied.

After talking to the maid, Caroline left the kitchen and went to her room. She picked up the enveloped containing Guada's one month salary and one month bonus. She left the room and went back to the kitchen.

She handed the envelope to the maid. "Guada, here is your one month salary and one month bonus, the same amount as your salary. Just help Mother Susan take care of my children and don't forget to text me everyday... give me updates about the condition of my children. I want to know everything. Don't worry as long you give me an update every day... I will send you money every month. That is reward money for giving me daily news about my children. Can I count on you?" she asked.

Guada smiled brightly. Yaay! She will earn extra money monthly for updating Caroline about her kids' condition daily, not a hard thing to do. Who says no to extra money for such simple work? She accepted the money and smiled. "Thank you, Ma'am Caroline. You can be rest assured that I will give you an update daily about the children's condition," she said reassuringly.

"Good! Give me your MCash account later after you are done cleaning the kitchen. I will send the reward money to your account every month," Caroline said.

"Yes, Ma'am! Thank you in advance!" Guada replied energetically.

"Okay... continue cleaning the kitchen, I'll go back to my room," Caroline said and left the kitchen.

Inside the master's bedroom.

Caroline stood in the middle of the room and roamed her eyes around the area. She breathed deeply. This room contains happy and intimate memories that she shared with her husband. She's going to leave them behind in this room to start a new life.

She released a deep sigh.

Hours went by.

Caroline looked at the clock on the wall, fifteen minutes to go before 8:00.

Time to go!

Guada knocked on the door. "Ma'am, I'll take your bags to the living room," she offered.

Caroline went to the door and opened it, she walked towards the living room. Guada entered the room and picked up the heaviest bag out of the three - good thing it has wheels on it.

Guada looked at the pregnant woman. "Ma'am, you can wait in the lobby. I'll bring the rest of the bag there," she suggested.

"Okay," Caroline replied and wore her shoulder bag. She exited the door going to the elevator.

Guada brought the rest of the bags into the living room.


On the ground floor.

Caroline settled herself on one of the cozy couches in the lobby while waiting for Alex's arrival.

Fifteen minutes later, Guada already finished bringing the luggage down in the lobby.

"Ma'am, shall I keep you company here?" Guada asked.

Caroline shook her head. "No need. You may go back now upstairs," she said.

"Okay, take care, Ma'am!" Guada said and left the lobby going back to the elevator's area.

A few minutes later.

Alex entered the entrance of the building and went to Caroline's side. He smiled brightly upon seeing his beloved woman. "Shall we go now?"

"Yes," Caroline replied and picked up the smallest bag out of the tree bags.

Alex picked up the two bags, and they walked towards the entrance of the building. They went to Alex's car parked near the entrance of the building and deposited all the luggage in the car's trunk. They entered the vehicle.

Alex looked at Caroline. "Ready to go home with me, babe?" he asked lovingly.

Caroline nodded her head. "Yes," she replied.

Alex started the engine of the car. Caroline looked at the building one last time.

The car moved forward, leaving the vicinity of Blue Bell Residences, going to Alex's mansion... heading to Caroline's new future.