Chapter 305 - Logical Decision

Caroline entered the master's bedroom and addressed the housemaids. "Guada... call Mike, call mother Susan and call my sister Catherine...tell them to come here. Tell them that a woman named Althea was in the living room right now claiming that my husband got her pregnant. Just inform them," she said. "Go now outside and attend to that woman's need because she was carrying my husband's baby..." she ordered calmly.

"Yes, Ma'am!" the housemaids replied in unison and exited the bedroom.

Caroline locked the room.

She went to the bed and looked at her children lying in the cribs. Big fat tears rolled from her eyes flooding her face.

Babies are growing in her w.o.m.b and that of Althea due to her and Mike's mistake. They can't get rid of the innocent babies just to save a marriage!

Everything is wrong! But they can't make things right by committing another wrong decision again.

She went to the baby's crib and hugged her children, she's going to miss them so much! She has to go away again to make things right for her unborn child. She knows that her mother-in-law Susan will make a terrific job in taking good care of Suzanne and Justin. She doesn't have to worry about them. As for baby Cathy, she was pampered with love and care by Clara and Hector, she is in good hands. All of her children are in good and loving hands.

She put her hand on her abdomen talking to the fetus inside her tummy. "Don't worry baby...I will take care of you..." she said lovingly.


In Susan's office.

She received the text message from Guada and she was shocked to know that Althea was in the couple's home and she was pregnant with Mike's baby!

Oh no!

This is big trouble for the couple!

She hurriedly exited her office going to Blue Bell Residences.


Antipolo City.

Mike has just finished inspecting the area where he and his business partner were planning to build a gasoline station when he received the text message from Guada informing him that Althea arrived at his house in Blue Bell and claimed that she was pregnant with their baby. The unexpected news was like a heavy punch that hit him hard on the stomach, it took his breath away.

Damn! News like this is not welcome when he was just trying to fix his marriage with his wife!

He needs to go home fast and settle this mess!

He went inside his car and drove fast back to the city.


Infinity Jade Tower.

Catherine was dumbfounded after reading Guada's text message informing her that a woman named Althea had arrived at the Blue Bell Residences claiming that he was pregnant with Mike's baby.

She hurriedly went to her husband's office on the 13th floor to inform him about the sudden news.

When she entered the office, she found her husband busy reading a doc.u.ment. "Husband! Bad news!" she exclaimed while catching up her breath.

John looked at his wife's fl.u.s.tered face. "W-what is it? Did something bad happen to our children?" he asked worriedly.

"No! It's not about our children. Guada texted me that a woman name Althea rushed into the Blue Bell Residences demanding to see Mike claiming that she was pregnant with his child!"

John's eyes widened in shock. "Oh no!" he groaned. "This is bad news indeed! I will go there now!" he said and rose to his feet.

"I will also go there to comfort my sister! She must be devastated right now!" Catherine insisted.

"Alright, instruct the maids to take care of the children, change your clothes, and let's go together. I will wait for you here," he said.

"Okay!" Catherine replied and left the office in a hurry going back to the upper floor to change her clothes.


Back in the Blue Bell Residences.

Althea was watching a cooking show on the flat-screen TV while the maid served her fruit juice.

Meanwhile, Caroline was locking herself up inside the master's bedroom waiting for everyone to arrive. She knows that they will be flocking to her home in the next hour wanting to see Althea and clarify her claim.

It's a good thing that all family members are present because she will have an announcement to make that will settle everyone's worried mind.

She will make a decision that will solve all their problems.

And best of all... the decision she's going to make will be beneficial for the innocent babies growing in her and Althea's tummy. Her main priority now is to make sure that the baby that was growing in her tummy will grow healthy and she can give birth to it in a healthy environment, and the only way to achieve that is to get away from the stressful environment that she was living now.

The exhausting mental stress that she was experiencing right now is going to kill her physically, mentally, and subconsciously. It's better to end it all! So that she can save her sanity and continue living a peaceful life, 'coz if she stays beside Mike just to save their marriage, she will only torture herself every day.

Her decision will free herself and Mike from each other, giving them room to breathe without making themselves insane.

Sad to say, some good things will never last.

She had to let go of her husband and learn to forgive herself and forgive him as well.

Maybe they can finally achieve peace when they are no longer living together.

Forty-five minutes later.

The first to arrive at the Blue Bell Residences was Susan.

She sat on the sofa facing Althea who was quiet during that time. "Where is Caroline?" she asked the housemaid.

"Inside the bedroom, Madam. I will inform her that you already arrive," Guada answered and walked towards the master's bedroom. She knocked on the door. "Ma'am Caroline... Madam Susan is already here..." she said.

Caroline went to the door and opened it. "Please tell, Mother that I will talk to them after my husband arrives," she said and closed the door again. She went back to the bed and sat down. Before she will tell everyone about her decision... she will talk to her husband first... it's the most logical thing to do during these tough times in their marriage life.

Back in the living room.

Susan was staring at Althea's face for a long time.

Althea was squirming in her seat, she doesn't know what to do, she's feeling uneasy being stared at by Mike's mother. She finds Susan's stares intimidating!

A moment later.

John and Catherine finally arrived.

"Where is my sister?" Catherine asked Guada right away.

"She's inside the master bedroom together with the babies. She said she will come out and talk to everyone after her husband arrives," replied Guada.

The couple sat on the sofa and directed their gaze at Althea.

Althea was now in an uneasy situation because everyone was staring at her. She wanted to leave, but she can't. She will only leave the place after talking to Mike first. She wanted to know what is his plan for her and the baby. She has to endure the strangers' stares, if no one will try to talk to her then she will not say anything to them as well.

Even if the situation is getting uncomfortable with every minute that passes by, she will stick to her guns!

She's doing it for the baby in her w.o.m.b.