Chapter 301 - Astounding Show!

Two days later.

The family gathering in Susan's mansion was already in full swing. The first to arrive was John, Catherine, and the twins together with the maids and drivers. Then Thelma and her entourage arrived fifteen minutes later. The last to arrive was Mike and Caroline. Everyone's attention was focused on the couple's arrival. They were the center of attention at that family event.

In fairness, Mike and Caroline put up a good show. They were talking and laughing with everyone...wearing a bright smile on their faces. They even smiled and laughed at each other just like yesterday once more.

Susan was talking to John in the corner while watching the couple having fun in the pool with the others. "I'm glad they are no longer giving each other a cold shoulder, they seemed to look fine to me," she casually said. She was deeply saddened after the maids reported to her on the phone that the couple wasn't talking much inside their abode. She refrained from talking to her son and daughter-in-law hoping that they will settle their differences without outsiders' interferences.

John nodded his head. "Yeah, at least they are making effort to go back to their old self. I hope this will be the start of true reconciliation between the couple," he said optimistically.

Susan smiled a bit. She was hopeful that the couple will survive this trial in their life as a married couple. She knew about Caroline's infidelity after John told her about it but she doesn't want to condemn her daughter-in-law because she must have done it out of anger and revenge. Her son also did the same, although it's not pleasant to look at a stranger's view somehow it put the couple even at each other. Now they only need to forgive each other's mistake and go on with their life as a married couple in love.

"Complete forgiveness will come late for the couple, I guess," John said out of the blue.

"Yes, it's not like magic that would erase the pain of betrayal instantly, but eventually if they desperately wanted to make their marriage last for another ten years then they have to leave the past behind and forgive each other's mistake," Susan said. She was horrified after learning that Caroline did it as well, which doesn't sit well with her principle in life, but she can't scold her daughter-in-law because her very own son is also a sinner and she was also a sinner once.

At this point when the couple was facing critical times in their marriage life, she has to avoid making things worst for her son, telling them to do this and do that might produce a catastrophic result, so she better closed her mouth shut and let the couple solved their problems. She can only see them from afar, stay on the sideline, and watch how they will deal with their problems.

Meanwhile...Thelma and Catherine were throwing the couple secretive glances now and then, they watched the couple closely. They are looking for a telltale sign that the couple is at odds with each other... surprisingly... the couple was acting cool and cordial to each other as if they aren't undergoing any turbulence in their marriage life as of this moment.

Catherine looked at her mother. "They're acting like there's no problem, Mother. Do you think it's a good or bad thing?" she asked.

Thelma raised a brow. "Why are you asking me like that? Of course, it's a good thing. I want to see them looking happy like this always. I don't want to see them not on good terms, I don't want to see their marriage fall apart. We always want the best for your sister, aren't we -?" she said.

Catherine agreed to her mother's statement. However, the maids' daily reports to her are a big contradiction based on what she witnessed right now regarding the couple's behavior. "You are right, Mother. I'm just hoping they weren't just pretending because it's a family gathering... and everyone is you know..." she hinted.

Thelma sighed. "Stop thinking negatively... based on what I have seen today...the couple is heading to a peaceful reconciliation. Cheers to that!"

"Amen!" Catherine responded to her mother's positive observation. She hopes so, for the children's benefits. She looked at her nephew and niece that were being taken care of by the housemaids in their cribs while their mother and father were socializing with others in the pool area.

Thelma left her daughter's side and went to her grandchildren to give them each a loving hug.

While Catherine went to her husband's side and have a chat with him on the lounge chair. "Amazing day today... isn't it husband?" she remarked cheerfully.

John smiled and roamed his eyes around the area. "Yes, it is! Spectacular family gathering as always! Everyone was eager to leave their problems and worries in their homes and just throw themselves into the fun. Today is a special day because we have unlimited drinks and food and family as a company throughout the day," he finished his observation with a gentle kiss on his wife's cheek.

Catherine smiled pleasantly loving her husband's public display of affection. She watched her children playing in the grassy ground supervised by the housemaid. "The couple was looking good together so far..." she casually commented.

It's now John's turned to give commentary regarding the couple's remarkable transformation today. "You know what?"


"I want to freeze this moment today because looking at the happy faces of my brother and your sister, it makes me feel happy too. I just want this situation to go on forever so that the couple can heal their pain faster and return to their usual old self," John said.

"Me too!" Catherine cheered.


The couple that was the object of everyone's attention and observation were aware that their actions were being scrutinized from all angles, that is why they have to put on a good show and project solidarity as a couple so that everyone can feel at ease. By reverting to their old jolly, loving, and cheerful self they can help contribute to the success of Susan's Family Gathering. It's all for the sake of Susan who's always been there in the sideline supporting them through thick and thin without being too loud. She never imposes herself so much in their relationship and because of that... they owed her a lot.

For the sake of Susan's painstaking effort of producing a wonderful family gathering, they have to play their part very well. Because they both know in their hearts that Susan desperately wanted them to reconcile and stay as husband and wife forever.

Aside from that, the entire family members around them were watching their performance closely and they didn't disappoint them...they put on quite an astounding show for everyone to remember and cherish for days to come.


As usual, the family party ended in the early evening. Everyone was already exhausted with the never-ending swimming and endless fun activities in the pool area. Their bodies were clamoring for a good night's rest.

When the family party wrapped up that night, everyone was happy and rejuvenated and looking forward to another family gathering in the days to come.