Chapter 297 - Apologized?

When John arrived at the Infinity Jade Tower, his wife was waiting for him, excited to hear the news about the couple on their first day of reconciliation.

"Spill the beans!" Catherine said in a whisper, she doesn't want to raise her voice because the babies were already sleeping.

John sighed, he was supposed to tell her wife a lie, that was his plan before he comes home, but then what is the point? He discarded his jacket and put it in the laundry basket. "They quarreled on the first day of reconciliation, throwing insults to each other," he told her.

Catherine breathed deeply. "Well...I guess... It's something that we can no longer control. We did the right thing trying to reconcile them but if they no longer have love and respect for each other the marriage will eventually crumble whether we like it or not," she finally said. She's slowly accepting the fact that sometimes no matter how good the intention was, the result is not always satisfactory.

"You are right, wifey," John agreed. "Now it's up to Mike and Caroline on what's going to happen to their marriage in the days to come. The starting point is always the difficult one to overcome. I just wish they're strong enough to survive each other's throat or else we will be hearing goodbye again from the couple," he said.

He looked at her wife, sooner or later, she will know about her sister's infidelity, so he might as well tell her now. "Don't feel shocked...Mike told me that Caroline confessed to him that she also had a lover on those days she left the house. Mike and Caroline were shagging other people on the same night," he said with a gloomy sigh.

Catherine covered her mouth in shock. "OMG! What the hell...!" she exclaimed in disbelief.

" basically they betrayed each other with different persons and that what makes them equal in a they just have to learn to forgive each other and try not to contact their lovers or else they will never be able to get back together," John said while shaking his head in absolute sadness.

He walked to his wife's side and patted her head. "Don't be shock and don't be sad...people tend to make mistakes all the time because no one is perfect, it's all part of humans' overall growth as a person. We all learned from our mistakes," he said casually.

Catherine sighed heavily. "Yeah, I guess you are right. Let's just pray for them...that's the only best thing we can do for them right now," she said sadly.

The couple wasn't able to sleep early that night, they were both affected by what's happening to Mike and Caroline's marriage.


That night, when Mike returned home.

He went straight to the master's bedroom where his wife and his children occupied. He was glad that the door was not locked and the light was still open.

He saw his wife sleeping on the other side of the bed and there were pillows in the middle, which means, his wife wants to divide the bed between the two of them. He smiled a bit finding her childish action funny.

He glanced at his children, the twins were sleeping soundly in their cribs. After changing his clothes and wore his pajama's he switched off the light and lie on the bed. Sleep didn't come easy to him. Caroline was not snoring yet, which means she was still wide awake pretending that she was already sleeping.

He released a deep sigh. Was she waiting for him to say something? And what he should be saying to her right now? Apology? Does he have to apologize first or her? She was the one who walked out on their marriage, she should be the one who would apologize to him. But he was the one who betrayed her first. Sigh.

Conflicting emotions were creating havoc in his consciousness right now. He wondered if he will be able to sleep tonight considering that he was suffering from a chaotic mental condition right now.

Minutes went by.

Caroline was wide awake, she was also having the same conflicting emotion inside her heart and mind. Earlier, she was truly devastated after her husband called her a 's.l.u.t.'

It pained and insulted her deeply. But she already comes to terms with it. She finally accepted her mistake, she did have a s.e.x.u.a.l lover beside her husband. Infidelity is always viewed negatively by other people no matter if you did it out of revenge or not.

The role of the wife is always ready to forgive the husband's shortcomings but never betray him with another guy. But she sinned! When her husband betrayed her with another woman she did the same. Tit for Tat, and now no matter how good and satisfying her s.e.x.u.a.l experiences with Alex, she feels ashamed of what she had done.

She regretted going all the way with Alex, her gratifying tryst with him only made things worst between her and Mike. Her crumbling marriage to her husband was now difficult to fix because she added to the fire.

Now she realized that revenge is not always good, it only tastes wonderful and exciting for a few days but when the fire died, the only thing that remained was the ashes of regrets.

Before all this chaos took place...she and her husband could not sleep without cuddling on the bed. Now the distance between them is far and wide just like heaven and earth. She wonders how will this ever end?

The couple's consciousness was very much preoccupied with their marital problems, but their bodies had their limits and they finally succ.u.mb to an exhausting sleep. They finally drifted into a slumber as the gap continues to widen between them.


In Alex's mansion.

He was still wide awake at 2:00 am, staring at the ceiling of his room surrounded by darkness. It's Caroline's first night back in her husband's arms. What are they doing right now? Are they making love? Or already sleeping?

Just the thoughts of the couple making love right now filled his heart with jealousy.

But he was quick to remind himself that there's no reason to be jealous. Caroline is a married woman, and naturally, she and her husband would eventually make love sooner or later. He was a fool to believe that he already owned her heart and body. Caroline can never be his woman, to begin with. All that he and Caroline shared was just mind-blowing physical attraction, nothing more and nothing less... she didn't even love him.

Forgetting Caroline takes a long time. But he will eventually come to that stage sooner or later. For now, he will just focus on managing his businesses well and make them flourish to greater heights.

With those positive thoughts in mind, sleep finally takes over his senses and he drifted into a deep sleep.