Chapter 293 - Eating Or Romping?

After they make love, they went back to the kitchen, laughing together while cleaning the dirty dishes. Then they took a bath in their respective room and get ready for the long journey back to the city.

Caroline was done packing her things in just one bag and so was Alex.

They put their luggage in the trunk of the car. After making sure the house is locked and the alarm system in place, they boarded the car to start their journey.

While the car was moving away from Alex's property, Caroline can't help but glance back at the house that becomes her refuge for more than two months. "I love your house," she said casually.

Alex sighed. "You love the house but not the owner? How ironic..." he quipped.

Caroline took a deep breath. "What can I say?" She fixed her gaze on the road ahead.

Alex's response was that of a deep sigh. "I wish I meet you earlier before everyone else did. We might have a wonderful future together," he said wistfully.

"I know...I want you to know that I like you a lot...Alex," she confessed her true feelings for him.

A bright smiled appeared on Alex's face. At least she had some real feelings and affections for him, it's better than nothing. Then his face turned sad again. "You like me a lot, but not enough to leave your husband and your children to live with me," he said.

Caroline nodded her head to confirm his words. "I'm so sorry, Alex," she whispered.

"What I'm gonna do with my life now that you are leaving my side? For the short time that we spent together, you showed me how awesome life is when you're around me. How to forget you when all I can think of day and night is you?" he lamented, his heart was aching inside, breaking into pieces.

Caroline touched his legs with her hand and caressed it affectionately. "Trust me, you will survive without me. Just don't close your door completely, I'm sure the right woman will come along and filled your life with sunshine. Then... you will start forgetting about me..." she said with optimism in her voice. She wants Alex to meet the right woman and be happy with her, whoever she is.

"I don't want any other woman! I want you only!" he insisted adamantly.

Caroline shut off her eyes and smiled bitterly. "I wish I can clone myself... so that you will have the other me to accompany you in this lifetime," she said wistfully. She feels the sadness engulfing her heart due to their impending parting but she must not let Alex know about what she feels right now. She doesn't want him to hope and wait for her in vain.

" all means, let's continue our relationship...let's see each other even once a week...I'm contented with that arrangement until the children will grow up and you can leave them when they're already five years old. I'm willing to wait for five years just for us to be together again. Please say yes...pleaseeee..." Alex said begging her to commit, it's the best plan for her current situation, excitement was flashing in his eyes.

Caroline sighed heavily and looked at him. "Why are you so stubborn?"

Alex took a deep breath, his adrenaline was pumping in his veins, if he can make her commit then he is willing to wait for her. "Just say yes...please?" he begged her with puppy dog eyes.

Caroline smiled. "That won't work, Alex," she said while messing up his hair affectionately.

Alex sighed and fixed his attention on his driving. Thick silence blanketed them. He turned on the car stereo and the romantic music played in the air which only intensifies his pain, but he likes hearing romantic sad songs today while traveling on the road with the woman he loves so much. He tried not to think of their impending parting, he just wants to enjoy her presence while he can.

Caroline was already lost in her thoughts. She missed her babies so much, she has been gone for nearly two months? Whoaa... how time flies too fast! She missed kissing them, hugging them, bathing them, and feeding them, she missed hearing their cries. Oh, how I miss my babies so much!

She's looking forward to going home even if it means that she has to see her husband as well. He betrayed her first, the same reason why she shamelessly offered herself to Alex because she was furious that he betrayed her with another woman! But since he was willing to offer reconciliation then she will also do her part just for the sake of their children.

She was wondering what the atmosphere of their home will be...? Now that they both have betrayed each other. It will never be the same again between her and Mike.

Alex saw the Orbit Grove Hotel signage a few meters ahead, he glanced at his beloved woman beside him, a smirk appeared on his lips. He made a detour and drove his car towards the motel nestled in three hectares of trees and beautiful flower gardens. The hotel has some nice private suites that cater to picky clients who want complete privacy.

Caroline noticed that Alex drove the car towards the hotel, her brows knitted together. "Alex...where are we going?" she asked.

Alex's mouth twitched. "My arms are hurting driving for five hours straight and I'm feeling hungry, my stomach is grumbling screaming for lunch," he explained.

Caroline checked her's already past noon, time for lunch. "They have a restaurant here?" she asked.

"Yes, but we are not going to eat in the restaurant. I want a Cabana Suite for us," he said.

Caroline rolled her eyes. She knows him too well. He just wants to have another mind-blowing s.e.x session with her before they finally resumed traveling to the city which only takes an hour's drive from where they are right now.

Alex lowered the window of his car and talked to the hotel boy. "Is there a vacant Cabana Suite?" he inquired.

"Yes, Sir. Just go straight in that direction, the Cabana Suite on the left side is vacant," the hotel boy responded.

Alex drove his car in the direction instructed by the hotel boy. They came to a mini-modern house. Alex parked the car in front of it and another hotel boy ushered them inside and give them the house keys.

Alex and Caroline entered the Cabana Suite. The interior was luxurious and it has all the complete amenities that can be found in a five-star hotel.

Alex went outside to the cashier's section to settle the bill in advance which is good for 24 hours stay. Then he also ordered food for lunch to be delivered to their room. He went back to the Cabana Suite and found Caroline lying provocatively in the king-size bed.

He grinned and climbs on top of her, pinning her below him while he rubbed his already erect manhood in her softness. He nuzzled her ears, his voice dripping with desire. "What do you like to do first...eating lunch or romping...?" he asked her. He didn't wait for her answer to his question 'coz he already claimed her mouth for a searing kiss.

Caroline m.o.a.ned..."aaaahhhh..."

Alex grinned. "Is that your answer, sweetheart?"

"I thought your stomach is grumbling already due to hunger?" she asked him.

"Yes....but if you want... I want to eat you first," he answered naughtily.

Caroline erupted into a giggle. "You're so naughty!" she said laughing hard. She pushed him out of her body. "Let's eat lunch first so that I have more strength to survive your blows," she said.

"That's good, let's eat our meals first so that we have more energy for our activity later," Alex agreed and winked naughtily at her.