Chapter 289 - I'm Sorry

Catherine found her husband playing with the children in the living room. "Hubby, good news!"

"What is it?" John asked.

"My sister finally agreed to come home to the Blue Bell Residences this Friday!" Catherine shrieked in delight.

"That's good! I'll call my brother right now," he said. He picked up his phone from the center table and placed a call to his brother.

"Bro..." Mike's voice appeared on the line.

"Good news! I just got a confirmation, Caroline will finally return to the Blue Bell Residences this Friday. Your family is going to be whole again!" John told his brother the good news, excitedly.

There was a long silence in the line.

John was dismayed that his brother was not enthusiastic about the news that his wife is finally coming home. "Bro...why are you not excited that your wife is finally coming home?" he asked in puzzlement.

"I honestly dunno what to say at this moment, bro. I'll bring the babies back to Blue Bell Residences this Friday so that they can see their mother," he said in a bland voice.

"Bro, I must remind you that you agreed to a one month trial..." John reminded him.

"I know, I won't back out on my decision, you don't have to worry about that," Mike said.

"Okay, good! Bye for now," John said and ended the call. He was bothered by the lukewarm reaction of his brother to his wife's coming home. He felt that his brother and Caroline's reunion won't end well.

"What is Mike's reaction, hubby?" Catherine asked.

John smiled at his wife. "He will bring the babies back in Blue Bell Residences this Friday," he answered. He dared not tell his wife that Mike didn't show any excitement about his wife's coming.

"Good! I sincerely hope they can fix their marriage this time," Catherine said.

"I hope so," comes John's short reply. He placed a call to his mother.

"Hello...son," Susan said.

"Mother, good news! Caroline will finally go back home to Blue Bell this coming Friday," John informed her.

"That's good to hear, son," Susan said in an elated voice. "How about your brother?"

"He agreed to reconcile with his wife for one month and see where it goes..." John replied.

"Awesome! Let's hope for the best...and prepare for the worst. At least we did our best, now it's up to the couple how they will handle their reconciliation," Susan said with a sigh.

"I agree with you, Mother. It's gonna be a wait and see the situation after they settled back in their home," John said.

"Thanks for your effort, son. I will send my maids over to the Blue Bell Residences to tidy that place. I want Caroline to come home to a clean place. And I'm planning to have a family party after one week of her arrival to celebrate her homecoming," Susan said.

"We are looking forward to the family gathering, Mother!" John said enthusiastically.

"Alright, I'll call you this Thursday," Susan said. "Bye...son..."

"Bye Mother," John said and ended the call.

"What did Mother say?" Catherine asked.

"She will send the maids to clean Caroline and Mike's place, then by Friday, the babies and Mike will start living there again so that when Caroline arrived on that day, she will see her children right away." John filled her the details with the conversation he had with his mother on the phone.

"Good!" Catherine smiled, she picked up baby Angel and showered her daughter's chubby cheeks with kisses.


Evergreen Hill.

Caroline was sitting on the terrace looking at the view of the ocean, pondering the decision she just recently made. It seemed she can no longer delay her homecoming, she has to face her husband whether she likes it or not and stay with him for one month to give their marriage another chance to survive.

She placed a call to Alex, he needs to know about her decision.

"Hello, sweetheart..." Alex's voice came on the line.

"Alex, I'll be leaving your property this coming Friday..." she informed him.

"Huh? But why?" Alex's asked, alarmed.

"I finally come up with the decision to go home to my family and give my marriage with Mike another chance," she told him.

"B-but you told me that you will no longer go back to your husband, what makes you change your mind?" he asked with sadness in his voice.

"I'm family is urging me to come back for the sake of my twins. I'm so sorry," she said.

"I'll talk to you later, Caroline. I'm going to meet someone for a business meeting in fifteen minutes." Alex lied because tears were already falling down his cheeks.

"Okay," Caroline ended the call.


Inside Alex's room.

He put his phone in bed. The thing that he dreaded the most has finally come. When Caroline informed him that she's going back to her family, he felt his heart was shattered into tiny pieces.

His happiness was short-lived.

He was expecting to spend more time with her, unfortunately, he only has two more days left to enjoy her presence.

Then after that...she's gone out of his life for good! Their path might never cross again and it's killing him! He desperately wanted to freeze the time so that she can no longer go back to her husband's side. But what can he do? He can't force her to stay with him since she is still a married woman.

More tears fell from his eyes.

He walked to the closet and grabbed his traveling bag. He opened the drawers and took some of his clothes and other stuff and put them in the bag. He is going to stay on Caroline's side in the next two days, he only has two days left to spend more quality times with her. He should spend his two days wisely.

His intimate moments with Caroline might never happen again. This is his only last chance!

After done packing his things, he went downstairs and informed the maids that he will be gone for two days. He will call his secretary tomorrow and inform him that he will have an emergency vacation for two days.

After making sure that all the things he needed are already in the traveling bag, he picked up his car keys and went downstairs to board his car.

Thirty-minutes later, Alex's car was already moving into the main highway getting out of the city proper.

While driving in the countryside, Alex was in deep thoughts. He was fantasizing that he will be happier if Caroline will become his wife, he would like to have two or more children with her. He likes to see her smile and hear her voice every day and wake up in the morning looking at her beautiful face for the rest of his life.

Those are just wishful thinking in his mind. A beautiful fantasy that will never happen in this lifetime.

Sighing, he focuses his attention on his driving, wanting to arrive at his property quickly. He missed Caroline so much! He missed being inside her while she's writhing and m.o.a.ning in pleasure beneath him in bed.