Chapter 287 - One Month

Mike lowered himself on the couch looking directly at the city skyline dotted with multitudes of lights shining everywhere. "Nice view!"

"I'm glad you like it, bro. So, how's life being single?" John asked.

Mike smiled. "Not single... I'm currently with someone..."

John brows furrowed. "Huh? You're back with your wife again? Since when?"

Mike was shaking his head. "Not's somebody else...please don't tell mother about it. She will get mad at me," he requested.

John's face showed a bitter smile. "You are busy with another woman and yet you have no time to see your wife again? Isn't that wrong?"

Mike sighed. "Caroline went to her lover's arms after we quarrel so... I did the same," he said.

"How can you be so sure that Caroline has a lover?" John asked.

Mike snorted. "Even though she lied a lot to me I know there's a guy behind her, every time she is missing she went to that mysterious guy! She just doesn't want to admit it to me!" His hand-formed into a fist showing his anger.

John released another sigh. He was more confused about who is telling the truth this time. "Caroline told her sister that she hears you having s.e.x with another woman on the phone on the night she leave home. Is that true?"

Mike's eyes widened. His mind instantly recalled that on the night he first make love to Althea, he was talking to his wife on the phone, and then when Althea works her magic on his manhood he has forgotten everything, he was only aware of the stimulating sensation that Althea's hands brought to his manhood! He must have left the phone open and forgot to turn off their conversation and Caroline heard everything.

He sighed. "It doesn't matter anymore. What is done is done. It's all her fault that I bedded another woman. She was the one who made me do it! If she didn't leave our house and went to her lover, all these won't happen. She pushed me to sin against her!" he said furiously.

John was shaking his head in dismay. Now it's getting more complicated.

"Bro, I'm begging you, don't throw your beautiful marriage with Caroline to waste. Think about the twins, they needed their mother! Why don't you see your wife for the last time? Why don't you two try to pick up the pieces again just to see if you can still make it together just for the sake of the twins? There's no harm in trying to save a marriage! It takes two to make it work!" John persisted. It pained him that his brother no longer cares for his children's well being.

Mike sighed. "I dunno if I Caroline and I can still go back to the way we are before. When she first left me, I was able to forgive her but there's always that nagging feeling inside me that she was hiding the identity of her secret lover and when I saw that painting, I know deep inside my heart that her lover's name is Alex. She just doesn't want to admit it to my face!"

John was looking at the view while listening to his brother talking about his jealousy and suspicion. "What if you are wrong, that you are just accusing Caroline with something that she has not done yet?"

Mike's lips let out a bitter smile. "What if I'm right? What if my wife did have a lover?" he asked him back.

"How can you be so sure?"

"My instinct told me so," Mike replied.

John looked at his brother in the eyes. "Bro, sometimes instinct doesn't always work perfectly, you need evidence to point out that your wife indeed having an affair with another man. You can't accuse your wife just like that without seeing her together with the guy. But this time, your wife can point her fingers at you since you admitted to me that you had bedded another woman and I'm sure you are still seeing that woman until now. By the way, who is she?" he asked curiously.

Mike shrugged. "All these talks are nothing, bro. I had already made up my mind to file an annulment against my wife. Our marriage was derailed the moment she left the door of my house going back to her lover's arms. I hated her so much for that! I can't forgive her!" he declared furiously. His nostrils were fuming with rage.

"Where did you meet this girl, bro?" John asked again. "You know that I have many ways to find out the identity of this girl if I wanted to. Just tell me..." he urged him.

Mike sighed. "Alright, since you are very persistent, her name is Althea Merano, she used to be my secretary for one day, but Caroline forced me to fire her because of jealousy. At that time we still have no relationship. But when Caroline left our house I called Althea because I need someone to talk to and we met again, that was the time we are intimate for the first time and that was also the time Caroline and I were talking on the phone..."

John looked at him. "I see... so you prefer to live with the rest of your life with this woman rather than your wife?" he inquired, wanting to know how his brother's mind is functioning right now.

Mike breathed deeply. "Yes..."

John closed his eye for a moment while massaging his temple. "Do you want an annulment from your wife?" he asked again.

"Yes..." Mike replied.

John sighed deeply. It looks like his brother has made up his mind already and all his advice has no meaning anymore. He might as well say his last piece of advice before the night is over. Or else he might not be able to say anything to him anymore.

"Okay, I respect your decision, since it's your life we are talking about here. Why don't you try to reconcile with your wife first...even for one month? And see where it goes... If after one month you guys can never restore your relationship the way it was before then go ahead with the separation. I'll fully support you during that time. Just do it for Mother Susan, for your children, for Thelma, Catherine, and me. And most of all for the~old you~ who still love your wife. I know he's still there deep inside your heart, suffering in silence. Don't make something stupid that you will only regret later just because of anger and jealousy. Be wise, before you completely throw away something so beautiful with your wife...please do not make a stupid decision brother...please listen to our plea before you finally leave everything behind..." he finished his long statement.

Mike was shrouded with thick silence while staring at the dazzling view of the city skyline. Slowly... the beautiful memories he shared with his wife came rushing back into his mind in full force.

Then a small voice whispered in his mind. 'Reconcile with your wife before you destroy everything you shared with her. Think of your children... they will be heartbroken when they grow older and realized that their parents didn't even try to work hard to save the marriage. You owe them a happy family. Responsibility first before anything else...'

Mike released a deep sigh. "Okay...I hear you... brother. I'll do it. I'm willing to get back with Caroline for one month and see where it goes. Let me know if she's willing to do it with me," he finally said.

Huge relief washed over John's face. "Thank God!"

There's nothing left more to say to each other.

The brothers shared three bottles of light beer while chatting about the business world and the latest economic situation of the country before they finally decided to go home and went their separate ways.