Chapter 273 - So Beautiful!

Alex blocked Caroline's way before she could get out of the room. "If you want to go to a place that no one knows you then I have a property that I recently purchased. It's located at the top of the hill, overlooking the ocean. It's a serene place and the scenery is beautiful. The whole place can soothe your turbulent emotion. I'm sure the place can give you peace of mind," he offered.

"Where's that place?" she asked, interested.

"At Evergreen Hill. A three hours ride from the city. It's nestled in an idyllic private location. I'm sure you will like it there," he said. He just can't allow her to roam around the city on her own, or else she might encounter bad people along the way and take advantage of her. Since she comes to him, she becomes his sole responsibility.

"Alright, I would rent that place," she said.

"No. No need to rent the place, it's mind. I will let you stay there rent-free as long as you like," he offered.

"I won't stay there if you won't accept my rent!" she insisted stubbornly.

Alex groaned. "Okay, fine. I'll accept the rent on the day you leave my place. But let's not talk about that, let's get you settled there first..." he said.

"Give me the address and the key to the house. I will go there myself," she said.

Alex sighed. "I will accompany you there. I don't want you to get lost on your way," he said. "But let's go there after my office hours, I still need to do my job and it's urgent," he said. "Why don't you relax first or watch TV? Or you can also sleep here on the couch while I'm going to finish my work on my desk," he suggested.

"Fine, I'll wait for you," Caroline said.

"Good," he said and went back to his desk and focused on his work wanting to finish it quickly so that he can bring Caroline to his property in Evergreen Hill.

He spent the next hour looking at the object of his affection resting on the sofa watching TV. A smile of great anticipation was plastered on his lips.

He finished reviewing the salary increase proposal and approved it right away and handed it to his secretary outside his office. He went back and approached Caroline on the sofa. "Let's go!" he said.

"Okay," Caroline turned off the remote control and stood up, holding her shoulder bag.

"I'll give you an option. You can leave your car in the parking area of this building and ride with me in my car or we go there in our respective vehicle. Which is which?" he asked her.

"I'll ride my car," Caroline responded.

"Alright, let's go!" Alex said.

They exited the office, entered the elevator, and went to the parking lot. They entered their car and left the building.

Half an hour later, they were already exiting the main highway going to the countryside.

Caroline was following Alex's car. She already turned off her phone. By now, her entire family already know about the incident. She released a deep sigh. She didn't expect that the shadow of the past finally caught up with her in the form of the painting.

She will stay away for a while, hoping that when she comes back to her husband, he already calm down and ready to accept her back. As for the twins, she knows that her mother-in-law will take care of them.

Right now, she just wants some alone moments for herself. To think things over, she will use this chance to decide if this is now the right time to tell her husband about the murder. Maybe, it's about time to come clean and tell him the reason why she disappeared in the past.

She was deeply saddened that this unfortunate event happened. If only she had known beforehand that the painting can bring disorder to her marriage life one day, she should have left it in Alex's mansion.

But it's too late now.

She just needs to face her fears and reconcile with her past.

Maybe it's for the best.

She can't blame her husband though for acting so enraged. If she was in his shoes, she will react the same way.

Three hours went by.

They finally reached the town where the Evergreen Hill was located.

When they stop over for gasoline, Caroline informed Alex that she will stop at a shopping mall nearby to buy some clothes and toiletries as well her food ration.

"Alright, I'll accompany you on your shopping," Alex said.

"Thank you," she replied.

"No need to thank you. I told you before, that if one day you need my help, all you need to do is call me," he said softly.

Caroline released a deep sigh, she still has to think thoroughly if troubling him is a good thing or not.

They left the gasoline station... proceed to the shopping mall and went shopping. Since it's dark already, they decided to just eat dinner in one of the fast-food restaurants inside the mall.

After they finished their meals, they left the mall and proceed to the last league of their journey, going up to the hill where Alex's property was located.

A few minutes later, they finally arrived. After bringing all their shopping bags into the living room. Alex wasted no time and brought Caroline to the terrace overlooking the ocean.

Caroline was speechless and in awe, because Alex was right, the whole place was beautiful, the house was situated in an elevated place outlooking the ocean. The view from the terrace was spectacular. It took her breath away. "So beautiful!" she murmured to herself. Her eyes sparkled while admiring the breathtaking scenery around them.

"I'm glad you like the place," he said, grinning. As expected, Caroline loves the place! He feels happy. "Let's continue watching the view later, it won't go away. I will bring you to your room first so that you can freshen up," he said.

"Okay," Caroline said and followed Alex back into the house.

The house has three bedrooms on the second floor.

Alex brought Caroline into the room next to his. "This is your room. Feel free to take a tour. I'll get the shopping bags from the living room and bring them here," he said and left the room.

Caroline checked out the room's amenities. It's spacious, homey, and classy. The bathroom is large, it has its small balcony. The design is classy. The walls were painted with a white and black paint motif. The bed is queen size. Instantly, she feels at home with the room and the house itself. It's very welcoming to her.

Alex entered the room. "Here's your shopping bags. I hope you like the room," he said.

Caroline smiled for the first time. "The room is nice and the house is superb! I like it!" she responded.

"Okay, that's good to hear. I am tired of our journey, therefore, I will sleep here for the night and return to the city tomorrow. If you can't sleep and need someone to talk to, find me on the terrace. Let's talk there..." he offered.

"Thanks," she said.

Alex exited the door and went to his room to change his clothes.