Chapter 259 - I'll Do Anything For You

Althea arrived in her friend's condo, wearing an aggrieved expression on her face. She lowered herself on the sofa in the living room. Her friend was watching television while holding a bowl of junk food in her hand.

Janice looked at her face, frowning. "Why are you looking like... you just swallowed a bottle of vinegar? Did you encounter a demon at your workplace? " she joked.

Althea dropped her shoulder bag on the center table. "Sir Mike's pregnant wife visited the office, created a mess and I was sent home by my employer. He was supposed to send me home!" she grumbled. "Hmph! I don't like his wife!" she said angrily.

"Hmm, the wife must have seen your too s.e.xy attire, that is why you were sent home early. I told you not to wear that kind of clothing when you work in the office. S.e.xy attire especially the ones you wore today is showing much skin. It welcomes trouble. Before you report to work, I warned you, didn't I? But you didn't listen to me," Janice chastised her.

"Alright, it's no used scolding me. Tomorrow I will dress conservatively. Sir Mike's mother assured me that my office uniform will be ready by next week," Althea said.

"Have you eaten dinner already?" Janice asked.

"Yes, I have," answered Althea. She rose to her feet. "I'm going to the room to change my dress," she said.

She went inside the room and change into jersey shorts and a cotton top. Done dressing, she exited the room and went to join her friend in the living room.

They watched the TV for a few hours while eating junk food and drinking cold cola.


Meanwhile, at Blue Bell Residences.

Inside the master's bedroom.

Mike was working on his laptop while Caroline was busy texting her sister Catherine.

'You know what happened today, sis?'


'I visited my husband's office today and saw his s.e.xy secretary, wearing a short mini skirt. I don't trust the girl, she looks s.l.u.tty to me. I demanded my husband that he should fire the girl and find another secretary. If he doesn't fire her I will stay in his office every day until he will get tired of the situation and fire the girl!'

'Huh? Did you do that?'

"Yes, I did! I don't trust the two of them together in the office!'

'I think you overreacted, sis!'

'I'm not. I'm just preventing the inevitable! I mean, if you are in my shoes, and you will see your husband's s.e.xy secretary. Aren't you afraid that they might do something forbidden behind your back? I call it a woman's instinct. It will be impossible for two attractive humans not to get attracted to each other especially if they are working every day, side by side, in the room.'

'Oh...I can't blame you though. I would feel the same. But how did your husband reacted? Was he angry? Did you two fight?'

'No. My husband is calm. In fairness, he agreed to my demands without quarreling with me. He will fire the new secretary tomorrow morning...'

'Oh, dear...Poor girl! It's a sad feeling to get fired on your first day of work. But I don't blame you as well. You are just trying to prevent something that you think will happen in the future.'

'Actually, I'm doing them a favor both. Preventing them from getting entangled on each other in the future!'

'B-but how can you be so sure that they would do something behind your back? The poor girl only started working on her first day. You should at least give her a chance. Maybe she's not what you think she is.'

'I dunno. You may call it a woman's instinct. I just don't like seeing her in my husband's office. She appears s.l.u.tty to me! I simply don't like her, period!'

'Okay's your prerogative. So starting tomorrow, the new secretary will no longer report for work?'

'No. The secretary will report to work in the morning but my husband will fire her the moment she will enter the door.'

"Oh my...that's too cruel. I just hope Mike will compensate her, give her at least one month's salary. The poor girl needs to find another job. It's not easy to find a new job nowadays.'

'Nice suggestion. I don't mind if Mike will give her one month's worth of salary as long I can no longer see her face in my husband's office.'

'Alright, you can suggest that to your husband. Talk to you tomorrow, I need to change baby Angel's diaper. Bye, sis!'

'Be bye. Good night!'

'Sweet dreams!'

The sisters finished their text sessions.

While his wife was busy texting to her sister, Mike was also busy thinking about what to compensate Althea for firing her. She will be shocked for sure the moment she will know that he is going to fire her. Ugh. He can't fire her just like that! It's unethical!

Caroline went to his side. "Hubby, just give the secretary her one month's salary. I think it's enough compensation for her," she suggested.

"Why? Are you feeling guilty now?" he asked.

Caroline pouted. "Guilty? No. That's not in my vocabulary. I'm just being kind to her," she said.

Mike rolled his eyes. "Alright, I will follow your suggestion. I will give her a one month salary as my compensation for firing her," he agreed.

Caroline looked into his eyes. "Are you upset that I treated your secretary like that? I mean...are you angry at me?" she asked again.

Mike smiled. "No. Don't worry, wifey, I'm not angry at you. Let's stop talking about my secretary from now on since I am going to fire her. So let's not dwell on this topic anymore, okay?" he said and planted a kiss on her forehead.

Her eyes twinkled. "I'm glad you didn't feel upset," she whispered.

"Of course not. I'll do anything for you. Your happiness is my top priority," he replied and pinched her nose affectionately.

"I love you, hubby!" she spoke.

"I love you more, sweetie," he responded. "Let's go to sleep now..." he said and turned off his laptop.

A few minutes later, the couple was cuddling in the bed, ready to retire for the night. One hour later they fall asleep on each other's arms.