Chapter 254 - It's You Again!

A few days later. It's weekend. Family day.

Mike and Caroline were on their way to the family gathering at Susan's mansion.

Caroline looked at her husband. "Hubby, can you drop by in a cafe selling strawberry smoothie, please. I'm craving those...if there is no strawberry...banana or avocado smoothie is fine," Caroline requested.

"Sure, sweetie. Up ahead, there is a cafe. We will stop there for a while so that I can buy you your favorite smoothie," he replied.


Inside the Cafe Isabella.

Althea was working on a morning shift. Her shift is always been the most relaxed. There's not much customer dining in during this hour, mostly drive in customers, after ordering take out they would proceed to their destination.

She reached for her phone in the drawer and checked her messages. They all came from her friend Janice asking her on how's her morning going on in the cafe.

She replied that she's relaxing 'coz there are not many customers entering the cafe. Done sending her text reply, she put back the phone inside the drawer after hearing the entrance door opened.

She got a customer!

She readies her smile and looked at the guy walking towards her.

Her eyes widened. Oh my! She can't be wrong, it's Mike!

Wow! What a small world indeed! She can't believe her luck. She's been thinking of him, day and night while she was still in Singapore, wondering what happened to him. She can't get him out of her mind. And now, they meet again! Oh..lala!

This is nice!

Althea watched Mike's face intensely. He was not able to see her face clearly because she was wearing a cap on her head.

Mike was taking money from his wallet and looked at the menu above the cashier's head.

"Miss, one large Strawberry Smoothie, please," he said and looked at the cashier's face and gave her money.

Althea grinned widely. She punched Mike's order and handed him the change. "Here's your change, Mikey babyyyy..." she said in a sing-song voice.

Mike's eyes widened. He stared hard at the cashier's face, suddenly, recognition finally dawned on him. "A-Althea...Is this" he asked in amazement.

"Yes, Sir! It's me, yours truly, Althea Merano. I just come back from Singapore last week because my contract finally ended. And now I'm working in this cafe temporarily. I'm still looking for a job. If you have businessmen friends, maybe you can recommend me to them. I'm a hard worker and I have a pleasant personality. I can be their secretary," she winked at him playfully.

Mike swallowed the lump forming in his throat. For he remembered so well what almost transpired inside his hotel suite in Singapore. They almost have s.e.x.u.a.l intercourse on that night, thankfully he was saved by his brother and sister-in-law, or else he already committed a grave sin on his marriage vows.

Althea smiled prettily at Mike. "Sir, my off time here is at 3:00 in the afternoon. I just want to remind you that, I'm working here from Monday to Sunday, rain or shine," she informed him of her schedule.

Mike doesn't know how to respond. Obviously, Althea still has a thing for him...if not...she won't be telling him all this.

He coughed a little. "Noted... can you please give me my order now?" he reminded her of his order.

Althea smiled and giggled. "Yes, of course." She went to the counter and picked up the large strawberry smoothie and handed it to Mike. "Wait for a moment...Sir," she wrote her number at the back of the receipt. "Here's your receipt, Sir, with my number at the back," she winked at him again.

Mike smiled, amused by her aggressiveness. "Alright, bye, Althea," he said and was about to get out of the cafe when his wife entered the entrance of the establishment.

"Hubby, what took you so long?" Caroline asked.

"Nothing, there was a customer who made a large order so I got delayed a bit," he lied.

"Okay. I will just drink that smoothie here, then after that, we will take out avocado smoothie," Caroline giggled.

Oh no!

This is not good!

Mike was feeling uncomfortable, he can feel Althea's stare boring in his back. Fear suddenly creeps in his mind. What if Althea will tell his wife what happened to them in his hotel suite in Singapore.

"Sweetie, just bring your smoothie in the car, Let's go!" he said.

But Caroline already sat down on the chair and began drinking her smoothie.

Mike groaned.

"Hubby, order me another large avocado smoothie, then we'll leave after I finish this one," she said and continue sipping her smoothie.

Mike sighed and went back to the cashier's section. "Miss, another large avocado smoothie, please," he said and took a bill from his wallet and gave it to the cashier. He was trying to avoid her gaze.

Althea looked at Mike in the eyes. " that your wife?" she asked in a low voice.

"Yes," Mike nodded his head.

Althea took the money, handed Mike the change and get the large avocado smoothie from the counter, and gave it to Mike, she smiled prettily. "Thank you, for your visit, Sir! Please come again!"

Mike nods his head, he turned around and went back to his wife's side.

Caroline rose to her feet. "I'm finished with the strawberry smoothie, hubby. Let's go!" she said.

The couple exited the entrance of the cafe holding each other's hands.

They looked so sweet together!

Althea looked at the couple with envy flashing in her eyes.


She felt a dull pain tearing her heart. She wanted to have a husband like Mike that would cherish her.

It would be nice if she was the one in that woman's shoes, heavily pregnant with a loving husband at her side.

Wishful thinking on her part since the guy she fantasized with is a married guy.

She was bought back from her reverie when the door opened and another customer walked inside the cafe.

'Time to stop daydreaming Althea!' a voice scolded her in her mind.

"Welcome to Cafe Isabella, Sir, and Ma'am," she greeted the couple. 'What's your order, Sir?" she said in a charming voice.

Her day in the cafe has just begun.


Back in the moving car.

Caroline was busy sipping her avocado smoothie. "Wow, Cafe Isabella's smoothie tastes really good, hubby!" she enthused.

"Really?" Mike murmured.

"Yeah, it's much better than other smoothies I tasted so far, it's creamier and more flavorful! Our twins inside my tummy are addicted to drinking smoothie," she said enthusiastically.

"Is that a good or a bad thing?" Mike smiled.

"Good, because I'm drinking and craving fruits, it's better than craving cola drinks which is very unhealthy for pregnant women," she gave her reason. "Hubby, if you happened to pass by on Cafe Isabella going to our house, buy me their smoothie, okay?" she requested.

Mike nodded his head. "Sure, sweetie," he replied.

Before they arrived at their destination, Caroline already finished drinking her avocado smoothie.

After ten minutes, they reached the mansion.

Everyone is already in the pool area there when they arrived.

After putting their things upstairs in Mike's room. The couple went downstairs and proceed to the swimming pool area.

Catherine and the kids, including Susan and John, as well as Thelma, Lily, and Jacob, were all frolicking in the sparkling water.

Mike and Caroline opted to sit down on the lounger chair under the shade of the tree, enjoying the flurry of activities in the pool.

Susan looked at the new arrivals. "Guys, join us here in the water!" she invited them.

"Later, Mother. We will rest here a bit," Mike responded with a pleasant smile on his face. He asked his wife. "You want to join them?"

Caroline shook her head. "I'll swim later after lunch," she replied.

"Okay, let's just chill and enjoy the view," he said, grinning. He planted a quick kiss on his wife's forehead.

Two hours later.


Everyone vacated the water and gathered in the table.

Susan addressed the crowd "Thank you for coming here. I am sure you already know the good news, right?"

"Yessss!" the crowd erupted in an enthusiastic reply.

Susan looked at Mike and Caroline. "This couple here are now having twins, a boy, and a girl! The newest addition to our family! Let's give them a round of applause!"

Everyone clapped their hands, very much happy for the couple.

Mike smiled. "Thank you, guys. We already had chosen the name for our babies. It's Suzanne for our daughter and Justine for our son," Mike proudly shared the names of his unborn babies to his family.

"What a beautiful name!" everyone commented.

"Okay guys, let's eat our lunch!" Susan announced.

Everyone gathered around the table and began putting food on their plates.

Once again it is another happy occasion for the entire family.

The food and drinks flowed unlimited all day long. There was a karaoke singing contest, eating and drinking contest, and also parlor games that were attended by the house staff. Susan gave huge monetary rewards for the winners to celebrate the happy occasion.

Everyone joined the parlor games except for Caroline who is just contented watching the hilarious game in her seat, laughing her hearts out until tears of happiness emerged from her eyes.

It was the most raucous, the most fun, and most entertaining family gathering ever because the festivity has leveled up to the highest level the moment Susan introduced the hilarious contest for everyone to participate, even baby James and baby Angel joined the game guided by their loving and supportive parents.

The family party was a massive success!

Seven hours later.

Everyone went home feeling happy and entertained.

They sleep through the night like a log.


Author's Note:

Hello dear readers!

Thank you all for supporting the novel.

I will take a break for a while. Don't worry I will finish this story. I have finished two story in our beloved that will assure you that I have all intention to finish this story.

I hope you understand guys.

Thank you for reading!

Take care everyone.