Chapter 239 - Implement the Changes

The following day.

Mike woke up first to a bright new day. He stared at the sun rays peeking at the transparent window. Then he looked at his wife's pretty face, she was still sleeping soundly.

He slowly rose from the bed careful not to wake his wife. He went inside the bathroom to splash water on his face and do his thing.

He needs to order some food for breakfast since the fridge is empty. He forgot to do grocery shopping yesterday before his wife come back due to the build-up of so much anticipation for her return.

Ah, never mind, after visiting the doctor, they will proceed to the mall to buy maternity dresses then proceed to go grocery shopping to fill their fridge and their empty cupboard.

After exiting the bathroom, he changed his clothes and went for casual attire. He will buy some fresh bread from the bakery, just a walking distance from the building, then proceed to the restaurant adjacent to the bakery selling ready to eat dishes and buy rice and food for his wife just in case she doesn't like eating bread for breakfast.

Mike exited his abode, entered the elevator, and reached the ground floor in no time, he walked towards the entrance and left the building, heading to the bakery nearby.

Back in the couple's bedroom.

Caroline just woken up, she opened her eyes slowly, her hands automatically reached for his side of the bed and she found it empty.

Her brows knitted together...where is her husband?

Ah...maybe he was just outside the room, probably in the living room reading the morning newspaper.

She strengthened her body and slowly got up from the bed. She went straight to the bathroom and did some washing.

Done in the bathroom, she exited the master's bedroom and looked for her husband all over the house, she can't find him anywhere!

But his absence shouldn't cause her alarm, it's not like he just disappeared and was abducted by an alien and brought to the outer space to be studied upon. She laughed with the silly thoughts invading her thoughts early in the morning.

Just to make sure, she went back to the master's bedroom and picked up her phone and called her husband through her cellphone, good thing he answered quickly.

"Hello sweetie...good morning!" he greeted her.

"Hello, hubby, where are you?" she asked.

"I'm outside the building buying fresh bread from the bakery and now I'm inside the restaurant about to buy rice and dishes for you. What do you want to eat for breakfast?" he asked.

"Hmm...lemme think about eggplant and some fruits of any kind?" she said.

"Alright, they have eggplant omelet, fried fish as well and some ripe bananas here," he answered.

"That's all hubby," Caroline replied. "And please don't forget one cup of rice please..." she added.

"Okay, wait for me. I'll return after I'm done here," he said and ended the call.

Caroline smiled happily and placed the phone in the center table. Aww, her husband's caring attitude never fails to elicit a smile on her face, she giggled happily.

Ten minutes later.

Mike returned carrying his purchases and the couple went to the kitchen to jointly prepare their breakfast meals in the table.

While eating, Mike addressed his wife. "Sweetie, I will hire a housemaid as your companion every day while I'm away conducting my businesses around the country," he said.

Caroline nods her head. She will agree to anything he says. "No problem, hubby, you're the Boss!" she agreed.

Mike smiled, very much pleased with her agreeable demeanor. Her mother told him that if he wants a housemaid to be Caroline's companion she can give him one. The housemaid can be trusted to watch over Caroline while he was on a business trip all over the country. This way he had someone who can report to him regarding his wife's activity and make sure that she will never disappear again.

"My mother offered me one of her housemaid that's been with us for many years. That housemaid is devoted and loyal to our family. I will feel better if the housemaid is with you since you are pregnant and you need someone to accompany you in the house all the time," he explained.

"That would be nice, hubby. The maid can start working here anytime," Caroline answered cheerfully.

"The housemaid will be with you anytime. If you go outside, she will accompany you anywhere you go," he added. He was trying to gauge her reaction to his statement.

Caroline continues smiling. "No problem, hubby. I understand that it's all for my good," she responded quickly, still in a good mood.

Inside her mind was taken back. Damn! She was supposed to visit Allison's funeral wake and visit the cemetery during her burial. She just wants to see with her own two eyes that Allison's coffin was being lowered into the ground without any chance of her returning to earth.

Seeing Allison's coffin getting lowered into the ground and the sand poured from all directions and burying her forever...that would be so much satisfying to watch!

It will give her the ultimate closure!

Unfortunately, she can no longer see that scene because Mike was putting a housemaid to keep the tab in all her actions. She sighed inwardly and directed her attention to the rice and eggplant omelet on her plate. She resumed eating her breakfast in silence trying to avoid his gaze.

After a while...

Mike spoke again. "Sweetie, I notice that you bought a new cheap cellphone. What happened to your old one and your tablet?" he inquired curiously.

" old cellphone and my tablet, they're gone. I dropped them on the floor and they are no longer working so I throw them in the trash can and bought a new one," she answered right away, meeting his gaze while talking, trying to sound convincing.

Mike was looking at her face the entire time. She seems to be telling the truth. "Alright, let's buy you a new cellphone later in the mall after we are done visiting the OB," he said.

Caroline smiled. "Thank you hubby," she murmured. She was asking herself whether her statement regarding her lost phone and tablet sounds convincing to her husband? Then she remembered that Allison took her gadgets away. She wanted to call and ask Alex a favor to look for her cellphone and tablet in Allison's room, maybe that crazy woman hides her gadgets in her room. Those gadgets had emotional value to her because they contained all her happy memories with her daughter, with her family, and of course her husband.

Then she remembered that she needs to establish contact with Clara and Hector again to see her daughter baby Cathy. She will do that as soon she already has a new cellphone 'coz her current phone the cheap one doesn't support any video messaging app.

The couple resumed eating in silence.

After eating breakfast and cleaning the dirty dishes, Caroline rested in the bedroom while Mike went to the living room to read the newspaper.

Hours went by.

During lunchtime, Mike ordered lunch from the restaurant and have it delivered to his home.

After eating their meals, the couple was getting ready to go to the OB's clinic located downtown which is just a few minutes drives from the Blue Bell Residences.

A moment later, the couple finally exited the building and boarded Mike's car going to the clinic.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the clinic and they were rushed by the clinic staff to the private waiting room of the OB reserved for her VIP clients.

The couple waited in the waiting room.

Finally, the OB was ready to see the couple and they entered the room of the physician.

"Hello guys, welcome to my clinic!" the middle-aged lady doctor greeted them warmly. "Hello Caroline...I'm your OB..." she introduced herself.

"Hello, doctor, nice meeting you," Caroline replied with a smile.

"My mother sends us here, doc," Mike said.

"Yes. She called me a few days ago about wanting me to be the OB of her pretty daughter-in-law," the doctor smiled at the couple. "Shall we start now?"

"Yes, doctor!" Caroline replied excitedly.

"We have to conduct some test, then we will get some blood sample from your so that we can detect the current condition of the baby in your w.o.m.b. It's your first time seeing a doctor after you conceived your child, am I right?" the doctor directed the question at Caroline.

"Yes, doc!" Caroline responded.

"Alright, get into the bed gently so that I can conduct a physical exam on you, then take your blood for lab test and calculate your due date. I will also do b.r.e.a.s.t and pelvic exam to check your uterus," the doctor said.

"Okay...doc. By the way, when can we do an ultrasound? I want to know the gender of my baby," Caroline asked excitedly.

"We can do it next month, last week of the month, that's the earliest and safest we can get," the doctor replied. She looked at Mike. "Mike, you can wait for your wife outside..." she said gently.

"Alright, doc," Mike answered and exited the room quietly. He waited in the private waiting room and read newspapers there while waiting for his wife to finish all her physical exams.

The testing and exam were finished after two hours.

Caroline exited the room holding the paper prescribed by the doctor containing the list of vitamins and milk that she needs to take during the entire course of her pregnancy to ensure that the baby she was carrying in her w.o.m.b is growing healthy every day.

The couple exited the clinic no longer paying the bill because Susan settled the bills for them.

They went to the nearest mall, did some grocery shopping, and went to the boutique selling maternity dresses. After finishing shopping they proceed to the gadget section and Mike bought his wife the latest tablet and cellphone available on the store.

Done with all the shopping, they dined in a Chinese restaurant and eat their dinner.

They went home at 7:00 in the evening and during that night Caroline made successful contact with Clara and Hector, enabling her to view her baby daughter on the video messaging app. She feels happy and contented that her daughter was well taken care of and doing great under her grandparents' care.

Everything went well with Caroline's returned to her husband and family.

So good!

The night went fantastic with the couple, no more questions and no more awkwardness. They went to sleep that night embracing each other.