Chapter 225 - Going Berserk!

Greg was holding the brush in his hand while his attention was fixed at the calm ocean in front of him.

Beside him was Caroline also holding her brush and mixing colors on her palette.

They were under the shade of the coconut tree a few meters from the seawater. The gentle sea breeze was blowing Caroline's hair.

Greg tore his gaze away from the sea and stared at his companion's lovely face. It broke his heart that even though the woman he loves was beside him right now, the child she was carrying inside her w.o.m.b is not his. The baby's father is her husband.

Which goes to show that...Caroline is no longer his woman.

The moment they got separated on that chaotic day when the cops are hot on his heels trying to capture him, that was also the moment their romantic ties were severed.

He didn't contact her through the years expecting that she will wait for him no matter what, because that was what they promised to themselves before they parted from each other, that they will love each other forever.

He went on hiding and engaged in many unsatisfactory activities.

Little did he know that during their separation Caroline was already a changed woman, her heart and mind no longer belongs to him.

The happiness he felt after tracking her down was not dampened even after he knows that she already had a boyfriend and also give birth to a child. His illness is killing him physically and mentally but he always wanted to have that last chance of happiness with Caroline before he will pass away.

He just can't forget his first love! He was not able to move on and can't accept that she was no longer the same woman that he fell in love with.

He wanted desperately to bring back their romantic past, but he can't even touch her. She's so near yet so far! Talking to her every day, seeing her up close and able to hear her voice and laughter gave his heart so much happiness and consolation.

Deep inside his mind and heart, he wants to be cured of AIDS/HIV illness and live a normal life with Caroline someday. He wants to marry her badly, but it's too late, she is already a married woman!

If not for his sister Allison's effort, Caroline won't be by his side right now.

Then he realized that all he had with Caroline is a borrowed time, not the kind that would last forever. Initially, he thought that he wants to get buried with Caroline, but later on, he realized that he is getting overboard too much with his evil intentions.

Caroline is healthy and carrying a child, killing her just to justify his sick fantasy is pointless. If the time will come that he's going to die, he will let go of Caroline and hopefully, his brother Alex can provide safety and care for Caroline and her baby.

Caroline should end up with his brother than with someone else.

For some reason, he's having a hard time accepting that Caroline married another guy! It's like a knife that stabbed his heart so many times. It's so painful, it's torturing him inside!

He was supposed to be the husband of his woman! and not someone else! He felt like he was cheated by destiny, he can't accept it! His heart was bleeding after he knows the truth. His hands clasped the brush in anger. His eyes darken.

He hated the guy that Caroline married to!

Previously, he and his sister discussed killing Caroline's boyfriend which is now her husband. But that plan didn't push through when Caroline finally decided to come to him willingly.

But even that she's already by her side, he can't get over that hatred he felt for the guy who married his beloved woman.

For some obvious reason, he wants to get rid of Caroline's husband!

The turbulent emotion was raging inside Greg's heart.

The sounds of gentle waves rushing into the shore are the only sound that can be heard in the surrounding as the two people were preoccupied with their thoughts running in their minds.

Caroline noticed that Greg was no longer looking at the canvass but instead, he was staring at her intensely. She identifies that kind of look in his eyes when he's angry. "W-what's wrong, Greg?" she asked.

"How much do you love your husband?" he questioned her out of the blue.

A creased appeared on Caroline's brows. "Huh? Why are you asking me that?" She suddenly felt the fear creeping in her heart.

"Just tell me the truth!" he demanded.

Caroline took a deep breath. "I'm willing to die with him. I love him so much that's why I married him because I want to spend the rest of my life with him!" she revealed the truth to him, bravely.

"I see...!" Greg gripped the brush so hard, the veins in his hands was now visible in his skin.

Caroline sighed, realizing that it must be hard for Greg to hear the painful truth from her directly. "I'm, sorry. I know you will feel hurt...but you asked for it. I have no choice but to tell you the truth," she said sadly.

Greg asked her again. "If one day I will die, do you still want to go back to your husband?"

Caroline nodded her head. "Yes, of course!"

"And what if he will no longer want to accept you? What will you do next?"

"I...I will live alone and raised my children..." she stammered with her answer.

"After I passed away and my brother Alex will court you and want you to become his woman, what will you do?" he asked.

Caroline frowned as she mulled his question for a few seconds, she can't comprehend why would Greg include Alex to their mess? He's nothing to do with them. "Alex doesn't have to do with us, so don't mention him, please!" she said.

Greg was shaking his head. "No. You don't get it, Caroline. You mentioned before that the father of your child doesn't want to do anything with you anymore that is why you come back to me. I just want to secure your future along with your unborn child."

He paused for a minute or two and continues...

"My brother Alex is rich, he can take care of you and your baby. I'm just thinking ahead. I want you and your child to live a good life and only my brother Alex can give you that kind of life and security," he explained. "I'm just concerned for your well being, I hope you understand my point of view," he added.

Caroline shook her head defiantly. "No. You listen to me, Greg! I'm sorry I lied to you. My husband and I were not fighting, in fact, right now he is waiting for me to return to his side. But the only thing that stopped me from going back to him is you and your sister Allison!" she shouted furiously, her body trembling in rage.

Greg stared at her face for a long time. Hmm, so, his sister Allison didn't send Caroline home for real? He kind of expected that already and his doubts were confirmed by Caroline right now. His sister is really cunning!

"What does your husband have that I didn't have? Tell me!" he demanded.

Caroline fought back the tears from falling down her face. "Please, don't ask me. I don't want to hurt your feelings. Let's just not talk about my husband, please?" she pleaded.

Greg released a sigh of frustration. "I see, you are hesitating to elaborate things. So, I think your husband is more handsome than me, much healthier than me and probably he is wealthy and I have nothing...not a single property on my name...right? Which makes me a poor choice, am I right?"

Caroline chose to go silent. She doesn't want to confirm his musing, fearing that he will get angry again. She understood that he was experiencing self-pity right now and she doesn't want him to continue immersing himself in a bad mood. She already got a lot on her plate and a moody a.d.u.l.t-like Greg is hard to live with.

"Tell me...!" Greg said, waiting for her answer.

Instead of answering, Caroline shook her head. She doesn't want to pour gasoline on the fire that was burning brightly on Greg's eyes right now.

"Answer me, dammit!" he demanded. He was irritated by her silence.

"Yes! He is everything I dream of which you are not!" Caroline responded by throwing him a defiant glare.

Instead of feeling the pain and anger, Greg chuckled at first, and then he erupted in peals of laughter.

Caroline brows furrowed in confusion. "What are you laughing at?"

Greg shook his head. "Nothing dear..."

He dismissed her with a shrugged on his shoulder and picked up the brush that he dropped on the palette earlier. He started mixing colors and making strokes on the palette, after a few minutes he gives up. He can no longer concentrate, a burning thought was bothering him. After hearing Caroline's' confession, he wants to do something about it!

He is no longer in the mood of resuming his painting today!

He dropped the brush on the palette and put it in the wooden chair. "I'm going back to my room to rest for a few hours. Continue painting and enjoying the beautiful love," he said to Caroline and left the seafront going to the rest house which was situated just a few meters from the beach.

Caroline watched as Greg strolled towards the house with confusion in her eyes. "Was he going crazy or what?" she muttered to herself.

She ignored Greg's moody behavior and continue painting the beautiful scenery in front of her. The view looks much more heavenly after Greg left her side, she can breathe easily now as the sense of calmness take over her senses.

Meanwhile in the resthouse.

Greg arrived in his room, he took out the phone from the pocket of his pants and placed a call to his sister.

Allison answered his call promptly. "Hello, bro...wazz up?"

"Sis...I wanted to ask you a favor," he said.

"What is it? Just say it..."

"Sis, can you dispose of Caroline's husband for me? Pretty please?" he said directly.

"Huh? What do you mean, as in kill her husband?" Allison asked again.

"Yeah. I hated the fact that she married him, I should be the one on his shoes. I should be the one Caroline married to, not that guy! I want him dead as soon as possible!" he ordered with a devilish ferocity flashing in his eyes.

"A-are you sure?" Allison asked again. "You already have Caroline by your side. I think we don't need to kill anyone," she explained.

Greg was disappointed. "Sis, why are you not honoring my request this time? Can't you do it!?" he asked sadly.

"No. It's not that it's impossible to do. With the right price, many hitmen for hire will do the task without batting an eyelash. Are you sure that it is what you really wanted?" she asked again.

"Yes! I'm sure of what I want!" he said with finality in his voice.

"Alright, I will arrange a meeting with some guy to find the right group or person to execute your request. While I haven't given the order yet, I'll give you one week to decide if you change your mind or not," she said.

"No. I won't change my mind, ever!" he said firmly.

"Okay, just consider your favor granted already. Talk to you later, bro! Bye..." Allison said.

"Bye, sis!" Greg said, grinning triumphantly while staring at his phone.

He doesn't mind Caroline will become his brother's wife in the future after he is gone from this world. What he can't stomach is Caroline living happily with another guy!

That's a him!