Chapter 222 - Why Not?

Saturday, morning.

Caroline woke up at 7:00 and Owen entered the room when she was about to go to the bathroom.

Owen put the tray down in the table. He glanced at Caroline. "We will be leaving here at 10:00, so I hope by that time you are ready. Is there anything you want, you can tell me now," he offered.

"Just bottled water," she requested.

"Alright, I'll give it to you before we start traveling," he said.

"Thank you," Caroline murmured.

Owen nods his head and departed from the room.

Caroline wastes no time and starts eating her breakfast. She will make sure that when Owen signal for them to leave the house, she is ready.

After done consuming her breakfast Caroline went to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

A few minutes later, she sat on the bed waiting for Owen.

When Owen opened the door and informed her that it is now time for them to start moving, Caroline was feeling excited.

Owen picked up her traveling bag and Eco bag containing Alex's painting and they descended the stairs toward the waiting car parked in front of the house.

They waited for a few minutes, finally, Allison exited the door and entered the car. Thankfully Allison seated on the front seat and Caroline has the backseat all to herself.

They began their journey, passing the main highway, and eventually leaving tall buildings and busy streets behind them.

A few minutes later, they were entering the small towns.

Their journey was smooth and relaxing.

Fast forward, after one hour and thirty minutes later, they finally entered the City of Angeles Pampanga.

They were now heading to their final destination.

Soon enough, they finally reached Allison's private beach resort.

Caroline smiled broadly after seeing the blue ocean outside the window of the vehicle.

Owen parked the car in front of the rest house, and they all get out of the car.

The caretaker was standing outside the open door greeting Madam and the other guest.

"Good noon, Madam! Hello everyone!" the caretaker smiled broadly at them.

Allison smiled back. "Saling, where are my brothers?"

"They're already in the nipa hut in the beachfront, they were about to start eating lunch," the caretaker replied.

"Okay, I'll proceed there," said Allison. She gave her order to Owen. "After, you settle Caroline and her things into the room, bring her with you to the beach," she said.

Owen nodded his head. "Yes, Madam!"

Allison sauntered towards the beach, while Owen and Caroline entered the house.

After settling all their things inside the house, Owen and Caroline walked towards the beach a few meters away from the house.

Caroline's eyes landed in the nipa hut and saw Alex and Greg's back and also Rudy.

"Guys...I have a surprise for you. Caroline is back to join us!" Allison announced.

Alex and Greg looked behind their back and saw Caroline smiling at them.

"Hello guys, I'm back!" she said cheerfully and sat on the chair beside Greg as if she's excited to see them again.

"I miss you!" Greg said and hugged Caroline affectionately for a few seconds.

She patted his back, then he released her from his hug.

Alex was dumbfounded after seeing Caroline again. He can't muster any words to tell her, except that he continued staring at her with shock in his eyes.

"Alright, now that everyone is here, let's eat lunch!" Allison said.

Plates, spoons, and fork were being passed to everyone. They gathered around the table and began eating the delicious seafood dishes prepared by the caretaker. The dishes were composed of Garlic Butter Shrimp, Hot Fish Soup with Moringa leaves added with ginger and lemongrass, Seafood Chopsuey, Sweet & Spicy Squid, Scallops and Oysters, Chili Crab with Beans and rice.

Greg was all smile feeling elated now that his lady love is back on his side.

Alex was feeling astonished with Caroline's arrival, he got bombarded by different questions running in his mind. Something is wrong with Caroline's comeback! And the way she avoided his eyes...hmm...he's getting suspicious!

But she was acting like she was glad to be back in their midst and her odd behavior blows his mind away.

This is not right! How could a pregnant woman choose the company of the people she is not related to? She's back on her husband's side, finally, then why the hell she comes back again!?

This is crazy and beyond he can imagine!

He looked at his sister, Allison, she was also avoiding his eyes. These two women are hiding something from him!

He was wondering if her sister even sent Caroline home in the first place? Right now he was doubting it.

Maybe...his sister was just lying during that time and she didn't bring Caroline home! He will find out soon after Allison will go back to her house.

He will interrogate Caroline!

For now, he will just continue observing Caroline and his sister!

He shifted his attention back to his food.

They continue feasting on the mouthwatering seafood dishes prepared by the cook.

Once in awhile their eyes would marvel at the panoramic view of the blue ocean just a few feet away from the nipa hut. The beautiful seascape took their breath away, stretching as far as the eyes can see.

One hour and thirty minutes later.

They finished eating lunch and their stomach was full.

The caretaker erected some sun loungers and an umbrella on the beach based on Allison's instruction.

The siblings transferred to the sun loungers and continue their relaxation there while Caroline, Owen, and Rudy help the caretaker bring everything back to the house for cleaning.

Alex looked at his sister. "You and Caroline were indeed best friend!" he commented nonchalantly.

Allison raised a brow. "And why did you think that way?"

"Because, you are the first person she calls when she wanted to return to Greg," he stated. "Sis, can you tell me...what happened...why Caroline is back?"

Allison shrugged her shoulder. "I refused to say anything on behalf of Caroline. Much better if you will ask her, not me. I think she has a better explanation. All I know is that I send her home that night, as for the rest, you can ask her about it."

"Alright, I will ask her," Alex concluded.

Greg stood up. "Guys, I will get my painting tools in the house. I like to paint this spectacular scenery!" his face brightened up a ton, feeling mesmerized by the amazing view of the ocean.

Allison smiled. "Awesome, you keep doing that brother! If you already finished lots of paintings, we can run an art gallery for your painting. I will have my influential friends visit the gallery to buy your masterpieces...I'm sure it will be a huge success! You can launch your painting career that way!" Allison said excitedly.

Greg glanced at his sister's excited face, grateful that she was his biggest supporter. "Why would they buy a painting of a newbie artist like me? Brother Alex's skill in painting is much better than mine," he said, his voice laced with skepticism.

Allison smiled brightly. "The quality of your painting doesn't matter in the gallery. There's a lot of time for improvement, I'm sure one day your painting will become much more polish and sophisticated. When it comes to the gallery thingy, my wealthy contacts will buy your paintings because we will advertise that half of the proceeds will go to charities. And my wealthy contacts love donating to's a win-win Alex?" she asked his other sibling who is silently listening to their conversation.

Alex nodded. "Of course! it's all possible, brother. Don't worry, when you are ready, Allison and I will team up to make sure your art gallery will be a huge success!" he said confidently.

Greg smiled teary-eyed. "Alright, I will paint more so that I can have many paintings in my gallery for the clients to choose from!" he said excitedly, his eyes brimming with enthusiasm.

"I'll go with you, brother, back to the house," Allison offered.

Greg and Allison departed from the beach and strolled back to the house leaving Alex alone in the sun loungers, staring at the sparkling water of the ocean.

While he was staring at the sea...his mind was busy solving Caroline's mystery. He wanted to ask Caroline directly regarding all the questions that have been troubling his mind. But he can't interrogate her yet. Right now, his most pressing question needs to be answered immediately! He just wanted to know if Caroline indeed manages to go home that night to his husband or she didn't?

Then a brilliant idea flashes in his mind!

What the heck! Why he didn't think of it right away!?

The answer to his question lies right on his cellphone!

He grabbed his phone and immediately placed a call to Mike.

"Hello, Daniel..." Mike answered right away.

"Bru, how are you?" Alex asked.

"I'm fine but not okay inside. I look fine outside but not inside," Mike answered sadly.

Alex asked, "Ah okay, why is that? Your wife has not returned yet?"

"Not yet! I'm feeling lost right now. I missed her so much. Every day I'm losing hope that she will return to my side. I feel like, each day that she's not with me, our marriage will soon crumble into pieces. I'm afraid of losing her if she continues hiding away from me," Mike said pouring his heart out to the guy who also experienced the same pain as him.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, bru," Alex said, feeling sorry for him.

"Sorry bru, I become emotional all of a sudden. I was vacationing in Singapore for more than a week, just to forget my pain for a while..." he shared.

"That's good, keep doing that and don't stay in your house all the time. Keep yourself busy, so that you won't remember much of your pain. By the way, you haven't meet s.e.xy ladies out there? You know, if a woman gives you heartache, another woman can help heal your pain faster," he suggested.

"Ah, regarding that...I did meet a woman who throws herself at me but I didn't go all the way with her because I don't want to destroy my marriage. When the time comes that my wife returns to my side, I want to look into her eyes and prove to her that I've been true to our marriage vows and didn't find another woman while she was away. I want my wife back, bru!" Mike said painfully, his anguished was transmitted through the line and it's painful to hear.

"I understand your pain, bru. I have been going through the same situation as you, anyway...stay will survive the pain somehow," Alex consoled him.

"Thanks, Bru. So...where are you now?" Mike asked.

"I'm in the beach house of my sister right now. I'm looking at the spectacular ocean while talking to you," Alex answered.

"Really? Where is that?"

"In Angeles Pampanga..."

"How many hours drive from Metro Manila by car?"

"Around one hour and thirty minutes..."

"Nice...can I see the beach?"

"Y-you want to come here?" Alex said in amazement.

"Yes...Can I? I have nothing else to do right now."

Alex was silent for a moment. Hmm...maybe, it's about time for the couple to see each other? Why not?

"Okay, you can come here anytime. I'll be staying here for two days and two nights..." said Alex.

"Thanks, bru! I'll call you again for the exact address after I have eaten my lunch. Bye," Mike said.

"Alright, talk to you later..." Alex replied.

He put his phone down in the plastic table beside the lounger chair.

"Today is gonna be an interesting day!" Alex said loudly while admiring the beautiful ocean in front of him.