Chapter 219 - How Deep is Yours and How long is Mine?

That night at the hotel where Mike was staying...

He was sitting on the same lounge chair where he seated the other day, it becomes his favorite spot 'coz it's near the magnificent infinity pool. As usual, he was looking at the distant horizon thinking of his missing wife.

Althea, his wife's lookalike will come to his chair once in a while to get his order and he would give her generous tip which brings a lot of smiles on her face, at the end of her work shift, she joined Mike and sit beside him on the lounger chair and together they watched the amazing Singapore cityscape while sipping their drinks.

Mike no longer bothered to tour the city, he was just contented to do stargazing above and watched the incredible panoramic view of the entire city up above the 60-story hotel.

"You've been holed up in this hotel for nearly two weeks, Sir Mike. Aren't you get bored already?" Althea asked him.

Mike smiled for a few seconds. "I'm not in the mood to tour the city," he answered blandly.

"You are one weird guy, Sir," Althea commented. "I guess you and your wife are not in good terms, am I right?"

Mike looked at her face. "Why did you say that?"

"Because no married man will visit this wonderful hotel alone and besides I never seen you wear your wedding ring ever since," she told him. "You just keep staring into space absentmindedly and lost in thoughts..." she revealed her observation.

"You are very observant, Althea," he replied sadly.

"And that sadness in your eyes and voice told me that what's going in your life right now is painful. Are you somehow on the verge of breaking up with your wife?" she took a wild guess.

Mike shook his head. He was not in the mood to talk about his problem with a stranger even if Althea was just trying to gain his trust and friendship.

He looked at her.

"Let's talk about you, what is the cause of your break up with your ex-boyfriend?" he avoided her question by asking about her breakup with her boyfriend.

The question seemed to remind Althea of her painful past because her eyes welled up instantly.

She begins her story...

"I love my boyfriend so much! We shared the same dream, you know, work abroad, save money for our grand wedding and we ended up here working in the same hotel. She was a room boy, cleaning rooms in this hotel, and bringing guests their request and room service.

Our first year here together is full of bliss, we rented a flat, we always work overtime, working hard to save money for our grand wedding and our dream house. We love each other so much.

Little did I know that he develops a friendship that later turns into a relationship with this rich widow lady who happens to be a frequent guest at this hotel.

They strike up a relationship, a s.e.x.u.a.l one. The lady is ten years older than him but she is extremely wealthy who just recently inherited a billion-dollar empire from her husband who just died from cancer.

My beloved boyfriend was blinded with wealth, I'm poor, I can't offer my boyfriend money that is why he abandoned me for a wealthy widow. He realized that he will get wealthy faster if the widow will marry him.

He told me that once the widow will marry him, he will divorce her later after a few years so that he can get some money and he will marry me after.

I told him that I don't want much money, I only want his love, that he is enough for me. But he insisted that he is very much tired of working as a room boy in this hotel. He is very much tired of working for rich people. He wants people to respect him and live a comfortable life without worrying about money and work.

So...even if I begged him that I will forgive him of betraying me with another woman, and we will start all over again, he still won't listen to my pleading. He continues with his relationship to that widow, and the last time I heard they were already married in the church!

There goes my grand wedding and the dream house being shredded into tiny pieces after losing my boyfriend because I'm not rich enough to keep a man beside me.

Do you know how painful that is? never know unless you are in my shoes. No one can understand my pain, only me and my heart.

It's so f.u.c.k.i.n.g painful that every time I watched the pool I wanted to jumped and kill myself, can you imagine how painful it is to have your body fall into the ground from the rooftop of the 60- story hotel?

That would be a horrific spectacle that will grace the headline of the local and international news for several days. So strong that my suicide urges, I got scared, I begged our head to transfer me to the lower ground to sweep and clean the floors because if I stay here in the pool area serving drinks to the guest I might be tempted to jump to my death.

Yeah, that's how bad it is..." Althea finally concluded her story of heartbreaks.

Mike was gazing at her with his jaw open the whole time she was narrating her story. "That was bad!" he commented. "Your boyfriend is a jerk! He is not worth sacrificing your life!" he added, feeling enraged towards the guy who broke Althea's heart.

"I know, it took me several months to finally heal. Then when I'm ready, I asked our head to transfer me again here...every time I watch the infinity pool...the urged to jump was no longer in my heart, because my heart was already numbed by the pain," she said sadly.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear your story, Althea. Don't worry, with your looks and bubbly personality you will meet your soulmate soon. Don't lose hope yet, true love does not come easy. Just be patient to wait for the right one because if you rush too soon, you might find yourself investing your life and time in the wrong guy," Mike stated.

Althea giggled. "Thanks for your words of wisdom, Mikey baby!"

Mike erupted into a burst of laughter after hearing her call him Mikey baby again. For some reason, he finds it cute, it tickles his insides.

They were becoming more at ease with each other and bonded easily. In a short time, they become friends.

Althea looked Mike in the eyes. "You know what...I tried to copy my boyfriend's style of luring you into the bed because you look loaded to me. Maybe, I can find myself a rich husband just like my ex-boyfriend. But I was wrong, and I felt ashamed of myself for acting so shameless the other night. I apologize, Sir Mike."

Mike smiled and winked at her. "It's okay, no need to apologize. People made stupid mistakes all the time and ended up regretting their actions later. That's normal, you don't have to apologize. What matters is that you realized that what you did way back is not proper. Be careful next time, some men will not think twice and they may exploit your vulnerability. Just don't do it again, okay?"

Althea nods her head, feeling grateful that he was concerned about her welfare. "You know what? You are like a cuddly bear to me, Mikey baby...Mikey baby...Mikey are my're gonna be my baby for eternity..." she said in a sing-song voice.

Peals of laughter erupted from Mike's lips, it was rich and vibrant, he never laughs this hard ever since Caroline disappeared from his life.

After the laughter subsided, they locked eyes, both wearing a serious look in their faces. Something is transpiring between them. A huge amount of respect was pouring out to each other, they were now a kindred spirit.

"How about tonight...Mikey baby...?" she whispered seductively in his ear.

Mike swallowed down his saliva in his throat. "What about tonight?" he said, pretending that he didn't get her message across, he blinked twice not liking where this conversation is going.

Althea pouted. "You are so mean! You know what I mean. Don't pretend you don't know..." she caresses his legs.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are trying to say..." he continues pretending.

She leaned down and whispered something in his ear again, pressing her boobies in his arm. "It's been a long time since I got laid, I got itch down there that I can't satisfy on my own. I need someone as hard as you to scratch it for me. Don't worry, I'm clean. After my ex-boyfriend, no one had touched my body ever since. I like you because you are a gentleman and kind to me. Common, join me, let's paint the town red," she said suggestively pressing her boobies into his arm once more rubbing her hand on his thigh near his swimming trunk.

Mike gulped air into his palpitating heart as the fire of desire spreads wildly into his body making him fully aroused.

Althea saw his swimming trunk protruded, which means he was already s.e.x.u.a.lly aroused, she was elated after seeing that her continuous flirting was stirring him and right now she noticed that he is slowly losing control. She finds it challenging that he keeps refusing her advances even if she blatantly revealed to him her intention and adoration by constantly flirting with him. She finds his strong self-control a complete turn on.

She was craving strong s.e.x.u.a.l gratification right now and Mike is the best candidate for that.

Mike was having a hard time controlling his erection and he does notice the bulge in his swimming trunk. Damn! He immediately reached for the bathrobe and covered his body with it.

He throws a glare at his lovely companion. "Not smart, lady!" he scolded her.

Althea broke into a giggle. "Mikey...Mikey baby is so gay...and he goes nay...nay nay nay..." she broke again into a sing-song voice.

Mike was already losing his control and smirked. "Alright, you win, let's go to my suite and see how deep is yours and how long is mine," he throws her a penetrating look.

"Oh yeah...after you...Mikey baby..." she said in a sultry voice. Althea giggled in triumph.

And they put on their white robes over their bodies going to Mike's room in a hurry.