Chapter 216 - Yes Or No?

It took Caroline a few minutes before she was able to recover from the shock.

What the hell? How come Allison already guess correctly what she's planning in her mind.

It's giving her the creeps.

Allison is right, she has everything to lose in the end if she surrenders to the police. The price to pay for telling the truth is torture inside the prison wall.


She will worry about it when the time finally comes. She will cross the bridge when it's already time to do so. She doesn't want to dwell much on the future ahead, she just wants to focus on raising a healthy baby inside her w.o.m.b, so that she can give her husband a remembrance of their love even if their relationship as husband and wife can no longer be repaired.

Right now, she will condition herself to get accustomed to the brother's presence once again.

Thankfully, they are not that hard to deal with.

She'd rather spend time with the brothers, they're more human compared to staying in Allison's house and being subjected to mental stress daily.

Allison's mansion is not good for her baby's well being, close proximity with the psycho woman would make her insane in no time!

Hours went by.

Finally, nighttime comes.

Soon, the night will fade away and another day starts.

Owen entered the room and brought Caroline's dinner. He asked her, "Is there anything you want to be included for your breakfast tomorrow?"

Caroline pondered for a moment.

"Hmm...c-can I have some fruits like a banana for breakfast along with the usual?" she asked.

"Sure, I will ask the maid to include some fruits in the food tray. Anything else?"

Caroline shook her head. "That's all, thank you," she said.

"Don't mention it," Owen replied and exited the room.

Caroline sighed. She began walking around the room to exercise her body, she's been lying in the bed most of the time in the past few days. It would be better if she can go outside, breathe fresh air, and watched the flowers and plants and see other people besides Owen and Allison.

She's longing to go outside!

'Soon,' she said to herself. Hopefully, it will happen soon.

Since she had nothing to do, she began eating her dinner.

Afterward, she spends the rest of her night watching interesting doc.u.mentaries about the candle making, ceramics, and pot making industry.

Outside the room.

Allison was sitting at the balcony of her room with a view of the swimming pool. She was sipping red wine in her glass, in a deep state of relaxation.

Her gaze was fixed on the sparkling water on the pool.

Suddenly her phone rang...

She reached for the phone and saw the caller, it's her brother Alex.

"Bro, why are you calling me? Any problem?" she asked.

"Nothing. No problem at all. I just want to inform you that I will be bringing Greg to your rest house in Angeles Pampanga this weekend, on Saturday. Inform your caretaker to cook some delicious seafood's, I will sleep there. Rudy will accompany Greg during the rest of his stay there. I'm just hoping, the change of environment will speed up healing Greg's broken heart," he elaborated.

"That's good. I have been dying to tell you that Greg might like the view of the beach resort and it can be of great help to his health. I'm glad that you finally realized that now," Allison responded.

"By the way, do you have any news about Caroline? She didn't reply to my text and I can't contact her. It seemed...she changed her number."

"After I send her home, I no longer have any news about her. Don't worry, if she will contact me, I will inform you right away," she said, smirking.


"Why are you so concerned about Caroline?"

"Why can't I? She was a guest in my house. Is it wrong to ask?"

Allison smiled. "Is it true agreed to keep Caroline as your woman and you are willing to adopt her baby just in case she will come back to your house?"

"Huh? Who told you that?"

"Brother Greg..."

"Ah...I see...I'm just humoring him just to make him stop bothering me."

"Ah you say so, anything else?"

"That's all. I'll call you on Saturday before we will start traveling. Bye, sis," Alex said.

"Bye bro..." replied Allison.

The phone conversation ended.

Allison put the phone down in the table.

She directed her gaze at the pool, smiling, looking forward to seeing how will her dear brother Alex react after he will see Caroline again.

Her brother might not admit it but she knows that he was super attracted to Caroline. If worse comes to worst, and Greg will pass away, will her brother Alex make a move towards Caroline?

Well...only time can tell.

If that time comes, she will let Caroline decide, she will not intervene anymore when it comes to her brother Alex's issues.

After all, her brother is old enough to face his battle.

She only dirtied her hands when it comes to Caroline because Greg needed her help.

She poured more wine into her glass and drink the night away.


A thousand miles in Singapore.

In the heart of Sarina Bay Sands Hotel, on the 60th floor, Mike was sitting and relaxing on one of the cozy loungers lining up beside the 150 meters long infinity pool.

He was alternately gazing at the panoramic view of the city skyline and at the same time glancing at one of the staff of the hotel which looks like his wife, Caroline!

Oh my God!

He can't take his eyes off her!

The woman looks like a Filipina. She was serving drinks to the elderly couple nearby. When the waitress was about to go back to the restaurant, Mike called her attention.

The waitress went to his side wearing a charming smile on her face. "Do you want to order a drink, Sir?"

"Yes, Porch Crawler....please. By the way...Miss...are you from the Philippines?" Mike asked.

"Yes Sir and you?"

"kumusta Kabayan! How are you?" Mike replied.

The woman smiled brightly. "Nice meeting you here, Sir."

"When does your work shift end?" he asked curiously.

"After one hour Sir..."

"Would you like to join me here? I'll pay for your drinks..." he offered. He needs someone to talk to and it's convenient because this woman belongs to the same country as him.

The woman smiled prettily. "Yeah sure, Sir! I'll go and get your order..." she quickly said and left his side.

Mike watched as the woman who resembles Caroline in so many ways left the pool area going to the restaurant and bar nearby to get his order.

Then he felt sadder...If only Caroline didn't leave his side she would be here by his side, they would be enjoying this spectacular scenery together.

A moment later, the woman returned with his drinks and he gives her a generous tip.

The woman returned to her job servicing the guest gathering around the infinity pool area. Mike was sipping his drink looking at the horizon above, reminiscing about the happy times he shared with his wife.

One hour and thirty minutes later, after the end of her work, the woman joined Mike in the lounger area beside the pool wearing a skimpy two-piece swimsuit flaunting her ample assets.

"You can order anything you the way what is your name?" he asked.

"My name is Althea Merano and you?" she asked, her eyes flashing with excitement.

"Just call me...Mike," he said.

"Nice Mike. So...why are you alone? Where is your wife or girlfriend? Are you married or single?" Althea bombarded him with questions.

Mike smiled. "I'm married. My wife is out there somewhere..."

Althea raised a brow, confused with his answer. "Huh? What do you mean by out there somewhere...?"

Mike sighed deeply. "Ah, let's not talk about my wife, we have a complicated situation. Let's talk about you. How many years have you been working in this hotel?"

Althea smiled. "I've been working here for one year and seven months..."

"Ah, okay. You may order your drinks now," he said.

"Alright..." Althea rose to her feet and went to the bar area to get her drinks.

She returned a moment later with her drinks.

"How many days you will stay here?" she asked.

"I've been here several days ago, then I'm planning to extend my stay in the next three days," he stated.

"That's good! I'll see you in the next few days," she smiled alluringly at him and subtly touches his knee.

Mike raise a brow and noticed that the woman is touchy-feely.

"What room number are you occupying, Mike?" she asked in a breathless voice, fluttering her eyelashes.

"Room 69," he replied.

"Ohhh..." her mouth formed a m.o.a.n.

Mike grinned. This woman is a game! Her body language is screaming of seduction.

"Come on, let's go swimming!" she urged him.

Mike obliged and they took a dip in the pool. Althea was treating him like he was her long time acquaintance. She flirted subtly.

They spend the next hour chatting and talking about random things.

Althea has a bubbly personality, easy-going, and carefree.

All of a sudden, Althea whispered something in Mike's ear. "Can you me your room later? I haven't been inside any of the rooms here 'coz I can't afford one," she giggled shamelessly.

Mike chuckled. "Sure!"

One hour later.

Mike decided to stop swimming and told his lady companion that it's time for him to go back to his room.

Althea accompanied him to his room based on what they have agreed upon earlier in the pool area.

They entered the room #69 and Mike closed the door behind him.

He gave Althea a quick tour inside the suite.

"Wow! This is a stunning room! Everything here is awesome just the way I envisioned it in my mind!" Althea gushes. "It would have been nice if I could sleep in this room even for one night," she said dreamily.

Mike smiled, unsure of what to say to her remarks.

Althea walked towards the bed and climbs seductively above it while looking at Mike in the eyes. "May I stay here overnight with you?" she asked in a sugary voice.

The looks she gives him screams of one thing, a promise of a hot steamy night with him.

Mike's eyes widened, at a loss of words on what to say, the temptation was now in front of him, she's emanating an aura of seduction, captivating, and accommodating.

Her vision in bed was a visual feast for a hot-blooded man like him. She's irresistible and enticing!

Mike groaned.