Chapter 212 - Weakling!

Allison looked at Caroline's paper-white face, grinning in amus.e.m.e.nt. "What—? Aren't you going to say— no?"

Caroline took a deep breath. She opted not to say anything anymore. Allison is getting riled up and it's not going to do her any good if she keeps fueling the crazy woman's rage. If her silence can put some sense on Allison's head then so be it. She just has to cry in silence but she can't help it, her sobbing was getting louder.

The whole night is going to become a nightmare!

Allison glared and snapped at Caroline. "Stop crying! You're too weak! Can't you do anything but cry?"

Caroline stopped sobbing immediately and wiped the tears from her eyes with her fingers. Deep inside, she was terrified of how their journey will end tonight. She was already suffering internally and death seems to be an easy way out to solve all her problems. She caresses her tummy, at least, she won't die alone, she will be accompanied by her baby on her death.

The travel was shrouded with silence and Allison had already cooled down a bit. She no longer throws Caroline menacing look. They were sitting on the opposite side of the seat as the distance between them has already widened.

Caroline fixed her gaze on the view outside the window. The night is getting late. It was supposed to be her bedtime, sighing, she wiped the tears that fall from her eyes.

Two hours later, they finally arrived at their destination.

It was a location situated far away from the city, the houses were far and between, trees and vast fields lies ahead.

Owen parked the car, in front of a warehouse surrounded by towering trees. Two armed men wearing masks on their faces were guarding the entrance.

Allison, Owen, and Caroline exited the vehicle.

The guards acknowledged Allison's presence and opened the entrance of the warehouse for the visitors to enter.

The newcomers' steps inside and the door was closed behind them.

The bright light inside greeted their eyes. Three more armed men wearing face masks were sitting on the table. They looked at Allison.

The leader asked, "Madam...what shall we do with these captives?"

"I'll decide later..." Allison answered.

Two captives are sitting on the chair a few meters apart from each other. Both their hands and feet were bound to the chair. Their heads were covered with black garments.

Allison looked at the masked men. "Let me see their faces!" she ordered.

"Sure...Madam!" One of the masked men stood up and went to the captives and snatched the black coverings on their heads.

Now the faces of the captives were clear for everyone to see. They have duct tapes on their mouths meant to silence them.

Allison glanced at Caroline and asked her, "Are they familiar to you? Look at them closely!"

Caroline studied the man's face up close. She shook her head. "No. I don't know him. It's my first time seeing him," she stated.

"How about this one here—?" Allison went to the woman's side.

Caroline stared at the woman's face. "I want her mouth to be free from duct tape..." she requested because the captive's messy hair was all over her face and she can't see her face.

The armed guy obliged and took the duct tape away from the woman's mouth.

Now...the woman's face is clear. She looked at Caroline and pleaded...."Caroline...please... release me...I will no longer demand where you hide Brenda. I just want to live longer...please don't kill me!" she begged for her life while fresh tears were flowing in her face.

Caroline's face hardened, then she recalled the woman who come into her house and pressed the cloth on her face. "Are you Brenda's accomplished? The one who went to my house and pressed the handkerchief on my mouth?" she asked wanting to be sure.

The woman nodded slowly. "Yes, I am. I want you to know that I already regretted it! I just want to live, I don't care if you will send me to prison! I just want to continue living, please don't kill me! Don't kill us!" she looked at her companion who is fidgeting on his seat.

Caroline shut off her eyes for a moment, feeling tormented inside. She was torn between letting them go and getting her revenge!

Right now, what is important to her? Would killing this woman who started it all can solve all her problems? Or her death can only make things worst for her later on? If she will ask Allison to release them, how can they be sure 100% that these captives won't go after them? There's no guarantee!

Damn! Things are getting complicated! Problems are adding up!

Right now, she can't make up her mind! There's only one thing that is both clear to her now, she is not a murderer! What happened with Brenda is self-defense on her part. No...she won't dirty her hands again, not tonight!

Allison ordered the armed guy to put back the duct tape on the woman's head. She faced Caroline and asked, "So—what is your decision...dear?"

Caroline took a deep breath. "Released them!" she answered calmly.

Allison erupted in a tirade.

"What—are you serious!? Are you out of your mind? They had seen our faces, they would go to the police and report this incident! And you know already what's going to happen! It's going to be a media circus...can you afford that kind of bad publicity? Think of your husband's influential family? It will affect your family and your husband!" Allison blabbered indignantly trying her best to hammer sense in Caroline's muddled head.

Allison's reasons were slowly creeping into Caroline's skull.

Once again, Caroline sweeps her gaze at the captives worsening condition, still hesitating to decide on their fate.

When Caroline chose to fade into silence, Allison was losing her patience. She glanced at the masked guy nearby. "Give me the gloves and the silencer gun!" she ordered.

Owen and Caroline's eyes widened.

"Sure...Madam!" the masked guy obeyed and picked up the gloves and silencer gun from the table and handed them to Allison.

Allison accepted the objects and went to Caroline's side. "Wear these gloves...before you hold the guns for safety reason...this will prevent the fingerprints from appearing on the gun just in case something goes wrong..."

Caroline didn't make any move to accept the gloves nor the gun, she was shaking her head. "No, I can't kill them!" she said adamantly refusing to obey Allison's order. Her body was already trembling hard as nervousness, anxiety, and the panic attack took over her senses making her weak all over and she's on the edge of losing consciousness.

Furious, that she's not obeying her orders, Allison handed the gun to Owen and forcefully put the gloves on Caroline's hands.

Caroline was not able to object and stared at the black gloves covering her hands.

Allison ordered the masked guy. "Put back the black garments on the captive's heads! Execution time!" she announced in a hard voice.

The masked guy covered the heads of the captives with the black garment.

Allison took the gun from the paralyzed Owen and handed it to Caroline. "Here, hold the gun. Just pull the trigger and it's over!" she commanded in a hard voice.

Caroline was shaking her head in nervousness. "No! I...I c-can...t..." she refused and suddenly her head was spinning around and she crumbled like a paper about to fall into the ground, thankfully Owen was quick to catch her in his arms.

"Useless!" Allison shut off her eyes in anger. "Such a weakling!" She took off the gloves from Caroline's hands, wore them on her hands, and holds the gun.

She went to the guy first, she remembered too well the night she gets out of her car to inspect the human form lying in the middle of the road. These captives were able to get away in drugging her. Thanks to the boys she hired in watching over her house...they came in time to save her before these bastards were successful in their attempts to kidnap her.

Pulling a gun without bullet on the woman's head speeds up her investigation, prompting the captive woman to confess that her name is Julie and she was Brenda's accomplished.

She was near to killing them...

But she changes her mind at the last minute. She wanted Caroline to be the one to pull the trigger...too bad...the useless girl loses her consciousness before doing anything.

She pointed the gun on the man's head and fired the silencer gun two times without batting an eyelash.

Then, she went to the woman and repeated the same process.

The execution took just minutes...

And it was over...

Before the clock strikes at midnight...two lives were lost under Allison's almighty hands. She went to the table, put the gun down, and took off the gloves casually, and give her instruction to the armed guy. "Put Caroline's fingerprints all over the gun's surface, make sure the gun was covered with her fingerprints. I can use the gun as evidence against her in the future. Call Undertaker, I want their bodies preserved for future use. Keep everything flawless, I don't like mistakes!" she said.

"Yes, Madam!" the leader said.

"I'll give you a bonus, guys, for a job well done!" Allison smiled at them.

"Thank you, Madam!" they said in glee.

Allison gestured Owen to bring Caroline to the table. Owen obeyed. He settled Caroline on the chair with her body anchored on him. The masked guy wearing a glove emptied the gun with the bullets and another guy holds Caroline's hands and began the process.

The unconscious Caroline had no idea that her fingerprints were all over the silencer gun.

A few minutes later, they were done with the process and put back the bullet in the gun.

Allison wore a satisfied look on her face while watching her men in action. "Guys, secure the gun, put it inside the cellophane, and stored in a box. I will have Owen retrieve it after a few days," she said.

"Yes, Madam!" the leader of the masked men replied.

Allison gestured at her minion. "Owen, bring Caroline to my car. Let's go home!" she ordered.

"Yes, Madam!" Owen replied and carries Caroline's unconscious body outside the warehouse, and settled her into the backseat of the car.

A few minutes later, they were already traveling to the city on the deserted highway, going back to Allison's mansion.