Chapter 205 - Where is Allison?

The next day.

Owen woke up early at 7:00 in the morning.

His Madam calls him last night while he was inside the bathroom showering. When he exited the bathroom to get his phone, the call already ended.

He waited for another call from her, but she never did.

He just didn't mind it because usually, Madam does that, call him then sometimes she won't continue the call, or maybe she changed her mind. Because if Madam wanted him to come to her, she would call back.

But she didn't.

So, he just went to sleep that night not bothering to call her back to ask why she was calling him in the middle of the night.

Owen went to the dining room to drink his coffee. He found the housemaid setting up the table for breakfast.

"Dory...has Madam been here already for her coffee?" he asked the middle-aged housemaid.

"Not yet," Dory answered while shaking her head.

"Okay," Owen murmured. He went to the coffee maker and poured a hot coffee in his mug. After he finishes sipping his coffee, he will bring to Madam's bedroom her favorite, Cinnamon Cappuccino coffee.

A few minutes later.

Owen was done sipping his coffee.

He made Madam's coffee for a few minutes in the coffee maker.

Done, he poured the contents into the mug and he's ready.

He put the mug in the saucer and exited the dining room going upstairs.

When he reached Madam's bedroom, he knocked on the door. "Madam, I brought your favorite Cinnamon Cappuccino!" he announced.

No one was answering his knocking.

"Madam! Your coffee is ready!" he repeated.

Still, his Madam wasn't opening the door.

A creased appeared on Owen's forehead. "Is Madam still sleeping?" he asked.

He went to his bedroom and put the coffee on the table, he picked up his phone and placed a call to Madam.

He heard the phone ringing but no one is answering...

Hmm...after a few minutes of calling and nobody answering, he stops calling.

He left the room and went downstairs to check Madam's car in the garage. He was confused because her car was not in the garage! Hmm, where could she be? Did she leave too early?

He went to the guard on duty at the gate, to ask if Madam has left early.

"Guard, did Madam left early?" he asked.

The guard shook his head. "No. She went out last night and until now she didn't come back yet. I thought you already know..."

Owen's brows furrowed in confusion. "Strangely, she has not come back yet," he mumbled to himself. "That's all, guard," he told the guard.

The guard nods his head and went back to his post, another guard will arrive soon to take his shift.

Owen went back to the living room, climbs the stairs, and went back to his bedroom.

While consuming the nearly getting cold Cinnamon Cappuccino, his mind was busy thinking where Madam would possibly go last night? Why she was unable to come home?

He was deeply puzzled by her weird behavior. It's odd that she would go somewhere and doesn't inform anyone of her whereabouts.

He grabbed his phone and placed a call to Madam's number.

It's the same, the phone keeps ringing and Madam is not answering!

What's going on!?

Did Madam encounter an accident on the road? That is why she wasn't able to return home last night?

His heart was beating fast inside his rib cage!

He places a call to Sir Alex right away through his phone.

Alex's answered Owen's call promptly while lying in the bed.

"Owen...why did you call me early in the morning?" he grumbled.

"I'm sorry Sir, but Madam was not able to come home last night. The guard told me that she left the house last night and has not to return until now. We have no idea where she is right now...." Owen narrated Allison's disappearance in a worried voice.

"Did you try calling her phone?" Alex suggested.

"Yes...I already call her number countless times this morning, but her phone keeps ringing and no one is answering!" answered Owen with a trembling voice.

"Anything else...?" Alex asked as he eases himself from the bed holding his head, he was still experiencing some mild hangover from last night's drinking session with Mike. And now, his sister's sudden disappearance is giving him a headache.

"Madam called me last night on my phone but I was in the bathroom taking a shower. When I was about to answer her call, the call stop and she never call me again. I'm worried about Madam, Sir! What if she encounters an accident?" Owen blurted out his fear.

"Calm down...let's wait for a few hours...maybe she will return. In the meantime, ask everyone in the house if they have any idea where your Madam has gone to. Okay?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Call me later, if you have any update. I will try to find and locate her," said Alex and ended the conversation.

He places a call to his sister on his phone.

The first call...

Second call...

Third call...

Fourth call...

And the fifth call was not answered.

He stops calling her. This is unusual!

The last time he had a conversation with Allison was last night when she demanded that he has to go home right away or else she will take Caroline away from his house.

He ignored her.

Thirty minutes, after her last call, he and Mike decided to finish their drinking session, call it a night, and went their separate ways.

That was the last time he heard about his sister.

He placed his phone in the bedside table and entered the bathroom.

A few minutes later.

After changing into a cargo short and gray t-shirt, he left his bedroom.

He went downstairs wearing a gloomy expression on his face and proceed to the dining room to make his coffee.

In the dining room, Caroline and Greg were already sitting on the chair talking to each other, they were in the process of eating breakfast.

"Good morning, bro!" Greg greeted his older brother.

"Good morning!" Alex responded and went to the coffee maker and poured himself a mug of hot coffee. He went to the table and sat on the opposite side facing the couple. "Did Allison call any of you this morning?" he begins his inquiries.

Greg brows furrowed. "No. Why did you ask, bro?"

Alex glanced at Caroline. "How about you, Caroline?"

"No, she didn't call me since yesterday afternoon. Usually, she will call me every morning to check my situation here. The last time she calls me was yesterday morning," answered Caroline.

"Why...what's wrong with sister Allison!?" Greg asked urgently.

Alex released a deep sigh. A worried look appeared on his eyes. "She left the house last night and has not returned yet until now. Her minion informed me about her disappearance just this morning. Owen and I have been calling her through her phone but she's not answering our calls. In short, she was gone missing!" he explained.

Greg's face went white, a worried look marred his countenance. His older sister's sudden disappearance took him by surprise.

Caroline was nibbling her bottom lip, in deep thought. 'What happened to Allison? Did she encounter an accident on the road?' she thought to herself.

"Guys, I want you to tune in to TV stations, or radio stations, to find out if there's a major vehicular accident happening in the city. Informed me right away if there's any news. I will see what can I do to locate Allison." There was a hint of anxiety creeping up on Alex's voice.

"Okay," Greg and Caroline replied in unison.

"If Allison still missing within 24 hours, that's the time I will file a missing person report to the police station," Alex announced.

The siblings locked eyes worriedly.

While Caroline's expression was emotionless, she was keeping her gaze down while slowly putting foods on her plate.

The trio eats their meals in total silence. Nobody is in the mood to start a conversation, their minds were engrossed thinking about what happened to Allison?

And where is she now?

After they finished eating breakfast, they went back to their bedroom and tuned in to the TV and radio stations, hoping to hear any news of any major accident happening in the city.

While in Caroline's bedroom, she was staring at the TV screen.

Her mind was busy thinking of Allison's whereabouts.

What if Allison encountered an accident on the road and already died somewhere...?

Caroline was feeling a bit hopeful. She felt guilty of thinking about bad things happening to Allison.

But she can't help it...

If Allison accidentally died, she will be free from her ordeal and go home to her husband.

Alex and Greg can not hold her back against her will.

She can finally go home!

But she can't celebrate her victory right now, she must wait after 24 hours and after a few days before she can finally say that she was finally free from Allison's clutches.

She hopes she was already dead.

Only Allison's dead body can free her!


In a dark room somewhere...

A thousand miles from the city. There's a figure of a woman sprawled on the floor, both hands and feet tied by a rope behind her back, her mouth was covered with duct tape to silence her scream, she can be seen struggling to free herself from the rope, she worked tirelessly to free herself in the next fifteen minutes...but all her efforts resulted in vain.

Then suddenly, the door of the room opened...

Two people entered the room and inspected the woman sprawled on the floor.

One of the two people pointed a gun on the woman's head.

The gun was a silencer type.

The woman on the floor stopped moving and froze after she felt the muzzle of the gun gracing the skin of her temple, her eyes widened in horror and fright, with trembling body...she closed her eyes, resigning to her fate.

A few seconds of heart stopping moment pass by.

The one who holds the gun finally pulls the trigger.