Chapter 177 - More Often

The following day.

The couple was getting ready for the get together happening in Susan's sprawling mansion.

Caroline was wearing black jeans and a pink polo shirt.

Mike was wearing casual blue pants and matched it with a pink polo shirt just like her wife.

"Ready wifey?" he asked her.

"Wait... I'll get my shoulder bag," she replied.

She went back to the bedroom and grabbed her bag, she returned to the living room.

The couple exited their abode and went inside the elevator going down to the ground floor.

They went to the parking lot and entered their vehicle.

A couple of minutes later, Mike's care was already traveling with other cars on the highway.

Thirty minutes later, they finally arrived at Susan's sprawling mansion.

Susan and her maids manage to erect a barbecue stand near the pool, a mini slide for the kids, and a table laden with food and drinks near the pool area.

There were lots of lounge chairs scattered around the swimming pool so that everybody can rest anytime they want.

The couple arrived first.

Then John's vehicle driven by Ramon...arrived as well together with Catherine, baby James and Angel and the housemaid Anna.

Thelma, Lily, Jacob, and Merle arrived in the car provided by John and driven by George.

The pool area was brimming with a festive atmosphere complete with balloons tied on the branches of the trees.

Everyone changed into their swimming attire.

They were wearing a bright and happy smile on their faces including Susan's household staff who oversee the event.

The two grandmothers dotted on the toddler baby James and baby Angel. Susan swims in the pool together with Thelma carrying baby Angel and James on their arms. They were joined by Lily and Jacob splashing in the deepest area of the pool.

Caroline and Catherine were catching up in the corner, sitting and relaxing on the lounge chair under the shade of the mango tree.

"How's married life, sis?" Catherine asked.

"Heaven so far," Caroline answered radiantly.

"Good. You and your husband get along well?" Catherine asked again.

Caroline smiled. "Yeah. We have not quarreled yet even once. I mean we're still a few days old into our marriage life. Maybe the problems will come later. Let see..."

Catherine smiled remembering her own life with John.

"Well...problems...misunderstanding and a lot more are part of every couple's life. Just weather the storm together as a couple...don't hide something from your transparent then everything will be alright," Catherine gives her advice to her newly married sister.

"Thanks for the advice, sis," Caroline said. She pondered for a moment. Her biggest problem comes when she got involved unintentionally with Greg's family.

If she and Greg didn't cross path again, she would have not met Brenda in this lifetime. She just crossed paths with people who give her bad luck. She sometimes thinks she is a jinxed person.

She watched baby James and baby Angel in the pool.

The only one missing here was her daughter baby Cathy.

But then... baby Cathy does not belong in this family event. She misses her daughter badly. But it's not the time to feel sad and sorry about her daughter 'coz she's already in good hands.

Caroline surveyed everyone's faces...

These happy faces around her will also experience extreme sadness and worry the moment she will disappear.

She doesn't want that to happen to them...but her plan was already in motion...there's no turning back....she can only go forward.

She considers this festive event as a farewell party for her. She wants to remember her family's happy faces before darkness completely engulfs her.

For Caroline, it might be the last happy family event she's going to remember for a long time.

Catherine noticed her sister's brooding face. "Is there something wrong, sis? What are you thinking?"

Caroline glanced at her twin and shrugged. "Nothing..." She rose to her feet, picked up her mobile phone, and addressed her sister. "Sis...I'm going to take videos on my phone...I will be right back after I'm done," she said.

Catherine nodded her head. "Okay, take your time."

Caroline went to the pool area and took a video of Susan and Thelma having a good time with baby Angel and baby James.

She also took videos of her younger brother and sister...Lily and James frolicking in the water.

She smiled and located her husband talking with his brother John in the corner...what are they talking about? Maybe they were talking about business?

She walked towards them and aimed the phone on their faces. " for me!" she told them.

John and Mike beamed while looking into the recorded video.

Caroline went back to her sister and wrapped her arms around her sister affectionately. They smiled at the video.


Caroline took videos of the housemaids and John's bodyguard preparing the foods...she recorded the swimming pool...the colorful gardens...the trees and the balloons floating in the air.

Done taking videos.

She went back to the lounge chair and joined her sister.

Catherine rose to her feet and took a spoon and fork and put them on a plate...then she placed several delicious dishes such as shrimp tempura, meatballs, including barbecue and rice, done, she went back to the chair and place the plate on the small table in the center. "Let's eat..sis!"

"Alright," Caroline smiled and put down her phone on the table.

The twins began eating while conversing merrily.

John and Mike looked at their wives in the corner...

"Who would ever think that we will marry the twins?" asked Mike.

John's face broke into a grin. "Long time ago... we're after the same woman...then fast marry the woman who looks exactly like the woman you wanted to marry in the first place. works mysteriously!"

Mike was laughing. "And who would ever think that you and I are blood relatives?" he added.

They erupted into a grin.

"By the way, how's the life of a newly married man, bro?" John asked his brother curiously.

Mike smiled...showing a happy smile of a contented married man. "Great so far! My wife and I are a kindred spirit," he answered.

John chuckled. "I see, that's good! I'm happy for you...for me and all of us!" he said.

"Cheers!" Mike said.

"Cheers!" John replied.

The brothers sported a burst of amused laughter on their faces.

Back on the twin's side.

Finished eating...Catherine and Caroline were sipping their glasses filled with soda drinks.

"Let's go swimming, sis! Let's join Lily and Jacob," Catherine blurted.

"Okay, after we are done with our drinks," Caroline agreed.

After finishing drinking the soda, the sisters went to the bathroom located nearby to change into their swimming attire. Caroline changed into her long sleeve rash guard swimwear while Catherine sported a short-sleeve swimsuit with matching short.

They emerged from the bathroom already wearing their swimming attire and went to the pool area to join their family in the water.

John saw his wife already swimming in the water. "Let's join them in the water, bro!"

"Alright," Mike responded.

They went to the bathroom and change into their swimwear shorts.

The exited the bathroom, strolled into the pool area, and made a splash as they dive into the deepest part of the water. Everyone was having a good time in the pool.

They were loving the good weather, the sparkling water in the pool, the sumptuous foods...and the joyful spirit spreading all around them. Even the housemaids and the drivers were sharing a good laugh in the corner while eating mouthwatering dishes.

The festivity continued the whole afternoon... they would get out of the water and munched on foods then back in the water again.

Laughter can be heard erupting either from the household staff or from the people swimming in the pool area.

Mike feels happy and contented. He wrapped his arms around his wife's arms lovingly.

"Thank you for suggesting this family event, sweetie. It's awesome and a huge success!" he planted a quick kiss on her temple.

Caroline smiled sweetly at her husband. "We should do it more often," she suggested. She was about to add...' You should do it more often after I'm gone so that you won't feel so sad and lonely when I'm no longer around by your side.'

She bit her lip.

Nobody knows the sadness and trepidation she was feeling inside. Everyone was happy...even outside she was smiling...pretending to be happy...that's it.

She's indeed happy, her eyes were flashing with joy but deep inside her, she was crumbling. She's been admiring herself because she can still manage to smile brightly without exposing the real condition she was feeling inside. She's a good actress worthy of a Best Actress Oscar Awards!

"Sweetie, let's eat some food. I'm starving!" Mike told his wife.

"OK..." Caroline answered.

They get out of the water, sauntered towards the table laden with delicious dishes and Mike took a plate, filled it with everything he fancies and they went to the lounge chair under the shade of the Santol Tree.

Mike began putting foods on his mouth.

Caroline glanced at the different trees growing inside her mother-in-law's sprawling backyard.

"I noticed that Mother Susan loves growing fruit trees...isn't she?" she commented.

Mike nods his head. "Yeah...she's a fruit lover. I think she has ten different fruit trees grown here in our backyard. There's a jack fruit tree, mango tree, santol tree, guyabano tree, papaya tree, watermelon tree...etcetera..." he grinned.

Caroline brows furrowed. "Huh? Since when watermelon becomes a tree?" she asked in bewilderment.

Mike chuckled. "I'm just kidding..." he erupted into a peal of laughter. "Watermelon is a fruit though..." he added.

Caroline pinched her husband's side playfully.

Mike responded by pinching her nose. "I love you, wife!"

Caroline smiled sweetly and replied. "I love you too, hubby!"

Then he noticed that she was not eating.

"Why aren't you eating?" he asked her.

One of the housemaids placed a plate on the table. "Try this Maam, Sir, it's a fresh lumpia," she said.

"Thank you," Caroline told the maid.

The maid smiled and left the couple.

Caroline picked up the fresh lumpia with the spoon and began eating it, hmm, she's loving the refreshing texture. She was able to finish eating five pieces of fresh lumpia and drowned it with orange soda.

The family continues their festive pool party until 7:00 in the evening.

By 7:30, the guest went home, their faces were filled with happiness and gladness.