Chapter 174 - Another Day In Paradise

The next day.

Caroline received a text message from an unknown number telling her that she and her minion already boarded the plane back to the city. She quickly deleted the message after reading it.

'Thank God,' she murmured to herself feeling relieved that Allison was already out of her way and there are no chances of Mike and Allison crossing path.

She placed a call to her sister Catherine.

"Hello..." said Catherine.

"Hi sis, wazzup? How's baby Cathy?" she eagerly asked.

"Baby Cathy is fine. I'm impressed with your daughter, she behaves so well. My in-laws dotted on her and baby Cathy loves their devotion to her. I'm sorry to say this...but it's kind of amazes me that the baby seemed to be not missing you at all," Catherine confessed.

Caroline nearly chokes on her saliva.

She sucked on her breath, not wanting to cry.

Well... it's better this way...that her daughter won't be missing her at all so that she won't die of worrying about her. Maybe Joseph in heaven was helping his daughter to cope up with their yearlong separation. Or her daughter already senses that she needed her cooperation.

It's also comforting to know that she can trust Hector and Clara to take good care of her daughter so that she has less problem to worry about when she's gone.

She has been silent for a few minutes and Catherine was already worrying...

"Sis...are you still there? Did I make you angry?"

Caroline breathed deeply. "Yes...I'm still here. Don't worry, I'm not angry at all. I'm very much relieved that baby Cathy is warming up to her grandparents and not giving them any problems. I also know that the couple sees Joseph in his Cathy will be a big help to them emotionally," she explained.

"Okay, I thought you are having a hard time coping up with the year-long separation with your daughter," Catherine said worriedly.

"Not that hard, but I'm coping well with the separation... maybe because Mike is here beside me to cheer me up," Caroline replied.

"That's good, I don't have to worry anymore," Catherine said. "Tomorrow afternoon, they will be flying back to Thailand. Will you be here to see your daughter off?"

"No sis. I'm still here in Palawan the whole day tomorrow because that will be our last day here on this island. It's better that I won't see my daughter boarding the plane or else I will surely cry a river and I might change my mind. I don't want to upset Aunt Clara and Uncle Hector," Caroline said.

"Ah, I see. Okay then, I will call you tomorrow when we already arrived at the airport. I will keep you updated," Catherine responded.

"Thank you, sis! But it's okay, you don't have to inform me."

"Okay. Bye Caroline, enjoy your honeymoon!" Catherine finally bid adios to her sister.

"Thanks for calling, sis!" Caroline replied and ended the call.

Caroline looked at the door of the bathroom, her husband was still inside, showering.

She went to the infinity pool area and sat on the lounge chair. She directed her gaze on the calm bluish ocean in front of her.

She remembered her discussion last night with her husband about Bernadette's story.

She was deeply bothered by his answer that he will send his wife to jail if she is a murderer because he doesn't want their children to have a murderer mother. If that is the case, she must protect her secret and bring it with her to her grave.

Mike must not know about her dark secret at all cost because she doesn't want to lose him.

As long Allison and her minion will keep their mouth shut, she will be safe for life.

The door to the bathroom opened, Mike exited and walked towards the pool area.

"Wife, where do you want to go today?" he asked her while he kissed her forehead lovingly.

"Let's go swimming in the ocean and stroll in the sandy shoreline while holding hands!" she responded brightly.

"Alright, let's do that. Shall we go now?" he said.

"Wait...I will change my clothes with my swimming attire," she replied.

"Okay, take your time, sweetie. I'll just wait here for you."

Mike sat on the lounge chair and enjoyed the fantastic ocean view in front of him that he never get tired of watching.

He called his brother John on his phone.

"Hello bro! How are you?" John's voice appeared at the other end of the line.

Mike smiled when he hears his brother's familiar voice. "Hello bro, I'm fine here," he replied.

"'s the honeymoon? How's it feel being a married guy?"

"Fantastic bro! Absolutely amazing! I love my wife so much. I feel like I'm in heaven right now together with her on this paradise island," Mike raves.

"Nice! I'm happy for you, bro! I can't wait to see you again soon in our family gathering."

"Yeah, we only have one day left of our five days honeymoon. We will be back in the city the next day afternoon," he said.

"Okay, take care of yourself."

"Give my love to baby Angel and baby James," Mike said.

"Sure...see you soon!"

"Bye bro!"

Mike ended the call.

The smile was still tugging at his lips when his wife appeared in front of him wearing a backless swimsuit matched with a red s.e.xy short.

"Hubby, does my swimming attire looks fine to you? If you don't like seeing my bare back I can change into something more conservative," she suggested.

Mike watched his wife's bareback. "I think you should cover your back, you will get sunburn for sure," he said.

"Alright, no problem!" she went back to the bathroom.

A few minutes later, she comes out again wearing a dark blue rash guard, it's a one-piece long sleeve swimsuit. It looks conservative enough.

"How about my attire now, hubby?" she asked him.

Mike inspected his wife's outfit and approved it. "That looks much better, the majority of your skin is now protected from sunburn," he commented.

"Okay, let's go now!" she exclaimed in excitement and grabbed her beach bag which contains the essentials such as lotions and towels as well as a cellphone. There's a locker area near the beach, the guest can store their valuables while having a good time swimming in the ocean.

"Where's your phone, hubby? Put it here," she said.

Mike obeyed and placed his phone inside the beach bag. He fished out the key of the villa from his shorts.

They picked up their wide-brimmed hat and put it on their heads protecting their face from the harmful rays of the sun.

At 3:00 in the afternoon, the sun still shining brightly.

But the heat of the sun will be fading away soon after one hour.

The couple exited the villa and Mike locked the door with the key.

"Let's go sweetie!" he said and intertwined his hand with hers.

They descended on the path leading down to the beach in high spirits looking forward to enjoying the beach with other guests, they were already swimming in the ocean under the bluish sky.

"It's beautiful weather today! It never rains even once in this paradise since our arrival," Caroline commented.

"I told the rain not to come during the duration of our honeymoon. I don't want the rain to spoil our fun," he responded with a grin.

Caroline giggled. "Aww, your so powerful, hubby!" she rewarded him with a quick kiss on his lips.

Mike stopped walking and faced his wife.

"I love you, sweetie," he said looking deeply into her eyes.

"I love you too, hubby!" she replied sweetly.

They resumed walking while sporting a happy and contented smile on their faces.

When they arrived at the beach, several guests were already frolicking in the water.

Mike and Caroline chose a lounger to settle with.

Caroline began applying a generous portion of sunscreen on her husband's arms, neck, and legs.

Done with Mike, Caroline began applying sunscreen on her skin.

A few minutes later.

Caroline has done applying sunscreen on her body and put the lotion on the beach bag. Mike deposited the bag into the locker for safekeeping. He went back to his wife's side and they strolled towards the sea.

They waded into the water and advances into the deep area of the ocean.

They stopped when the water was already on their shoulder level.

Caroline wrapped her arms around her husband's neck.

Mike wrapped his hands around his wife's waist.

They stared at each other's eyes and laughed.

"I wanted to kiss you so badly, sweetie!" he groaned.

"I know, but we can't because the sun is still up and people will see us," she grinned.

"Let's wait until the sun is out then we will kiss, make out and go skinny dipping when darkness finally comes," he joked.

Caroline giggled. "Okay, let's do all that later," she responded with a smile.

The couple enjoyed swimming in the water.

Caroline didn't move much, she just clings to her husband's body, she doesn't want to experience another severe cramp on her legs just like what happened in the swimming pool in John's place. She doesn't want another repeat of that painful incident, because she doesn't want to ruin this marvelous romantic moment with her husband.

Four hours later.

The darkness finally blanketed the entire islands and the couple was able to kiss each other's lips passionately hidden by the darkness of the night.

By 7:30 in the evening, they stopped swimming and returned to their private villa to have a shower and then go to the resort restaurant to eat dinner.

By 10:00... they already retired to the bed and enjoyed a full-blown make-out session followed by pleasurable lovemaking all night long.