Chapter 148 - High Spirit

The sisters entered the saloon and Catherine had her hair trimmed. Caroline opted to have her finger and toenails painted with the hottest colors and nail design.

One hour later.

The sisters exited the salon with a satisfied look on their faces.

They went to the kids' clothing section.

Caroline helped her sister shop for cute dresses for baby James and Angel.

"What do you think of this?" Catherine showed her sister the cute pink dress for her daughter.

"That's super cute! Take it!" Caroline said smiling. "I will go to the section for boys, I'll buy something for baby James," she said and proceed to the next section.

Caroline looked at the clothes hanging on the rack. There's a lot of nice combinations of shirts and shorts for little boys, showcasing different colors and designs. She picked up three sets and dropped it on the shopping cart. She went back to her sister.

Catherine was having much fun choosing colorful dresses for her daughter. "Look, I chose five dresses for my daughter," she said. "Picked three for me, I can't decide what to pick, they're all pretty to me," she gushes.

Caroline laughed softly. "Fine. She picked up the three dresses, color red, purple, and blue. Then she also picked up the rest of the two dresses. I will buy these two as my gift for my niece," she said with a cheeky grin.

Catherine smiled. "Anything else?" she asked.

"I have nothing else to buy," Caroline responded.

"How about baby Cathy, why aren't you buying a dress for your daughter?"

"Ah, no need. She still has many dresses. I binge shop for her clothes last month during one of my grocery shopping sprees," Caroline explained.

"Alright, then, we'll go now to the cashiers' section to pay our purchases," Catherine said.

"Okay," Caroline pushes her cart to the cashier's section while Catherine was following from behind her.

A few minutes later, they finished paying for their purchases.

"What now?" Caroline said.

Catherine laughed. "Hmm, let's go now to the grocery section, and buy some stuff."

"Alright, after you, sis!" Caroline said energetically.

She was having fun bonding with her sister again after a long time. They used to bond shopping together in the mall before the incident happened and she kind of miss it and now they're in good terms again, she was glad for this opportunity, allowing her to bond with her twin before she will disappear from their life temporarily.

They went to the grocery section and spent the next two hours checking out every item and comparing their favorite products to each other.

It was such a simple activity but the sisters were having much fun.

"Sis, we should do this again at least once or twice a month! It's kind of relaxing and fun," Catherine gushes.

"Yeah, sure, why not," Caroline answered, smiling. Her sister had forgotten that they used to do it before they had a huge fight in the pool. But she won't say that to her sister, they will only be reminded of the bitter past and they can't move on from it.

Done doing grocery, they were thinking about what to do next?

"How about we watch movies together? We never did that for a long time," Catherine suggested.

"Alright, let's do it!" Caroline said with a bright smile. "First, we will deposit our purchases into the baggage section so that we can watch movies together without worrying about our stuff," she suggested.

"Yep! That's what we should do," Catherine responded in glee.

After leaving their shopping bag in the baggage section, they proceed to the cinema located at the 5th level of the mall.

Once they arrived there, they looked at the movie posters.

Five movies were currently showing. The movies were composed of horror, sci-fi, adventure, suspense & fantasy, and comedy films.

"How about suspense & fantasy?" Catherine suggested.

"I like comedy better," replied Caroline. After what happened to her, she needs a good laugh to survive another day in dealing with her f.u.c.k up life.

" about if we watch both!" Catherine suggested while grinning.

Caroline laughed in amus.e.m.e.nt. "Okay, why not, let's watch suspense & fantasy first..."

"Alright, then comedy later," replied Catherine.

They bought two tickets for the fantasy and suspense movie, including large popcorn and medium-size soda.

The sister entered the movie theater excited to watch their chosen movie.

Inside the cinema.

The movie's opening credits began playing on the big screen...


The movie starts with two women running in the deserted highway in the middle of the night. They were two best friends who embarked on a journey in the wilderness to relax from their busy life in the city.

Their vehicle broke down in the middle of the highway, surrounded by the deserted land and they only saw a few vehicles passing by in between before their car encountered a problem.

They waited for the next vehicle to come to the area so that they could ask for help, unfortunately, no one came.

Until the night is fast approaching...

Darkness surrounded them, they went back into the vehicle and locked themselves inside.

All of a sudden...

They spotted a car coming their way.

The two women exited their car and tried to flag the incoming vehicle, unfortunately, the driver did not stop, instead, he drove past them as if he did not see anyone on the road.

The two women were sad, terrified, and upset.

They were about to get back in the car and eat whatever they have left for dinner... suddenly... two white wolves appeared a few meters from them, looking at them hungrily.

The wolves were advancing towards them, terrified, the women ran for their life.

Unfortunately, the two wolves catch up with the two women and lunge at them, biting their arms.

Slowly the girls were losing consciousness due to the venom, their bodies crumbled into the ground.

A few hours later.

The two women woke up and opened their eyes... they found themselves alive... lying in a wide comfy bed.

Huge relief washed over them after discovering that they did not die from the wolves bite. Their eyes were filled with happiness.

Now they need to thank who their savior is.

They were about to get up from the bed when the door suddenly open...

And the story begins...


One hour and thirty minutes later the movie ended.

The moviegoers exited the cinema chattering about the entertaining movie.

"What do you think of the movie?" Catherine asked her sister's opinion.

"OMG! It was gripping, engaging, and mind-blowing! I'm glad we watched it," Caroline squealed in delight.

Catherine smiled, satisfied with her sister's reply to her question. "I love the movie too, it's engrossing!" she giggled. "So, are you still up for the comedy movie?" she grinned in amus.e.m.e.nt.

Caroline laughed. "Of course! Bring it on! But we should go to the restroom first," she said.

"Okey dokey!" Catherine responded.

The sisters sauntered towards the restroom and do their thing.

After exiting the restroom they went to the cinema and bought another ticket for the comedy movie.

The cinema-goers erupted in laughter every time the characters in the movie acted hilariously.

One hour and thirty minutes went by.

The sisters finished watching the movie. They exited the theater in full smile along with the rest of the cinema-goers.

"Wow, we just watched two movies back to back today! That's the first time!" Catherine grinned.

Caroline chortled. "It was fun!"

"Let's find a restaurant first and eat something then we'll go home after eating," Catherine suggested. "What do you like eating, sis?"

"Hmm...fried chicken and pizza!" Caroline said excitedly.

"Sure. Let's go to the ground floor, there are many restaurants there," Catherine spoke.

The sisters went to the escalator heading to the ground floor.

They found a restaurant serving the dishes they like, it was located near the mall's entrance. They settled inside a two-seater table and made an order in the cashiers' section.

While waiting for their meals to arrive...

Catherine sent a text message to Ramon instructing him to pick her up in the mall after thirty minutes. Then she also sent a message to her husband informing him that she will have dinner with her sister in the restaurant.

Caroline did the same, she texted Mike, informing him that she was spending time with her sister in the mall and they already reconciled. She also sent a message to her mother containing the good news.

A few minutes later, their meals were served hot, and they began eating.

"So, who's gonna prepare your wedding? Do you already have a wedding planner?" Catherine asked.

Caroline laughed. "You forgot that it's a civil wedding and we don't have many guests," she reminded her.

Catherine laughed as well. "Oh, gosh, I'm getting older. Anyways, you will have a wedding reception for the family to get together after the wedding ceremony, right?"

"Yes. But Mike's mother, Susan, will do the planning for me. She was asking for the chance to do it for her son, so, I give it to her," Caroline replied.

"Ah, okay. That's good so that our mother-in-law can have some fun with the planning," Catherine said while taking a bite at the crunchy fried chicken wings.

Caroline took one slice of Pineapple Bacon Pizza and brought it to her mouth. "Wow, this is delicious!" she murmured.

"You should take a bite of the fried chicken, it has a nice after taste to it. It was cooked way different from the other fried chicken that I tasted from the other restaurant," Catherine said.

"Really? Let me take a bite." Caroline put back the pizza on the plate, then picked up one chicken leg, and took a bite. "Wow! This is crunchy and tasty! They put a secret ingredient on the fried chicken recipe for sure."

"Yeah, I agree," Catherine said and took one slice of pizza and began eating it. "By the way, do you already have a wedding dress?"

Caroline shook her head. "I'm still trying to find the right one. I have done some browsing online for a perfect design but I can't decide yet. Too many to choose from," she laughed.

"Send to me at least ten designs you like the most in my messenger, I'll help you decide, sis," Catherine volunteered.


The sisters continue eating in silence. They took photos together and savored the moment of their enjoyable sisterly bonding.

Thirty minutes later, they're done eating and preparing to go home.

They exited the restaurant and went to the baggage section to retrieve their shopping bags.

Ramon arrived at the baggage section five minutes later, he placed all the bags into the shopping cart and transported them to the parking lot.

The girls followed behind him.

In the parking lot.

After Ramon was done placing the shopping bags in the trunk of the car, the sisters hugged each other happily.

"I'm having fun, sis!" said Catherine.

"Me too, let's do it again some other time," Caroline stated cheerfully.

"Of course, drive safely, sis! Bye!" Catherine entered the car.

"Bye!" Caroline replied and slid into the driver's seat of her car.

The sisters go home that night to their respective residences, fully reconciled, and feel refreshed.