Chapter 141 - Are You Sure?

The Next day.

Mike is finally back in the city and he wastes no time in visiting his beloved woman during the evening.

Caroline nearly leaped from the top of the stairs in excitement after the housekeeper informed her of Mike's arrival.

She bolted from the door and saw her boyfriend sitting on one of the chairs in the veranda, looking charming as ever.

"Sweetie...I miss you!" he said opening his arms wide for her.

Caroline leaped into his arms. "I miss you more," she replied planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Let's have dinner in my place and let's go skinny dipping in my pool afterward," he said in a husky voice winking playfully at her.

"Sure! Let me change my attire first," she replied giggling in amus.e.m.e.nt.

Mike slapped her bum softly and grinned. "Go now sweetie, 'coz I'm already starving!"

Caroline went back inside the house in a hurry.

She comes to her room, went to her closet, and picked up the red short sleeve chiffon blouse that was adorned with floral prints. She matched it with a short black mini skirt exposing her shapely legs.

Satisfied with her appearance in the mirror, she slid her feet into her flat brown pump shoes and dumped her essentials inside her shoulder bag.

Ready to go, she went to the other room to notify her mother that she's going on a date with Mike. She pushed open the door and took a peek inside.

She saw her mother putting baby Cathy in the bed. "I'm going out with Mike, Mother," she told her.

"Okay, you take care of yourself," Thelma replied.

Caroline closed the door, went downstairs, and exited the house.

"I'm ready!" she announced in a jolly mood.

"Wow, you're fast, sweetie!" Mike said in amus.e.m.e.nt while wrapping his arms lovingly around her.

The couple exited the gate of the house and boarded Mike's vehicle.

A few minutes later, Mike's car was now progressing into the main highway, moving along with the countless car in the road.

The couple was not talking to each other, but their eyes were having an intimate conversation on its own.

Thirty minutes later.

They finally arrived at the Blue Bell Residences and quickly entered the elevator, going up.

The couple finally reached the 15th floor in no time.

The moment they entered the flat and the door closes behind them, immediately, Mike claimed his girlfriend's mouth and they engaged in a torrid kissing session that lasted for a few minutes.

They were fervently groping each other's body - arousing each other's passion and l.u.s.t, to a fever pitch.

Caroline tore her lips from his mouth and giggled. "Let's have dinner first. You have to feed me so that I can have enough strength and stamina later," she uttered in a sultry voice.

Mike smiled. "Alright, let's go to the dining table first and devour our meal."

They walked hand in hand towards the kitchen area where the dining table was located.

They sat opposite each other on the table.

"I hope you like the food I ordered for us tonight," Mike said.

Caroline looked appreciatively at the dishes on the table. "They looked delicious!" she commented appreciatively.

Mike sweeps his gaze on the food he ordered.

"We have Fried Pork and Shrimp Dumplings, Spicy Pepper Beef Steak, Oriental Corn Soup, Squid Ball Chop Suey, and Creamy Mais Maja Blanca for dessert. That's all the dishes I ordered for our dinner tonight," Mike said proudly.

"Wow! They looked delectable and mouthwatering! Shall we—?" she beamed at him hungrily.

"Sure! Because I can't wait to devour you later, sweetie," Mike answered in a flirtatious way.

Caroline placed one slice of Beef Steak on her plate. She took a bite on the savory dish. "Excellent! It's so yummy!" she gushes.

"Try the Oriental Corn Soup, it's one of my favorite. The Squid Ball Chop Suey is wonderfully delicious and the Maja Blanca tastes good 'till the last bite," he suggested.

Caroline smiled broadly while admiring the dishes.

"Alright, I will eat all these dishes tonight to satisfy my cravings. Thanks for preparing these wonderful dishes, love," she responded and smiled sweetly at him. Using the fork she picked up a Shrimp Dumplings and put it on her mouth.

Her eyes widened appreciatively. "This is flavorful!" she raved in delight.

"I'm very much pleased that you like the dishes I prepared for you, sweetie. Eat more so that you can have more energy later for our romantic romping in the bed," he winked naughtily at her.

Caroline guffawed. "Sure! You won't last the whole night though..." she joked.

Mike erupted in a peal of laughter. "I shall remember what you said," he said huskily.

"Let's just finished our meals so that we can swim in the infinity pool," she told him.

"Yes, of course," Mike responded energetically.

They eat their meals in silence.

One hour later.

After finishing dinner the couple put back the lid on the dishes so that they can have leftovers later, then Caroline volunteered to wash the dishes in the kitchen sink while Mike went to the bedroom to change into his swimming trunk.

Caroline wiped dry the kitchen utensils such as plates, fork, and spoon before putting them back in the dish rack.

Done with washing, she roamed her eyes inside the kitchen, everything is clean.

She placed the towel in the marbled countertop and went to the infinity pool area to join Mike. She's excited to take a swim in the pool and admire the spectacular city skyline at night. It's one entertaining activity she was looking forward to every time Mike brought her to his place.

When she went to the pool, Mike was already doing laps in the water, wearing black swimming trunks exposing his upper chiseled body in all its glory.

Caroline went down into the water and swim along with Mike.

He stopped swimming and faced her, he wore a serious expression on his face.

"Sweetie...let's talk about our wedding. When are you going to marry me? I hope it will be sooner. I can't wait to see your lovely face every day every time I wake up in the morning. I just want to be near you all the time. You are a drug to me, I crave your presence all day and all night long," he said meaningfully.

His face displayed prominently the overflowing love and devotion he had for her.

Caroline smiled sweetly, moved by the power of his love for her. She wrapped her arms around his neck lovingly. "I'm yours, forever and ever. Let's get married tomorrow if you want!" she said enthusiastically, looking deeply into his eyes.

Mike's face broke into a dazzling smile. "OMG! Are you sure about this? You want us to get married right away?" he asked uncertainly, a bit of doubt was clouding his face, he's not sure if she was just joking or telling the truth.

Caroline was thrilled about the prospect of marrying Mike soon. Despite the darkness that was torturing her inside, marrying Mike will certainly restore a little bit of her sanity.

"Yes! I will marry you. But I want it to be a civil wedding first — just like my sister Catherine and brother-in-law John's wedding. The church wedding will follow one year after. I want to get married to you two times. I just want to make sure that I am the only woman you will bring to the altar. The only woman you're going to cherish your whole life," she concluded with a radiant smile.

Mike can't contain his happiness. He hugged his girlfriend tightly. "Oh my God! I'm so happy today. The woman in my dreams finally accepted my wedding proposal. Thank you so much sweetie for making this day very special and for making me happy!" he joyfully planted a kiss on her forehead.

"You will never regret marrying me. I will be the most doting and devoted husband that you'll ever have," he added teary-eyed as the wonderful emotions surged through his heart making him emotional.

"And I'm going to be the best wife you ever had," she lied into his eyes straight face. She thought she was good at it because Mike was not able to detect the hidden sadness in her eyes.

"I love you so much, sweetie," he murmured lovingly into her ears.

"I love you too," she responded with heartfelt emotion, she buried her face into his chest, wanting to cry in despair but dared not. Today is a special day because she finally said yes to marrying Mike and she wants him to be happy and cherish this moment.

They should celebrate the moment with happiness and not think of negative things outside their joyous union.

The couple watched the stunning city skyline in front of them, illuminated by the thousands of lights coming from the street lights, residential and commercial buildings nearby.

It's a magical night and the weather outside is nice, it's a momentous event for the couple.

Mike embraced Caroline from behind while they admired the spectacular view outside.

"I'm going to visit the judge I know and asked for the requirements of the civil wedding," he said cheerfully.

"Okay, you do that," she said while caressing his hands.

"Do you want the whole family to attend our civil wedding ceremony? Or you want only the two of us, with two witnesses and the judge?" he asked.

"What do you want?" she asked him instead. She will give him what he wants for the wedding that can make him happy.

"Of course, I want the whole family to witness our wedding. Then let's have a wedding celebration in the evening, attended by immediate family and some close friends only," he suggested excitedly.

She gazed into his eyes and nods her head. "Okay, whatever makes you happy we'll do it," she responded jubilantly.

"Good! Is it okay with you if my Mother Susan will do the wedding planning for us? She mentioned to me before that she will be delighted if she can do it for us."

Caroline smiled. "Sure! I'll entrust to Mother Susan the wedding planning and everything," she beamed.

The truth is — if she's the one to plan, she would rather want a private wedding just Mike and her. But Mike might wonder why she's acting differently, so agreeing to everything he said will solve the problem.

After all, she isn't up to the task of planning her wedding because she's battling a dark emotion inside her, she doesn't have energy left for other things. She just wants the wedding ceremony to take place as soon as possible so that she can disappear and be done with Allison's request and then afterward — continue her life where she left off.

Two hours later.

The couple was getting tired of swimming, they retired into the bedroom.

Mike waste no time undressing his beloved, and they made love the whole night through.