Chapter 116 - Bring Me To Him

Allison looked at Alex's car entering the gate through the window of the guest room. Thankfully the window has a curtain that she can hide her face, assuming if Caroline will accidentally look up at the window.

She saw Caroline and Alex getting out of the vehicle and entered the main door.

The long-awaited visitor has finally arrived!

As much as she wants to be there in the bas.e.m.e.nt, she can't reveal herself to Caroline, not the time yet!

She went back to the bed and lie down, she recalled the conversation she had with her brother earlier in the bas.e.m.e.nt.

The more she thinks about it, the more she's willing to do it.

She can always hire people to kill Caroline's boyfriend. It's much easier to do. As long the killer is not caught and there's no direct evidence pointing towards her involvement in the killing then she is safe.

Well...she has lots of money to burn and she can always hire people to do the dirty job, then why not do it?

All she needs to do is to make a call to some people connected to the shady underground world, send the details and wire the money and BANG! Her command will be executed in no time.

It's just a matter of when to execute her plan, money is never the problem.

Her brother Alex doesn't have to learn about her and Lucas's plan because he will oppose for sure.

She knows perfectly well how her brother's mind works.

She has to hide everything from him.

Lucas's happiness comes first before anything else. What is the purpose of her wealth if she can't share it with her brother and make his remaining days on earth a happy one? She will become a bad sister if she can't grant his brother his only request.

There's plenty of time to think and work on a flawless plan to kill Caroline's boyfriend.

For now, she will just observe how Caroline will react and behave after seeing her brother again.

She fished out her phone from her bag and went online shopping to pass the time.


Caroline was sitting on the sofa in the living room of Alex's house. She roamed her eyes around her, taking in the surrounding. The living room was equipped with modern furniture made of superb quality which confirms that the owner is loaded.

Not fitting to call it a big house, it's more of a mansion.

A rich man's mansion! That's it!

'Truly, Alex is a wealthy businessman,' Caroline told herself.

That's why he is so arrogant and straightforward!

She hated his guts! He infuriates her to no end.

But if he doesn't tease her and remained quiet, he is alright.

Alex returned to the living room to bring her to where Lucas was located. "I guess, this is now the time that we are waiting for, you and my brother Lucas will finally see each other again after a few years of no news about each other," he said trying to read what she's thinking in her mind right now.

Caroline can't understand what she's feeling right now, she was afraid of what she's going to feel if she will saw Greg again. There is no denying that he was her first love and probably her greatest love.

What if she still has feelings for Greg?

She loves Mike too...

Suddenly, she was having second thoughts and wanting to back out from seeing Greg.

"I don't think I can see your brother today..." she suddenly blurted out.

Alex's shut off his eyes for a minute, not expecting this kind of situation. "'re already here, Caroline. You can't back out now, my brother is excited to meet you. You have no idea how happy he felt after he learned that you finally agreed to see him. I begged you, don't disappoint my dying brother," he pleaded.

Caroline breathed deeply. "Okay fine. Bring me to him," she said with all the strength that she could muster.

"Thank God!" Huge relief washed over Alex's worried face. "Please follow me..."

Caroline walked slowly following Alex's footsteps.

They entered a door near the kitchen and walked downstairs.

'This looks like a bas.e.m.e.nt,' said Caroline to herself.

They passed by on a guy sitting on the sofa.

"Goof afternoon, Sir...Ma'am," the guy politely greeted the new arrivals.

Alex nods his head in response. While Caroline smiled pleasantly at the guy.

Alex approached the closed door and turned the doorknob, then he looked at Caroline.

"Please, enter now brother is waiting for you inside," he said and opened the door wide for her to enter.

Caroline breathed deeply and entered the door.

Alex shut the door the moment Caroline stepped inside. He went to the sofa and instructed Rudy to get some refreshments for Caroline in the kitchen.

Inside the room.

Caroline stared at the guy lying on the bed, she was hesitating to go near him because he looks ghastly now. He used to be a good looking guy but Greg was looking like he was going to die anytime, his frail condition terrifies her!

"Caroline my love! Come to me, please...I need to see you close!" Greg called for his beloved.

"Greg—? Is this you—?" she asked even if she knows that his voice can attest that it is indeed him.

"Yes. Why, Caroline? Why you don't want to come closer to me?" there was so much pain in Greg's voice.

"What happened to you? Why you looked like this?" She finally went closer to the bed and stared at his face for a long time.

She was stunned and shocked!

She stared at his—ex— in horror. He looks like a skeleton now, his collarbones were jutting out on his skin. The large size t-shirt that he was wearing to hide his frame only magnifies how sick he is.

Greg was trying to reach Caroline's hands but she steps back. He winced in pain due to her refusal to allow him to hold her hand. He can no longer hold back the grief he was feeling due to the look of coldness and indifference she showed to him just now. Tears shimmered in his eyes.

After seeing that Caroline has no plans to come closer to the bed, his eyes become flooded with tears.

"Please, let me hold your hand, my love. I miss you so much! I'm so happy to see you again," he said softly, his voice spoke of deep affection and longing for him.

"Tell me, what is your illness!" Caroline demanded.

Initially, Greg doesn't want to tell her the truth, fearing that she will completely avoid him after she will know of his illness. But he has to be honest with her, she has to know the truth.

"I'm sorry that I no longer made any attempt to contact you after I became a wanted man. I was afraid that you will be dragged into my dilemma and they will use you to capture me. That's why I tried my best not to show myself to you. But believe me, you are always on my mind. I constantly think of you every single day. I never love any woman after we got separated, only you. I've been hiding from the law enforcers these past few years, I don't want to be captured and put in jail. But misfortune follows me everywhere, I start consuming drugs and injected myself with a syringe with the substance on it along with my fellow drug addict friends. I didn't expect that one of them has HIV. I become infected with HIV and have AIDS and my body got many complications that is why I look like this," he explained in a sorrowful voice.

Shiit! Caroline's face registered shock and fear. Greg was infected with HIV/AIDS?

Terrified, she steps back putting a distance between them.