Chapter 554

Name:Sweet Mommy is Back Author:Yao Mu
Mu Ruchen drives to the hospital, while Mu Feng drives home. They tell all the things they know along the way. It is basically certain that the Secretary for reading is indeed infected.

When Mufeng arrived at home, he just opened the door, and a cup was smashed. Mufeng couldn't avoid it and was hit in the face by the cup.

And at home, it's a mess.

Si Yue seems to be crazy, smashing all the things that can be smashed in the room!

Seeing Mu Feng, Si Yue rushes to him, without saying a word, first gives him a heavy blow, and then presses him down, sits on his body and grabs his collar.

"Let me out!" Secretary read loudly roared at him, "do you hear me, let me out, or I will kill you!"

Mu Feng looked at the door, and there was no lock. Could he not go out by himself?

"You think I can be imprisoned with an iron cage? I tell you, don't even think about it! " Secretary read pulled his collar, "don't think you are a woman, I dare not hit you!"


Mu Feng frowns. Now, in the sense of reading, Mu Feng is a woman?


"Don't call my name, it sounds disgusting!" Secretary read said angrily, "let me out, did you hear me?"

Mufeng did not struggle, so lying on the ground, "want to go out is very simple, you have to answer me a few questions."

"I don't know anything!"

"Stupid question, are you sure you don't want to answer it?" Mu Feng looks at him and raises his eyebrows.

"If you ask an idiot, what do you want me to do?"

Mu Feng looked at the irascible secretary, or thought he was so cute, "what's your name?"

"If you don't change your name, if you don't change your name, you can read it!"

This answer is really That's lovely!

Mu Feng held back his smile, "where are you now?"

"In a super big cage!"

"Why are you here?"

"How do I know?"

"So, how did you get in?" Mu Feng asked.

"I don't know!" "I wake up and see myself here. How can I know why I come in?" he yelled

"Since you don't know who brought you in or why, how do you know that I caught you?"

“……” The Secretary looks at Mu Feng.

"Like you, I was caught too!" Mufeng lay lazily on the ground, "don't want to know why you were arrested?"


"Because the people outside didn't let us be together, but we had to be together, so we were arrested!" Mu Feng talks nonsense.

"Why don't I know?"

"They make you lose your memory for a short time."

“……” The Secretary reads to stare at Mu Feng with big eyes, "you Are you sure? "

"Yes, I'm sure!" Mufeng held his hand. "As long as you agree to leave me, they will let you go, but you have refused."

"I will now." The secretary looked at him, "I'm willing to leave you!"

“……” Mu Feng frowned. "When you lose your memory, you choose to leave. Are you sure that when your memory recovers, you won't regret it?"

The Secretary reads lenglengleng, "but I don't want to be locked here."

"You're safe here. Isn't it all about me?" Mufeng's face with a charming smile, "you just eat and drink, as long as our will is strong enough, the other party will certainly let us out."

Secretary Yue loosened the hand holding his collar all the time. "I'm sorry, I seem to have hurt you. Can you get up?"

"Can't," Mu Feng lies on the ground to cheat, "I can't get up, I want you to kiss."

Secretary Yue looked at his face and leaned over, but he still didn't kiss him. "I'm sorry, I forget you now. I can't kiss you. I'm responsible for kissing. What if I don't want to be responsible for you after my memory recovers?"

Mu Feng pulled his head over and kissed the corner of his lip, "then I'll kiss you, I'll be responsible for you!"

The Secretary immediately stood up and sat awkwardly on one side, far away from Mu Feng.

Mu Feng sat down next to him and held him in his arms. "We are lovers. We should be intimate."

Secretary Yue's face was a little red, "you What's your name? "

"My name is..." Mu Feng smile, eyes, showing a touch of cunning, "I call the wind."

"The wind?" Secretary Yue called out his name, "just one word?"

"Well, just shout a word."

"Oh," the Secretary nodded, "well, wind, I'll ask you a question."

"What's the problem?"

"As a woman, why don't you have breasts?"


This questionMufeng looked down and found that he was wearing a suit. Then he held the Secretary for reading. Their bodies were close to each other. It was really ambiguous.

However, the Secretary will think about this topic?

"Mu Feng laughed," I am the legendary flat chest ah

"Ah?" The Secretary blinked his innocent eyes.

"Would you like to have a look?" Mu Feng leaned in his ear and whispered, "anyway, you can do anything to me!"

"And Don't watch it... " The voice of the Secretary reads some tremble, "in case they are startled, how to do if they are not long?" The secretary did not know what he was saying, "that Eat more papaya

"Ha ha ha ha..." Mu Feng couldn't help it, "ha ha ha ha..."

Don't look at his chest, afraid to scare them, not long, ha ha ha ha!

Why is the secretary always so cute no matter when?

Mu Feng looks at Si Yue's blush, more and more excited, he really loves Si Yue most, and his feelings will only get deeper and deeper!

Mu Ruchen rushed to the hospital. Under the leadership of Mo Jin, he only took blood and had a brain examination. The result of the examination was that although his blood had that kind of poison, his brain nerve was only slightly damaged, and there was no major obstacle.

"Father in law, what's the matter?" Mu Ruchen did not understand.

"This kind of poison, mixed into the blood, ordinary doctors, can't find, the instrument can't identify, we also know this material, in order to check out in the blood," so for the first time, Mo Jin didn't find the abnormality of anlixia's blood. "I took out Xia Xia Xia's blood and tested it again. You have more poison in your body than she does."

“……” Mu Ruchen more do not understand, "since my body toxin more, why I am ok, but summer and secretary read but showed so obvious abnormal?"

"I'm also studying," Mo Jin frowned. "I suspected that there are other substances in your body that can counteract it, but it turns out that there is no such thing."

Even Mo Jin was surprised by this abnormal situation. According to the general principle, mu Ruchen should have been poisoned the most and showed the most intense. However, his thinking is rigorous and his consciousness is clear. He is a normal person. , the fastest update of the webnovel!