Chapter 203

Name:Sweet Mommy is Back Author:Yao Mu
Mu Ruchen was originally worried about the safety of an Lixia, worried that she should encounter Lingyi again and be bullied, so he immediately rushed over.

Came to the editorial department, Xia Ying said he Mo Yu and an Lixia had been alone in the conference room for a long time, so muruchen rushed over.

He was just worried about an Lixia being bullied by Mo Yu, but he didn't expect to see such a scene.

When did their relationship become so ambiguous?

Mu Ruchen grabs Mo Yu's collar, says nothing, punches again, and then grabs him up again

"Stop it!" An Li Xia stopped mu Ruchen, "you give me stop!"

"Are you covering him up?" Mu Ruchen was more angry.

"Mu Ruchen, what are you doing Enricha yelled at him.

"Get out of the way!" Mu Ruchen coldly pushes her aside, and then Chong Mo Yu walks past. He doesn't intend to let Mo Yu live.

An Lixia rushed over and blocked Mo Yu with his body, staring at muruchen angrily, "muruchen, do you have the kind to fight with me?"

"You..." Mu Ruchen punched, but did not dare to fight again.

An Lixia stares at him, a pair of Danfeng eyes full of stubbornness.

"Explain it to me!" Mu Ruchen roared.

"There's nothing to explain." An Lixia looked at him, "if you want to believe, if you want to misunderstand, you can misunderstand." With that, he turned and helped Mo Yu up.

"Editor in chief, are you ok?"

Mo Yu shakes his head, then suddenly turns his head

"Poof!" A sudden gush of blood from my mouth.

"Chief editor!" Enrique exclaimed, "I'll take you to the hospital."

"No," Mo Yu struggled to stand still. "I'm ok. You'll go and take this guy away. Otherwise, things will become big and bad for you."

Even if he was injured, he was still doing well for an Lixia.

Anlixia glared at mu Ruchen, more angry with him.

Why is he so rude?

If you rush in, you'll hit people indiscriminately?

An Lixia did not pay attention to Mu Ruchen.

She drives home, he drives home, she drives to the garage, and he drives the car to the garage.

They get off together, go home together, and then go back to their study.



Close the door heavily!

Tian Tian and Xiao Yuan look at each other in the living room.

"What's going on?" Sweet doesn't understand.

"Did you quarrel?" Xiaoyuan doesn't understand. Even if mummy is angry, why is daddy so angry? Rare?

"Does daddy dare to quarrel with Mommy?" If it is a simple quarrel, then daddy should admit defeat?

Now, why is daddy more angry than Mommy?

"You go and ask daddy, I'll ask Mommy, we'll split up." Ogaki suggested.


Muruchen's office, outside thought of knocking on the door.

"Come in!" Very cold sound.

Sweetie came in with a cup of coffee. "Daddy, are you in a bad mood?"

"Well!" Mu Ruchen's voice is still very stiff.

"Angry with Mommy?" Tian Tian put the coffee over and sat opposite him. "Can you tell me why?"

"No!" Mu Ruchen is like a child who is angry.


"I'll be angry if I say so!" Think of a man so spoiled knead an Lixia hair, he was angry, would like to kill Mo Yu!

"Are you jealous?" Tiantian asked, "didn't you go to the editorial department today to see the signing of mummy? Is the person in charge of signing a contract, a handsome guy? What happened to Mommy's madness again

Tiantian thought for a moment, "Daddy, it's a woman's nature to like handsome men. You see, she likes uncle Gu, but she's not with Uncle Gu. Appreciation is just appreciation."

"She asked a man to rub her hair and look up and smile at him vaguely." Mu Ruchen more angry, "two people alone in the conference room do so intimate things, they think I am dead?"

It was really jealous, and the vinegar was unprecedented.

"I should not be angry if I break the ambiguity?" Mu Ruchen asked Tian Tian seriously.

Sweet nodded, "should."

"Isn't it normal for me to hit the man?"

"Normal, normal!"

"But Enrique, he stood in front of the man and said," if you want to hit her, hit her! " Mu Ruchen was so angry that she went to defend that man

Sweet and embarrassed, ordinary people Will it be maintained?

If Mommy really has something, she won't maintain it. Because she has a guilty heart, she won't allow her father to hurt others because of nothing?

"I asked her to explain, but she was still mad at me!" Mu Ruchen said more angry, "can I still find her to apologize?"Tiantian understood, "Daddy, who is the man who has an ambiguous relationship with Mommy?"

"Mo Yu!"

"You mean the chief editor is big?" Who does Tiantian think it is? "The chief editor has always been very concerned about Mommy. Every time Mommy drags a manuscript, although he complains, he tries his best to communicate with the printing factory and other departments, so as to give mummy as much time as possible."

"Always?" Mu Ruchen was more angry.

"Yes, it has been. Ever since mummy began to draw cartoons, Mo Yu has been the editor in chief of mummy and has been helping her all the time."

Muruchen's anger was even higher.

"Daddy, mommy has been drawing for years."

“……” Mu Ruchen wants to kill Mo Yu even more.

"Daddy, if Mo Yu was interested in mummy, he would have done it for a long time. If mummy liked Mo Yu, he would have agreed? It's impossible for daddy to be jealous here

Mu Ruchen frowned.

"There's no reason why they don't love each other when they can fall in love, and they'll cheat after being with Daddy!" Tiantian helps daddy analyze, "Daddy, mummy is a very hard and stubborn person, and is also a very kind and caring person."

"Who is good to her, she wants to give her whole heart to others. You don't know that. Mo Yu is so kind to her. You suddenly rush in and beat people indiscriminately. Mummy must be very angry with you."

"Why doesn't she explain?" Mu Ruchen was still very angry, "if it is a misunderstanding, can't she just explain it to me? It's not that I didn't give her a chance to explain! "

Tiantian thought, "Daddy, did you beat Mo Yu first, or did you ask mummy to explain it first?"

“……” Mu Ruchen some embarrassment, "hit the person first."

"Mommy is angry with you. It's strange that she can explain it to you," sighed Tiantian. "Daddy, Mommy is a typical example of soft food rather than hard food. If you confront her like this, you will touch her away."


Mu Ruchen was not angry at all, and even worried, "isn't it normal for lovers to quarrel?"

"But Mommy doesn't like it," said mummy. A man who is willing to quarrel with you shows that he doesn't love you enough. If he loves enough, he doesn't dare to quarrel with you. " Tian Tian never blinks when she tells a lie.

There is no doubt that Daddy needs to be trained.

"What's the theory?" Mu Ruchen believed it.

"Daddy, be careful that mommy thinks you don't love her and really leaves you." Tian Tian said in a threatening tone and turned away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!